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Bang (A Club Deep Story)(3)

By:Penny Wylder

"You sure? I think I've tried on the entire store."

"I'm sure." She looks down at what I'm wearing. "It's not your worst  idea ever, but I understand why it's not what you're looking for. Too  bold if it's your first time."

I put on the robe they give to customers. "You sound like you're familiar with all … this."

She chuckles, "You're not the only one that comes in shopping for parties like this."

"What's your name?"

"Hope," she holds out a hand. "And you?"


Hope nods. "Well, Christine, the first thing you should tell me is how you want to feel."

I stop for a second, trying to recover that feeling I had this morning  when I ran into Hudson. I didn't feel like me. I felt … special. "I don't  want to feel like me," I say. "I want to feel like someone who goes to a  sexy lingerie party and is confident. I want to be that mysterious  woman across the room." That feels right. I want to be the person Hudson  locks eyes with from far away, our stares drawing us closer until we  meet, unable to resist each other.

"I can work with that," she says with a smile. "I'll be right back."

The dressing room is really nice. It's posh and brightly lit with  tri-mirrors and soft couches. I sit down on one and wait while Hope  moves around the store. I can see her move back and forth, collecting  items for me to try on. There are still gnawing nerves in my stomach,  but somehow Hope's approval gives me more courage. She doesn't think I'm  crazy for doing this. Neither does Sandra.

Hope enters the dressing room again with an armful of lingerie. "Okay, I  think we'll definitely have a winner in here." She hands me a green  babydoll a little longer than the one I have on. "This one first."

When I come back out, I can see she's right. This looks much better on  me. The cut is flattering and the color is perfect for my skin tone, but  it's not quite right. Neither are the next two that she has me try.  "That's fine," she says. "I saved the best for last."

This outfit is different from the rest. It's not frilly or soft. It's  not a teddy or babydoll, it's … stark. A deep blue bra and panties set,  the panties high waisted in a way that makes me feel a little like a  superhero. But that's not all. She's given me a long robe of the same  color, completely sheer. It ties in the front, and it hangs open,  billowing around me like a cloud or a cape, and as soon as I put it on I  feel different. Powerful.         



The look on Hope's face when I open the door is more than a  confirmation, and when I step on the pedestal in front of the mirrors I  know. "This is the one."

"Without a doubt," she says. "Here."

She hands me a pair of matching high heels, and they make me feel even  more like a badass. I never thought lingerie could make me feel  this … awesome. But then again, it works for Wonder Woman, so why not me?

"I also thought you might need this." She hands me a small black mask.  It's not fancy, just a simple black one that covers the eyes, but she's  right. It gives me the exact air of mystery I'd been hoping for.


"It's perfect," she says.

I nod, unwilling to step away from the mirror yet. "Thank you, I really didn't think I was going to find anything."

"Glad I could help. I'm sure whoever he is will be knocked off his feet."

"I hope so," I say, pressing my lips together. I do, I hope he even  remembers the girl from the coffee shop this morning, and that maybe  he'll … I don't know, like me? I didn't lie to Sandra, I'm not going to  this party with the intention of having sex, but if something were to  happen, I wouldn't say no. It's been so long, the idea of a night of sex  without any attachments practically makes my mouth water.

Hope helps me off the pedestal and I get dressed and buy the entire  outfit. It's more than I should spend, but it's too perfect, and I'm too  committed to this now to back out. She wishes me well as I leave the  store and head into the fading heat of the day. Now to head home and get  ready for this. I need hair and make-up to match the outfit.


I suppose no amount of hair and make-up or lingerie was going to erase  the anxiety I feel now that I'm at the club. My hair is curled and  pulled back, and I used some long forgotten shimmer spray I found in my  vanity that makes my blonde hair just a little brighter. My lips are  dark, and my eyes are too, making them smoky and mysterious inside the  mask. I'm wrapped inside a trench coat I haven't worn in years. Arizona  rarely has weather that requires a trench coat, but I'm glad I have it  because it's the only way I was getting out of the house. I'm sure that  the club has some place where people can dress, but it felt weird.

I take a deep breath and exit the car, and approach the door. The guy at  the door is maybe the tallest guy I've ever seen, and I have no doubt  that he could take someone down, but he seems friendly. "Can I see your  ticket?" I show him the ticket on my phone. "The party is downstairs.  Welcome to Club Deep."

"Thanks," I say, but then I pause. "Actually, I was wondering something.  I ran into a guy today, he's the one who told me about the party. Is  there a way to find out if he's here?"

"What's his name?"

I swallow. "Hudson Carlisle."

He looks surprised. "Yeah, I can check. What's your name?"

"Christine Everett. Or if that doesn't ring a bell you can say the girl who spilled coffee on him."

He turns away and mumbles into a radio which must be in his ear. It's  only a minute or so before he turns around smiling, "If you'd wait at  the main bar, Mr. Carlisle will join you in a few minutes. He'll be  available soon."

Wow. "Is he some kind of V.I.P. here?"

"You could say that," the guard answers and opens the door for me, but he doesn't say anything else.

Inside there's a wide staircase that leads down to what sounds like club  music and a crowd, but right here there's a coat check. Moment of truth  I suppose. I walk over, and a pretty girl takes my coat and purse. I  pull out the mask and put it on, and she gives me a wristband for my  coat. That's nice, most clubs-the few I've been to anyway-have paper  stubs and you usually have to stow them in your bra.

I take a deep breath as I go down the stairs. I'm really doing this. I am.

It's both everything I expected and not what I expected at all. The huge  open space I walk into is filled with people in various states of  undress and tons of costumes-everything from actual Wonder Woman to a  man walking around in a red latex body suit with a pitchfork. Caged  dancers in angel costumes hang from the ceiling around the room. The  music is sensual and everyone seems to be moving in that way that speaks  of sex in the air. Speaking of sex, that's happening too. All around  the room on brightly lit stages, people are just doing it right out in  the open.         



I know that I'm blushing, but the scenes around me are turning me on.  It's been so long that seeing other people have sex gets me going.  There's a woman dressed like Wonder Woman sitting on a throne while a  man grovels naked at her feet. His mouth is so close to being in-between  her legs, and god, it's been so long since I've had that I feel a pull  towards that stage. Until today, I hadn't really noticed my lack of sex.  Work seemed like enough. But since running into Hudson this morning my  body is craving it. Being surrounded by people lost in pleasure isn't  helping to cool me down.

On another stage a woman is strapped naked to a large wooden X. The man  with her is touching her, stroking down her back and reaching around to  grope her breasts before taking her from behind. The woman's head falls  back in pleasure and I can see the way she's clinging to her  restraints-everything about it says that she wants more.

My body is suddenly uncomfortably hot, and there's moisture pooling  between my legs. I look away from the scene, unsure what to do with my  reaction to it. I could use a drink. Besides, I'm supposed to be heading  for the bar anyway, right?

There are multiple bars around the dance floor, but it's obvious which  one people would consider the main bar. It's double the size of the  others, practically dominating the space. A female bartender catches my  eye as I approach, and I shake my head. I'm thirsty, but if Hudson  really is going to meet me here, then I want to wait before I have a  drink. I lean my back against the bar, taking in everything that's  happening. I wasn't wrong, this is fascinating. My eyes wander back to  the woman on the X who's still being fucked. The way she's at once so  vulnerable but also loving everything, it's intense and amazing to  watch.

"Wow." A voice comes from my left. Not Hudson's voice-I don't I think I could forget that if I tried.

I glance to my left to find a man dressed like a cowboy. Leather pants  and a vest, showing a chest that's so muscled I wonder if he's a body  builder. A glance down tells me that those letter pants have no ass. He  doesn't have a mask, but then again, they weren't required. "What are  you dressed as?" he asks.