Big Bad Professor(159)
Ezekiel just put his arm around her. Sarah expected some lecture on the Bible about how suffering is good for us. But she got none of that. All she got was comfort. She felt that he actually cared for her in the midst of her pain. That was more than she could say about most. Well even if this place stinks, at least there are people that seem genuine.
They got back and helped Rebekah with the chores in the kitchen. They had fruit to preserve and butter to churn. They worked on some pies and other desserts. Her father and Isaiah returned before sun down and they helped finish up the last of the chores. The men then left the kitchen and Sarah followed. “Stay here and help me make dinner,” said Rebekah. Sarah stopped.
“Okay, but everyone else left.” Sarah was puzzled. It was not that she didn’t want to help but she was curious why it had to be her.
“In this house everyone has their roles.” Explained Rebekah. “Trust me, it is better this way. You don’t want to eat anything Isaiah makes.” Sarah laughed.
“But I don’t know much about cooking,” said Sarah.
“I will teach,” assured Rebekah. “The most important thing to remember is to have fun with any of the work that you do. Work is for our benefit. God could of had us just lay in the fields all day, but He knew that work is better. It gives us a sense of accomplishment. That is a joy that once you discover it, it is simply the best there is. Especially when you make something really delicious that makes the men cry for joy. I don’t mean that metaphorically mind you. After a hard day of work Isaiah appreciates my food more than you can imagine. Now that makes a wife happy,” explained Rebekah.
Sarah nodded in understanding. As much as she thought everything was backwards and outdated here, there was something to it. It was that charm that she felt earlier. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she felt it again. Sarah helped with what she could and tried to learn as much as possible. It didn’t take too long, as Rebekah was a very fast cook.
“Tonight, with the help of my new assistant, I have prepared us pork and corn on the cob,” said Rebekah as she presented the food to the boys.
“Will you say the pray for us tonight,” asked Isaiah.
“Of course, papa.” Ezekiel looked grateful for the honor. “Heavenly father, again we come before you tonight in awe of your loving kindness and faithfulness towards us. It has been such a blessing have more help with our chores today. You always give so much more abundantly than we could ever ask for. In your name we pray, Amen.”
Everyone said ‘Amen,’ even Sarah this time. The food was as good as Sarah had come to expect. But good in it’s own unique way, that made it stand out from anything else she had ever had. The house was warm from the fire that had been prepared and felt particularly good because it created a delightful contrast to the cold outside. Sarah realized that she was beginning to appreciate certain aspects of her new life. She killed the thoughts as soon as they crept in, however. She didn’t want to be seen enjoying herself.
After supper they went to their separate rooms. “Did you enjoy yourself today,” asked her father.
Sarah didn’t want to sound too upbeat about anything. After all, she did work all day in the sun and barely had any chance to do anything fun. But, for some reason, she hadn’t hated it as much as she thought that she might. “It was okay, dad, or should I say Jacob,” she said jokingly. It was the first joke she had made with her father in a long time. “How was your day working on the barn with Isaiah?”
Her father smiled slightly. “You know, it was more than okay. I don’t remember the last time I had worked with my hands for so many hours. It was hard work, but it felt good to accomplish something. Isaiah talked to me a lot about God too. It was really inspiring. It is good for us that we are here, Sarah. I know you don’t believe that yet, but I think that everything happens for a reason. Isaiah explained that to me.”
“So you are saying that mother died for a reason. That her death was all a part of God’s good plan?” Sarah was again angry with her father. Why did he have to say that. Couldn’t he just accept that he was a loser and wallow in the misery of his own failure?
“I am not saying that Sarah. What I am saying is that God can work out for good anything that happens, including your mother’s death. We need to trust God,” said her father. He was surprised at what he was saying.
“Trust God? Since when do you trust God? I don’t remember the last time I have ever seen you read the Bible or pray,” said Sarah. She was very angry again.