You're just a show-off. Leaving everyone to think that you killed Judge Hudson but got away with it. Why don't you ever deny it? Everybody knows the jury was right. You haven't got the balls to kill any body.
I killed Judge Hudson, just like I'm gonna kill you.
You didn't, you're a liar and a cheat, I've never met anybody so full of bullshit.
I tell you, I killed him with this gun. He walked over to a cabinet and opened the drawer. When he pulled out a Magnum, he pointed it at Andrey. Andrey put his hands up and stood still.
Bring him over here, Sokolov said to the bodyguard. The bodyguard took hold of him and brought him closer to Sokolov. Sokolov hit him in the stomach as hard as he could. Andrey fell to the floor and curled up. Lift him up, Sokolov ordered. He hit him again in the same place and again Andrey fell. This time, Sokolov began to kick him. On the back, in his face, and on his ribs. The bodyguard cowered away at the sickening noises Andrey was making. When Sokolov was out of breath, he looked at the bodyguard. Take him and dump him next to the freeway, he said.
Nicki was lying on her bed considering what she should tell her parents. Her cell phone rang.
Hello, is this Nicki? the man said.
Yes, that's me.
My name is Sergeant Jonathon Greaves from the New York Police Department. I was wondering if you could help me.
Er....sure I will, if I can, but I haven't done anything wrong.
No I'm sure you haven't. It's just we've found a man lying by the side of the freeway, very badly beaten. When we checked his clothing, we found a note with your name on it. Nicki put her hand to her mouth. It says quote, 'Dear Andrey, I am sorry I have disappointed you. If you ever change your mind, please call me. I will always wait for you,' and then your telephone number.
Oh my God, is he dead? she asked fearfully.
No. But he's in intensive care. Who is he?
He's a man I met at a restaurant in New York, she lied. We had a good time and then a bit of an argument. I liked him, so I left him a note. Can I go and see him?
Sure, but I warn you he's a mess.
Nicki almost screamed when she entered the hospital room where Andrey was lying. A TV hung from the ceiling, and there was a cupboard on wheels to the side of the bed. She didn't want to count how many tubes were sticking into him. There was a machine on a stand that seemed to be measuring his heartbeat and other vital functions.
She took off her coat and pulled up a chair. What had he been doing? Who had done this to him? Will he be angry when he wakes up and sees me? She would have to wait.
After a couple of hours, a nurse came and replaced the drip.
Is he going to be alright? Nicki asked.
We think so. All his organs are okay, and he hasn't suffered any brain damage. He's got a few broken bones, and he'll need painkillers for sometime, but we're optimistic. She looked at Nicki sympathetically. Are you his wife? She shook her head.
Sometime around eleven pm, he woke up. Nicki was asleep in the chair next to him. When he saw her, he smiled. His mouth was swollen, and he couldn't speak very loudly, but Nicki wasn't in a very deep sleep, and his whisper was enough to wake her.
Nicki, I'm sorry.
No, it's alright. I'm just glad you're alive.
Where are my jeans?
Why does he want his jeans? Surely they should be the least of his worries. I don't know.
His eyes narrowed slightly. Please find them.
Nicki went to find a nurse and when she came back she opened, the beside cabinet and pulled out a plastic bag. When she took out a pair of jeans, she heard him give a sigh of relief. Here, the nurse said she'd put them in the cupboard.
Great, he paused and took in another breath. Look inside the left leg.
Andrey, why? She put her hand up into the leg and felt around. When she pulled her hand out, she was holding a tiny wire with a little box on the end of it. What is it? she asked.
He didn't answer. Now call Mel at the restaurant and tell her to go into my apartment. Under the bed, there is a black box, the size of a cigarette packet. She should bring it here. He coughed and winced. Tell her to take my wallet from the bedside cabinet and some of my clothes. She should close the restaurant and come here. Tell her to be quick.
Nicki dialed the restaurant and told Mel what Andrey wanted her to do. While they were waiting for Mel to show up, Andrey took his opportunity.
I want you, Nicki. I want to be with you and be the father of our child.
She gasped and fought back the tears. Then why didn't you tell me when I came to you? Why did you send me away in such a cruel manner? She didn't understand his behavior and she wanted some answers.
Sokolov. Because of Sokolov. When you told me your were going to try and interview him, I wanted you to know how dangerous it was. He gulped some more air before continuing. I didn't want him to see you hanging around me. And when you arrived pregnant at the restaurant I had to be cruel and send you away. For your own sake. He's a racist and will kill you if he finds out about our child. Forgive me, but I could see no other way at the time.