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Bang (A Club Deep Story)(33)

By:Penny Wylder

I sigh and run my hands through his hair. Tug him against me, and kiss  his cheek, his jawline, nipping at his earlobe. "And you'll always be  trouble. My dark savior."

He chuckles and runs his hands down my sides, gripping me tight. "I  always planned to be your first, Pamona." He leans back to catch my eye.  Both of us are grinning, and when he kisses me again, it's long and  slow and sets my whole body on fire. I arch against him, feeling his  muscles pressed against my body, his cock between my legs, rubbing  across my clit, making me gasp and wrap my legs tighter around him,  grinding against him.

He leans back to catch my eye, a slow fire burning in his, and I still,  stunned all over again by the feelings I have for him, how intensely I  want him.         



"One thing I never expected, though," he says, and I run my hands  through his hair as he gazes into my eyes. "I never expected to be your  last."


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Seven Days With Her Boss

Want another hot and dirty read? Check out the first chapter of my other  book, SEVEN DAYS WITH HER BOSS! Available on Amazon now!

Chapter 1

When my boss told me to treat this presentation with the utmost care, I  somehow doubt he meant for me to soak the pages in coffee and blur the  ink while trying to blot up the spill.

"He's going to kill me," I mutter as I try to salvage even a single page  of his presentation. The charts are illegible by the time I can get  them remotely dry enough to handle. I don't know what I'm going to do!  This project is a necessity for us to land a multi-million-dollar  contract with a new client.

All I wanted to do was make Mr. Lamant some coffee, to make him happy.  He's been working non-stop to land this deal--when I left last night at  seven he was working, and he was back at it this morning when I arrived  at seven. I wonder if he even left. I've been at this job for four years  now, and he's never pulled hours this insane for a client.

My hands shake as I try to reorganize the pages and slip them back into  the folder, but if I print them out again, I'll never get them inside  the meeting in time. The pages are soggy but holding together. I don't  know what I'm going to say to him. Under the best of times, I find him  intimidating and provocative, but this is a catastrophe. Mr. Lamant  spent a considerable amount of time and money preparing this for one of  the company's largest potential clients. This deal alone could provide  enough to cover a year's salary for all the employees. Maybe more.


I jump as he shouts my name, gripping the folder tighter to my chest.  Mr. Lamant is in the conference room across the hall, and I hate making  him wait almost as much as I hate thinking about what he's going to say  when he sees this presentation.

"Hurry up, Vivian. Bring everything." His tone allows no further delays.  I have to go to him. Normally, I revel in his presence. Although I  don't think he's ever really paid me any attention, I always dare to  dream that he will.

My hands tremble and my legs are nearly as shaky as I enter the meeting.  The people surrounding the table are the most important at the company  and from the client. They're intimidating on a good day. Today is not  even close to being one of my good days. It's more like the second worst  of my adult life, and that's only because the first and worst day was a  public breakup when I was expecting a proposal.

Mr. Lamant stands when he sees me enter, and he's already glaring as he  storms my way. His first name, Kodiche, earned him the nickname "the  Kodiak" for his size and demeanor. Rough, bordering on uncouth when he's  not trying to charm someone, I'm the only one of his father's  administrative staff he didn't fire when he took over three years ago,  and I have no idea why. I stare up at him, trying to steady myself to  keep me from cringing away. He's easily a foot taller than I am,  intimidating as hell.

"Vivian," he whispers. "What the hell is wrong with you? You were late  again . . . And you flaked out on yesterday's staff meeting. You were  supposed to have this presentation at the table before anyone arrived."

I start to answer him, trying to find the words, when he grabs the  papers from my hands. The soaked paper tears in my grasp, leaving me  with a handful of his presentation. Everyone freezes, staring at us, and  Mr. Lamant gapes. The disbelief in his eyes cuts me to the bone. "It  was an accident, Mr. Lamant. I didn't-"

His expression silences me. "Leave right now, Vivian." His voice is calm, icy. It would be better if he yelled.

His hand is hot on my shoulder as he directs me back out into the hall,  and I'm still looking up at him when he shuts the door in my face. His  disappointment in me is palpable. Yeah, definitely worse than just being  fired outright. I could have taken his anger; the disappointment  settles into my chest and lodges there like a festering wound.         



I go back to my office and try to think of what I can do to make this  better. If I hurry, I can find all the files and reprint them . . . I am  halfway through printing the presentation when the door opens.  Panicking, I try to hurry the little printer on my desk, tugging at the  current page as it emerges. With a groan of the gears, the page jerks  free, the last lines smeared. Fuck!

All fifteen of the attendees cut past me, faces stony. There are no easy  smiles and jokes. I try to give the client a wavering, nervous smile,  but the raised eyebrow and shake of his head are enough to dismiss me.

Mr. Lamant is vibrating with barely restrained rage. His eyes, so dark  brown they're almost black, flash with anger when they meet mine. "My  office, now."

I leave the papers on my desk and run after him.

The way he's leaning back against his desk makes him take up even more  room. His legs are spread, showing the muscles stretching the fabric on  his thighs, and someone not so desperate for this job would be  interested in him as more than a boss. "You just lost me an extremely  important client."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lamant. I've already started printing new copies. I can contact the client-"

"No," he interrupts. "They didn't want to wait for the presentation, and  why the hell should they?" His tongue is like a razor, slicing me with  every word. "They're busy multi-millionaires who came to me because they  know that I'm the best. They don't have time for fuck ups. And you know  what? Neither do I."

My heart punches my ribs until I go numb.

He says, "I needed you to do one little thing . . . and you couldn't.  You didn't." He closes his eyes and sighs before going around the desk.  He dwarfs the monstrosity when he sits down behind it.

I know he's getting ready to fire me. I can't let that happen. "Don't  fire me. Please don't. I need this job." Blinking back sudden tears, I  waver closer to his desk. There's so much riding on me keeping this  position. I need the money, and little else in this city would pay  anywhere near what I make here.

His laugh is almost a snort. "You have a poor way of showing how much  you need this job. Anyone else in your shoes would have fought tooth and  nail to perform without a single mistake." I watch as he picks up a  pencil and uses the eraser end to press buttons on his calculator. "Not  looking at potential earnings loss, Vivian, you cost me over five  hundred in lost wages and in travel expenses we paid for the client to  come here. I can't get those back. Someone else, probably anyone else,  would work a lot harder to be worthy of being an employee here."

The retort "I'm doing my best!" is on the tip of my tongue, but I don't  say it. I know better. I may have been doing the best I could today, but  it's not the sort of excellence he's accustomed to from me and not what  his father hired me to do, what he's kept me on to do.

In an ideal situation, one where job security isn't such a big deal, I  would tell him what's wrong... why I'm so frazzled and making mistakes.  But Kodiche could get any number of people to replace me. He wouldn't  care that I need the money to help pay for medical bills. Everything I  make eats up all but a fraction of my check each month. If I lose this  job, I'm not the only one that suffers.

I fight down my pride. I hate begging, but if that's what it will take  to keep my job, I'll do it. "Please, Kodiche," I start, hoping that  using his first name will soften him.

Something, maybe the tone of my voice, breaks the icy wall between us.  His glare, the one that had been full of restrained rage, is now  thoughtful, measuring. His male associates would call him powerful, but  the women in the office would go further; they'd gush about how sexy he  is whenever there was a chance.

Between his dark eyes, chiseled jaw and broad shoulders that threaten to  break his suits open, the man's a real treat to ogle in secret. When I  first started working as his firm's secretary, he consumed my dirty  thoughts. He was already starting to take over for his father then, and I  was trained on many of the tasks at the same time he was. They were  just harmless fantasies; my boss has never been anything but  professional and cold towards me.