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Be Mine… Or Else(17)

By:Alexa Riley

“You should bring the sister with Alena when she comes to the palace. It’s tradition for her to bring someone,” Vlad says as my mother says her goodbyes to Alena’s mother and we get into the limo.

“It’s done,” I say, wanting to give Alena anything to make her happy.

As we pull away from the curb and I stare out the window, I swear I feel a pair of soft blue eyes watching me.

Chapter Five


Tabby practically drags me away from where I’m standing. She doesn’t even give me time to think about what’s happened. The swirl of emotions is still bouncing around my body. By the time we make it back to my bedroom, I have no idea if I’m breathing heavy from practically running here or from the things Roman said to me.

Tabby throws herself on the bed, and it’s then I realize her face is lit up with a smile. I go to the window and pull the drapes back, unable to stop myself from watching Roman pull away. I should be happy his cocky ass is leaving, but something doesn’t feel right about it.

“He said I can come, Al!” When I turn around, Tabby is jumping on the bed like we did when we were kids. Her long dark hair is bouncing all around her. “I’m coming with you!”

She keeps jumping, but it takes a second for me to understand.

“But how?” I take a step toward her, wanting it to be true. She stops jumping, but her giant smile remains in place.

“Got the big guy to say he’d get your king to do it.”

The words your king do something funny to me, but I push that away, not wanting to focus on it right now.

“Tabby!” I half-scream at her because she won’t spit it out.

She wiggles her eyebrows. “He tried to kiss me.”

“What?” I say too loudly, then throw my hand over my mouth.

She nods. “Oh yeah. He grabbed me and pulled me into him and said he was taking my mouth,” she says in a dreamy voice, and I’m confused. It’s a voice I’ve never heard her use before. This is getting weird.

“But before he could kiss me, I kicked him in the shin.”

“Oh. My. God. You kicked a royal guard?” I don’t even have any other words. Who does that? Right. My sister. Of course that’s who. I guess I did kind of yell at a king tonight, too. Crap. “What did he do?”

“He laughed and told me I was only turning him on. And he was going to spank me. Then he kissed me anyway.”

I stand there with no response. I’m completely shocked, but Tabby looks like she’s going to combust with excitement.

She jumps off the bed and runs to me. “I told him he could kiss me if he gave me something.” My eyes widen in shock. “He told me he’d give me anything I wanted.”

“And?” It’s like pulling teeth.

“I said I wanted to come with you, and he said it was done.” Her eyes go all dreamy as if it was as easy as that. “Then he kissed me. Like, crazy kissed me.” She starts jumping up and down while holding my hands, and I laugh at how goofy she’s being. I know we are always a little goofy, but this feels different.

“Then what happened?” I want to know everything.

She licks her lips, and her cheeks go a little red. “He smacked my ass and said that I better get back to you. Or he’d take me right there on the ground.”

“You seem really happy about that.” I knew Tabby was into the whole caveman thing, but I never really thought she would go for it if it actually happened to her.

She sighs and falls back dramatically on the bed. “It was incredible, Al. Like everything I ever wanted. No manners and rules. He wanted me and just took me. No care for anything else. It was like he didn’t even care how much trouble we both could get in.”

I bite my lip, looking back to the window and thinking about Roman. He made me so mad one second, then made me feel other things the next. I still can’t believe I snapped at him. I couldn’t help myself. I may have to marry him, but I won’t let him push me around. Somehow, though, that seemed to backfire. I think he liked me talking back to him. Something lit up in those dark eyes of his, and something lit up in me seeing it there.

“Al, we get to be together.”

I turn to look at her, hoping what she’s saying is true. I see the hope in her eyes, too. I’m not sure how much pull this guy really has, but I know one thing’s for sure. I’m going to ask Roman. Maybe I can do like Tabby. Negotiate with a kiss. The thought makes my cheeks warm. They get even hotter when I think about how he said I’d be under him in a week—something that both excited and scared the crap out of me.

“I knew you would make it happen,” I confirm, making her smile get even bigger.

“How’d it go?” She slides to the side of the bed, swinging her legs back and forth.

“It was okay.”

“Okay? That’s all you’ve got?”

“I don’t know. He’s so intense. Sometimes I think he doesn’t even like me. Then other times I feel like he wants to eat me whole.”

“I’m thinking he’s into you,” Tabby says immediately. “He couldn’t stop looking at you. He got asked multiple questions and didn’t even answer them because he didn’t know people were talking to him. He was too busy staring holes into you.”

“Really?” I ask incredulously, feeling myself tingle all over. No one looks at me like that. They’re always looking at Tabby.

“Hey.” She jumps off the bed. “You kinda like him, don’t you?”

I shrug, not sure how to answer. “There’s something about him, but he seems so cold. Cold would be hard for me.” I wring my hands together. “To have a marriage like that would be scary. And what if I did fall for him and he was always that cold around me? I don’t want to fool myself that I could get it to go away.” I try and shake away the thoughts.

“You don’t even really know him yet. Maybe he’s different when no one else is around.”

He did seem a little different when it was just the two of us.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m his. I’ll just have to hope he doesn’t crush me. Mentally or physically.”

Chapter Six


I wait until I see the light go off and then I step out from behind the trees. I make my way silently across the lawn and up to the terrace. A concrete wall lines the side of the balcony and is designed to look like vines. But all it does it offer me the perfect way to climb up to Alena’s room.

I take one big jump and grab a hold of it, pulling myself up. A man shorter than six and a half feet wouldn’t be able to make it. I’m also in good enough shape to pull my entire body up with just my hands. When I’m up far enough, I can use my legs to help me climb. And in a few seconds I’m on her balcony.

After we went home I told everyone goodnight. Then I went to my room and took the secret entrance down to the garage and got on my motorcycle. I waited in the trees and watched Alena as she got ready for bed.

There was no way I could sleep tonight, not knowing that in days she would be mine in the eyes of the world. She’s promised to me, so technically she’s mine already. But tonight I want to make sure. I want to bind us together so tightly that she can’t try to escape. I won’t leave her decision up to chance.

Looking around the balcony, I see the French door to her bedroom is slightly ajar. I open it silently and slip inside, closing it behind me. There’s a night light on near the bathroom, and I can scan the room, looking for her. I see the bed and Alena in it, with a blanket covering her body.

I slip off my shoes and pad over to the bed, the carpet absorbing all the noise. When I get to the edge, I put one knee on the mattress, and then the other. I lean forward and place both hands on either side of her but am careful not to touch her.

She looks so peaceful in her sleep. Her eyes are closed, and her soft, pink lips are slightly parted. She stirs a little, and then I can hardly believe my ears.

“Roman,” she whispers as she snuggles deeper into the blankets.

I’m an animal for coming here, but I can’t stop myself. I’ve made my choice, and by law she belongs to me.

With that thought, I pull back the covers, exposing her nearly naked body. She’s wearing a thin nightgown that shows her breasts, which I know will fit my hand perfectly, and pink nipples through the sheer material. The thin straps are off one shoulder, and the short gown reveals she isn’t wearing panties. I can barely see the little lips of her pussy, but they’re exposed.

I growl, and the sound wakes her. She rolls fully onto her back and looks up to me with panic in her eyes. She takes a breath as if to scream, but I put my hand over her mouth.

I’m over twice her size. As she lies under me, it’s then I see the difference. She’s small by nature, and I’m very large compared to almost all men. This does have its advantages, though.

“Careful, princess. We wouldn’t want someone to come in and get the wrong idea.”

She’s breathing through her nose, and her baby-blue eyes are scanning mine. Her heartbeat is loud between the two of us, so I use my free hand to run a finger down her chin and throat.

“I couldn’t stay away. The second I left you, I needed to see you again.” She narrows her eyes at me. “You said my name in your sleep. Were you dreaming of me, princess?”