“Cole?” Bri asked worriedly as she sat up, pulling her dress back up.
“Just... just give me a minute,” he replied tightly. Bri watched him as he took a couple deep breaths.
“I’m so sorry...” Sadness, disappointment, and guilt threatened to overwhelm her.
“No, it’s cool. You don’t want this. I get it,” he sighed dejectedly, lifting his head but still not looking at her.
“Are you serious?” her voice rose, incredulous. “I want you so badly right now, I can barely think straight. I don’t think I’ve wanted anything more in my entire life than I want you!”
Cole glanced up at her, a little more hope in his eyes. “Really?”
“Yes, really!” She scooted closer to him. “But, I have to be honest with you, too. As much as I want this, and much as I want you... I can’t. I’m not ready. As much as I hate to admit that, and as lame as I know it sounds, it’s the truth. There is so much uncertainty in our futures right now. This is a step I’m just not ready to take tonight. I don’t want to add more complications to an already complicated situation. Do you understand?” she pleaded desperately. She thought of Layla’s suggestion to ask him to come to Stanford with her, but she wasn’t ready for that complication either.
Cole looked at her for a moment.
“Yes,” he sighed, “I understand.”
“Are you mad at me?” she asked, worried.
“What? No, of course not!” he grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Extremely disappointed, yes, but not mad. Though, you’d better do something about that dress before I lose what little self-control I have left,” he smiled.
Bri looked down, realizing her dress was still half hanging off of her. She laughed, handing him his shirt, and reached around to zip up her dress.
“It’s probably better this way, anyway.” Cole shrugged into his shirt, buttoning it. “The backseat of a car isn’t the classiest place for our first time,” he winked at her, causing Bri to blush as she realized just how close that came to happening. A pang of disappointment shot through her.
“Yeah, but if you’re going to do it in a car, this would be the one to do it in,” she laughed back at him.
“I’ll make sure to pass that on to Layla’s dad!”
Having redressed, they climbed out of the car and headed back into the dance. As they entered the gym, Bri was immediately accosted by Layla.
“I’m going to the ladies room. Come with me!” Layla grabbed Bri’s arm and pulled her away before she could even respond. Bri shot Cole an apologetic look before being forcefully removed from the gym. Instead of taking her to the restroom, though, Layla drug Bri down to the end of a dark, deserted hallway and cornered her.
“Okay, girl, spill! Did you and Cole just...?” Layla pounced excitedly.
“What? No!” Bri cheeks flamed red. “We just needed some fresh air,” she lied miserably.
“Oh, come on! You borrow my keys, you two disappear, and you both walk in looking substantially disheveled. Something happened.” Layla crossed her arms and looked at Bri knowingly. “And if you won’t tell me what, I’ll just go ask Cole,” she raised her eyebrow in challenge.
“Okay, okay,” Bri caved. “Yes, we went out to your car, but we just made out a little, that’s all.” She felt her cheeks flushing as she remembered exactly what had happened in the back seat. Layla noticed it, too.
“That must have been one hell of a make out session.” She still looked skeptical.
“Oh, it was,” Bri smiled slyly.
“And you two didn’t...?”
“In the backseat of a car? Really, Layla?” It was Bri’s turn to cross her arms and raise her eyebrows. As Layla continued to stare her down, Bri sighed and relented. “Okay, it got really heated and really intense. And, to be honest, it very easily could’ve happened. But, no, we did not have sex. Happy now?”
Layla looked slightly disappointed. “How close are we talking here?”
Bri rolled her eyes. “All the important clothing items were still in place, but the more... superfluous items weren’t. Not that my sex life is any of your business!”
“Of course it is,” Layla scoffed. “I’m your best friend. That entitles me to any and all of the intimate details of your life. Besides, how can I live vicariously if I don’t ask?”
“Wait, you and Devon haven’t...?” Bri was shocked.
“No,” Layla looked away, uncomfortable. “I wanted to be sure of my feelings, and his, before taking that step.”