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Beg Me(33)

By:Cassandra Dee

Because she was so exciting, so responsive that I couldn’t help it, and I came straight onto the little girl’s puss as I massaged her clit, exploding with blast after blast of hot white, spraying that sweet cunt with everything I had to give, spurt after spurt landing in gooey, wet lashes all over her pulsing slit.

And Lindy loved it. While thrashing in the throes of her orgasm, she reached one hand down and opened up her nether lips so that my semen went inside, the white bubbly inching up into that sweet hole as her fingers caressed the sperm into her folds, pushing it up into herself, moaning and gasping the entire time.#p#分页标题#e#

And fuck, fuck, fuck. But it was so good, so satisfying, so fucking amazing that I could hardly believe a nineteen year-old nymphet had done this to me, a forty-five year old man of the world, turned me into mush. And that was the problem. Lindy hadn’t broken a single rule of mine, she’d played my game fair and square. It was me, I was the one who’d lost my heart and fuck, but I had no idea what was going to happen next.



“Hey,” I said softly, wheeling my rollerboard behind me. “I’m off.”

Chris looked up from his desk, blue eyes calm, taking me in, the jacket, the bag, the keys in my hand. There was something in his eyes that made my heart jump for a moment, made me think that he might say something, ask me to stay, but I was wrong.

Instead the big man got up, coming around the desk to give me a hug, enveloping me in those strong arms.

“Thank you honey,” he rasped against my temple. “These ten days have been magnificent.”

Magnificent didn’t even describe it. Mind-blowing, out of this world, a dream come true were more like it, but I couldn’t say those words, they were stuck in my throat. So I just let out a little squeak and forced myself to throw him a smile.

“Yeah, it was great wasn’t it?” I said lightly, trying to act casual, act like I wasn’t devastated our ten days had come to an end. “I better get going, my manager at Little Mo’s wants me to be there for the late shift tonight. You know, waitressing and all,” I said. I didn’t want to go back to that greasy spoon, didn’t want to go back to my classes, I wanted to stay here with Chris and live in his mansion, spend my days and nights wrapped around him, but that wasn’t my life. My real life was back at campus, going through the motions even if it didn’t fulfill me anymore.

And Chris frowned at me for a moment.

“Little Mo’s?” he growled in his throat. “Seriously honey, are you really going back to that place? You could sell any of the gems I gave you and it’d be enough for a year’s tuition,” he said with a wry smile.

Sell that beautiful emerald? The sapphire necklace he’d given me with the matching earrings? Or the diamond tennis bracelet? They were so precious to me that I’d rather starve before I sold one, they were from him after all, they were the only reminder that we’d had this illicit week together, this time of getting to know one another, exploring each other’s minds, bodies, and souls.

So tears filled my eyes and I choked, but I couldn’t let him know.

“Oh Chris,” I said playfully. “I like to work,” I lied through my teeth. “And I get free meals working at Little Mo’s, it’s not so bad.”

Oops that was the wrong thing to say because it only made the big man frown more. He strode behind his desk and banged open a drawer, pulling out his checkbook before scrawling out a check and handing it to me.

“Take this,” he growled. “I can’t stand the thought of my girl not getting enough food.”

Oh god, was I his girl? Did I belong to him, were we something more than a drive-by romance? But his gaze remained elusive, so my fingers just closed numbly around the check.

“Thanks,” I said, head down, taking a long time to put it in my purse so that he couldn’t see the tears welling. Get with it! I scolded myself. You knew this day was coming, you knew this was going to happen. Don’t be a weakling now that it’s over.

And I was right. I had to be strong, I’d done this for my dad, for my family, so that we’d have a place to live, food to put on the table, and I was being released from the shackles now, my chains were broken, and I was free to go. So why was I so sad? Why had I been dreading this moment in the back of my mind?#p#分页标题#e#

But it was really time to go now so I steeled myself before pasting a bright smile on my face.

“Thanks Chris,” I said merrily, not quite meeting his eyes. “I really, really appreciate it and come visit me on campus sometime, okay? I don’t think I’m gonna be back until winter break and you know that’s seven months from now, so you come to see me, alright?”