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Beg Me(68)

By:Cassandra Dee

I was confused. “But Mom, you didn’t marry rich and things worked out okay,” I said.

Okay, obviously that wasn’t exactly true at the moment given that my sister Jenna had disowned us. But stuff happens and I was still holding out hope that Jenna would come back, be my big sister again.

But my mom just shook her head in exasperation.

“Honey, it’s not easy to raise a family and you know how I struggled as a single mom with four children,” she admonished. “I mean, this isn’t serious, is it? You’re both still in high school and this young man … it’s just puppy love,” she concluded emphatically.

That’s the thing. That’s not how I felt about Blake and Bryan, it wasn’t puppy love at all. I’ve been “in love” with a few boys before and my relationship with the twins went far beyond that. It was deeper, stronger, and we relied on and trusted each other, making dinner together, paying bills, acting like adults. I wasn’t sure where they got their money, but I wasn’t worried. The twins were going to make an honest living regardless.

But I figured this wasn’t the time to dive deeper into the conversation, much less confess that I was sleeping with twins.

“Listen Ma,” I sighed. “I haven’t been at home for a few months and it’s because I’ve been staying with Blake and his brother,” I said simply. “It’s just easier, you know?”

“Of course I know you’ve been staying with those boys,” she’d replied. “But it was just temporary until we got this Jenna thing sorted out, there was so much scandal. You can come home now,” she said with a queenly air.

“Ma, I’m not coming home,” I sighed. “Graduation’s just around the corner and then I head off to college. Not that I’m not grateful to the Sterlings,” I said hastily. “Please tell Harold and Jake that I really appreciate their contributions to my college education fund.”

In fact, Jake had made it clear that he’d pay full freight for my tuition, relieving me of any burdensome student loan debt. But my plans were changing and if the twins were at the Academy here in San Francisco … suddenly, City College just a block away sounded more and more attractive.#p#分页标题#e#

“Honey, just don’t decide anything now,” my mom pleaded. “You’re young, you don’t know yourself.”

I’d merely sighed and nodded in assent, but my mind was buzzing in a totally different direction. I knew myself well enough to know that I was in love with my dark, dangerous twins, and that Blake and Bryan were my future.

So I took their hands in the hospital room, squeezing their big fingers with hope and love.

“What’s next?” I asked softly. “I just wanna get out of here,” I said, looking around at the antiseptic environment. Nauseatingly, there was the unmistakable smell of chemicals in the air, someone’s chemotherapy treatment I was sure.

“We’ll get you out of here as soon as the doctor clears you,” Blake promised, shushing me. “But first … a kiss,” he said, bending low to place soft lips on mine.

And I sighed. This was exactly what I needed after the nightmare of this morning. I returned his kiss with relief, breathing in his woody scent, reveling in the magnetism of his nearness, his maleness, the pure masculine presence.

“Hey, what about me?” teased Bryan lightly. “My turn,” he said, bending down. But Bryan wasn’t kissing my lips … at least not my upper ones. He’d parted my hospital gown so that I was bare before him, my body luscious and nubile, naked before their gaze.

And with one big hand, he parted my thighs so that my slit was on view, the pink pussy lips healthy and plump, beckoning to him.

With a groan, he bent his head and placed a soft kiss onto that quivering womanflesh, my cunny immediately growing wet with need and want.

“Yes,” I breathed. “Yes, please, it’ll make me feel so much better.”

And my boyfriends obliged, stripping the gown off so that I was bare on the gurney, my body fleshy and delicious for their enjoyment. I spread my legs like a slut, begging them to take me, holding my boobs up for their enjoyment.

But the boys had something different in mind.

“Ever played doctor?” asked Blake with a wicked grin. In fact, I’d played a lot of things with them, but never in a hospital setting.

“No,” I said coyly, writhing a bit on the white sheets. “What did you have in mind?”

And Blake whipped out a metal instrument.

“We know you hate medical things, but this looked especially interesting.”