Reading Online Novel

Beg Me(54)

“God I hope so,” said Chrissy, blowing air impatiently. “I got my hair and make-up professionally done, those twins better appreciate it!” she said emphatically.

And my friend did look good. Her blonde hair was in loose, silky waves, like a Victoria’s Secret model, and her make-up was flawless with ruby red lips and dramatic violet eye shadow. I, on the other hand, was a mouse by comparison. There was no professional help for me but I’d brushed my hair as best I could, the ringlets glossy and defined, and applied some blush and eyeliner to highlight my features. I was round, compared to Chrissy’s thin figure, but there was nothing to be done about that.

“Oooh, there they are!” she squealed, spying Blake and Bryan. “Come on, let’s go!” she said, grabbing my hand and dragging me over.

I tripped over myself as I followed in high heels. This was a pool party, but Chrissy had been adamant about looking sexy.

“Wear your swimsuit underneath, you never know what’ll happen,” she’d said with a knowing wink.

“Okay, but why the stilettos?” I said. At least the swimsuit would be under my clothes, that wasn’t a huge deal. “Wouldn’t flip-flips be more appropriate?”#p#分页标题#e#

“No!” my friend squealed. “Stilettos are sexy, they make your legs look longer. Come on Callie, live a little, we’re almost done with school!”

I’d only sighed. It was true, we were just waiting to hear from colleges now, our grades practically didn’t matter anymore. I could afford to relax a little, play it by ear.

So I teetered awkwardly over to where the boys stood by the gated entrance, their figures lean and athletic, dressed in jeans and button-down shirts. They were casually handsome in flip-flops, black hair swept to the side.

“Hey there strangers!” squealed Chrissy. “Glad you could make it.”

Blake and Bryan nodded, slight smiles on their lips. “Thanks for the invite,” drawled Blake, “we appreciate you extending a friendly hand to us new folks at school.”

“No problem,” said Chrissy. “Come on in, can I get you a drink? I make a mean piña colada,” she said with a wink.

“Um,” said Blake, “You got something harder? We’re not really tropical drink guys.”

“Oh,” said my friend, flushing pinkly. “Of course not, you guys are too “guy” for that. How stupid of me. What about Jagermeister shots? Does that sound good?”

“Yeah, that’s more up our alley,” confirmed Bryan, nodding. “Thanks a bunch,” he said as my friend ran to the drinks table, practically falling over in her effort to impress our new classmates.

In the meantime, I was left alone with the twins although there were already a couple girls circling about, eyeing the hard bodies with hungry looks, ready to get their game on. Oh god, the pressure was on and I was so bad at this.

“Umm, how did that cat dissection go?” I asked lamely. I could have kicked myself. Time alone with the hottest new guys in school and I was asking about biology class on a Friday night? Shoot me now.

But the men looked at me gamely.

“It didn’t happen. Grimes said we could make it up on a weekend, come in on a Saturday and give it another shot. He’s ordered some new cats, hopefully ones that aren’t stale this time. Care to join us?” asked Blake with an amused grin.

I was already feeling faint again, although from the dead animals or the proximity of these men, I wasn’t sure.

“I think I’ll pa-” I was about to say “pass” but Chrissy sprang up again.

“Of course we’ll come and make up the lab with you,” she gushed, shoving drinks into the men’s hands. “Just let us know which Saturday and we’ll make time, won’t we Callie?”

I blushed red for my friend and for myself. This was really getting out of hand and I couldn’t believe that I was witness to so much overblown emotion. But I merely muttered an indistinct reply, my head down and my cheeks flaming.

“Hey,” said Blake smoothly. “Got some ice around here? Not crushed,” he said to Chrissy, nodding at the cooler, “but maybe some of the real stuff from the fridge. Callie, why don’t you show me inside? Bryan will hold the fort down here,” he said, nodding at his brother.

I could have sworn that Bryan shot an evil look at his twin, but maybe I was just imagining things because his expression cleared immediately, his face suddenly smooth.

“Yeah sure, no prob bro,” he said casually, draping an arm about Chrissy’s shoulders. “We’ll be here … be sure to bring me some ice too.”