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Beg Me(46)

By:Cassandra Dee

But I’d had a feeling of foreboding with Lindy because she was different. The brunette was genuinely troubled, she wasn’t putting up a front of “I want you but I don’t,” trying to snare me by being difficult. She genuinely felt torn by the circumstances, feeling that she’d exchanged her beautiful body in return for her dad’s job. And of course she had, so I was curious to see what had changed … if anything.

And sure enough, the door pushed open and the curvy brunette appeared, just as spectacular as before. Lindy was wearing a formfitting cashmere dress and the soft wool only highlighted her big tits and bigger derriere, my cock stiffening at that sensational figure.

“Hey,” I said, shifting a bit behind my desk. “What brings you home? The semester can’t be over yet.”

And the girl bit her lip, her pink pout going rosy.

“No, it’s not,” she said hesitantly. “I left school, Chris, I dropped out.”

At that my mouth hung open.

“You did?” I asked before stopping myself. “It’s for the better, baby, I know you didn’t like it anyways.”

And she nodded, still biting her lip, crossing her legs uncertainly as she took the seat across from mine.

“It wasn’t right for me,” she said with a giant exhale, that beautiful bosom rising and falling. “It wasn’t right in so many ways, as I explained to you,” she added ruefully.

I steepled my hands underneath my chin, nodding thoughtfully.

“So what’s next?” I said casually, my voice neutral. “If you’re not going to school then what’s next for Lindy Martin?”

And she met my eyes then before taking another deep breath.

“I thought- ,” she paused for a moment, choking a bit. “I thought I might take you up on that offer of culinary school,” she said. “If it’s still open,” she added in a hurry. “No worries if it’s not.”#p#分页标题#e#

That floored me. Not only had Lindy dropped out but she was here asking me for help with her education? Not that I wasn’t ecstatic, this was a huge step in the right direction, but what were her motivations?

“Baby girl, I’m more than happy to support you if that’s what you want,” I growled. “But where are you going with all this? What’s caused this turnabout?”

And Lindy took another deep breath, this time meeting my gaze straight on.

“I did a lot of thinking,” she said slowly, “and I only have one life to live,” she added with a wry upturn of her lip. “I don’t want to waste it and so I’ve decided to pursue the things that I want.”

“And that is?” I asked, my voice deep, the bass much lower than usual. My heart was beating so fast that my pulse jumped at my throat like a jackhammer, giving away my need, my hopes for the future, how our futures might intertwine.

And the little girl nodded at me, a hesitant smile creeping over her face.

“I was thinking,” she said slowly, “that we might be together. You know, like a couple, boyfriend and girlfriend … if you want,” she rushed again. “Only if you want.”

That was exactly what I wanted. I wanted nothing more than to spend my days and nights with the beautiful brunette, talking with her, sharing ideas, loving, fighting, laughing, enjoying amazing days and sensuous nights all rolled into one. But I hesitated.

“Lindy,” I said slowly. “When we met two weeks ago you were genuinely disturbed by the idea of ‘us.’ I get it, you had legitimate reasons that made sense. But this is a pretty sudden about face, so what caused the change little girl? Why are you now here, in my office, everything different?”

And the brunette blushed beautifully, fingering the hem of her dress.

“I was stuck on the way we met,” she acknowledged slowly, nodding her head. “I mean, you have to admit it was unconventional,” she said, meeting my eyes with a smile, her tongue between her lips. Oh god, I wanted to pull her into my lap right then but I forced myself to pay attention, forced my brain to keep going.

“And?” I prompted with a low growl. “What changed your mind?”

The girl took a deep breath.

“My parents,” she said slowly. “Jim and Brenda … they told me that whatever I wanted they’d support, that I should find what makes me happy and not make a mistake going down the wrong path.”

That just about blew off the top of my head. Jim and Brenda? Boring old Jim the accountant and his middle-aged wife, who was lovely, perfectly nice, but just as boring? And seeing my shocked expression, Lindy nodded.