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Bang (A Club Deep Story)(29)

By:Penny Wylder

I tell myself this is all normal. This is fine. I'm not in danger of anything.

"Do you feel different after that?" I ask her, catching her eye.

She's smiling, damn her. Actually smiling, a real one, and it's fucking  dazzling to watch. "I do, actually … " She shakes her head, then buries it  against my chest, in one simple gesture that throws me completely  off-guard. "I can't say why, though. I mean, I never thought being a  virgin was a huge deal, just an experience to have, but … " She kisses my  chest lightly, and my chest clenches, painfully. "Are all first times as  good as that?" she whispers.

I laugh softly, and lean down to kiss her head. "No. Definitely not."

But she's not the only one who feels different now. I frown, lost in  thought about what just happened, why that felt like so much more than a  revenge-fuck …

When I come to again, I realize she's staring up at me, a crease between her eyebrows. "What's wrong?" she asks.

I lift my arm from around her. Run it through my hair instead.  "Nothing." I flip over, back on the table, and then smirk down at her,  sideways. "Well. Nothing except for the fact that you aren't sucking my  cock again … "


7 days left. 7 more days and I'll have fulfilled my half of the bargain.  I can leave this place, go back to my real life. Go to California and  start college, at last.

I frown, thinking of that. I haven't had contact with anyone since I got  here. Dad must have known I was coming, since he set all this up-my  stomach still churns with hatred at the thought that he's capable of  something like that-but what did he tell Mom? Did he call the school and  tell them I'd be late? Did he explain to Cece what happened?

Neither Mom nor Cece know anything about the auction site-thank god. Not  yet, anyway. But they must have been worried sick when I didn't show up  that night, three weeks ago now. And then they didn't hear anything  from me for weeks …

I wonder if they're searching for me. I wonder if Dad set up the timing  of this, if he knew I'd be delayed from school. If maybe he timed it  like this because he didn't want me going to California.

Did Dad put Cece up for auction too? Or was that Farrow, knowing that  I'd have to go with him if it looked like Dad was willing to auction off  my little sister?

I hate not knowing. I hate being trapped here against my will.

And yet …

I shake my head, going to my private bathroom to splash water on my face.

The sex, admittedly, has been amazing. My first time was hotter than any  virgin's should be. It's almost as if Farrow really does have some kind  of hold over me …  Like we have some kind of connection.

But no. It's just because I'm stuck here and there's nothing else to do  but see him, fuck him, try to figure out his secrets, like those  portraits of his mother in the halls. If I had a choice, I'd leave this  very second.         



Wouldn't I?

I'm counting down the days, and yet, when I think about that actual day,  the day I'll be able to get into a car and drive away, my stomach turns  itself into knots. Because after that day, I know, I'll never see  Farrow again.

So what?

He told me his sickening plan three weeks ago when he first brought me  here. He told me he'd make me debase myself on video, beg for him. But  I'll never do that. He's getting 30 days from me, and not a thing more.

It's strange, though. That plan is so dark, so twisted, but the man I've  seen over the last few weeks is usually anything but. Just yesterday, I  came back to my room to find a new easel and sketchpad, complete with a  full set of charcoals waiting for me. He noticed what made me happy-my  art-and he made sure I could pursue it.

That person, the man who bought me art supplies and who wrapped his arms  around me, held me against him after we had sex …  He's not the same  person who told me he wanted me to humiliate myself. It makes no sense.

But I have to remember the dark side. The part of him that wants to use me. Break me. That's what I need to remember.

One more week, and then I'm more than happy to never see him and his  evil face ever again. His evil, sexy face. His hard abs, his perfectly  sculpted chest …  His huge, stiff cock …

I storm out of my room so fast that I nearly collide with one of the  maids. She gasps and steps back, dropping what's in her arms. I reach  for it, but miss, and something shatters on the ground between us.

"I'm so sorry," I say, already knowing this will only make her and all  the other servants glare at me even more. I stoop to pick up what she  dropped, a frame that landed facedown. But when I turn it over, it's my  turn to pause and stare.

I recognize it right away. It's hard to mistake something when you made it yourself.

I stare at the sketch I drew for Farrow in the garden, the roses growing along the trellis. He had it framed?

He wanted to save it?

The maid snatches it out of my hands, a panicked look on her face, and  darts away before I can press her for more information. I watch her  leave, frowning.

He kept that, and he didn't want me to know? From the looks of it, that woman was pretty concerned about me seeing the picture …

I scowl. This has gone on long enough. Him toying with me, playing these games.

I storm upstairs.

He's not in his study or any of the unlocked spare rooms. But I saw him  at breakfast so I know he's here somewhere. I keep trying doorknobs  until I find one that leads to the corner office, a dingy little spot  with barely any light, and one ancient-looking desktop set up, which I  assumed no one ever used. But I find Farrow perched in front of it now,  shirtless, tapping away at the keys.

For a second, I pause in the doorway, distracted by the sight of his  bare chest. Even lounging at the computer desk, his abs look rock-solid,  and distracting as hell …

"Did you need something?" he calls over his shoulder without turning  around. Then he taps at the keyboard a few more times and reaches up to  angle something toward me. A webcam, I realize, which he turns on to  capture a quick still image of me. "Or did you come to see the studio  where you'll record your video in a week?"

I'm still lingering in the doorway, torn and distracted. He turns around  finally and catches me staring at his chest. A smirk spreads across his  mouth and he crooks a finger.

I cross the room to his side. "I'm not recording that video," I tell  him. But this close, I can feel the heat radiating off his skin, and his  smirk only widens as he leans in and catches me around the waist,  pulling me onto his lap.

"We'll talk about that in 7 days," he murmurs into my collarbone, before  he starts to feather kisses along my skin. "In the meantime, if you  want more of me so badly, you needn't get angry about it." He bites  down, hard, right where my neck meets my shoulder, and I gasp, my head  falling back. "I'll happily give you what you need," he adds, before he  kisses the aching bite, his tongue tracing circles onto my skin.

He pulls my legs up around his waist, and I perch atop him on the chair  as his mouth lifts to catch mine in a deep, slow kiss. He reaches down  to tug my skirt out from under me, rolling it up to my waist, and I  reach between us to open his jeans. His bare chest pressed against my  body, hot under my hands, makes me too hungry to wait. I undo the button  on his jeans, tug open the zipper, surprising myself at how easily I  can do this now. Remembering how hard it was the first time he told me  to strip for him. Now it feels like second nature.         



We manage to push his jeans down, his boxers after, and he catches my  mouth in a hungry kiss at the same time, biting my lower lip. I groan  into his mouth, and he smiles, leaning back just a little, fire in his  eyes. "Someone's anxious this morning."

"Shut up and fuck me," I breathe before I kiss him again, harder.

He tightens a fist in my hair, pulls me back, and for a second I freeze,  worried I've pushed too far. But the grin on his face is all hunger, no  annoyance. "Normally I prefer to be the one in command," he says,  lifting an eyebrow at me. Then he arches his hips to grind his already  hardening cock against me in a slow, torturous thrust. "But I'll make an  exception this once," he adds, still grinning. "Since you're so very  desperate for a release."

Without another word, he rips off the panties I'm wearing, and grabs my  ass in both hands. This time, he puts the condom on himself, probably  too eager to wait for me to fumble with it. He pulls me down onto his  cock, my pussy already wet with desire, and he thrusts inside me in one  long, hard motion. I cry out faintly, savoring the feel of him  stretching me, filling me. Part of my brain knows I should be worried  about the way I feel-so complete, when he's inside me. But mostly I  don't care. I just want more of him, now.

"Fuck, you're still so tight, Pamona," he murmurs. He holds my hips in  place with both hands, raising his hips off the chair to fuck me, my  back arching, head falling back with pleasure. He knows how to angle his  cock to drag along my front wall, to hit my G-spot every time, and  before long I'm rocking my hips against him, getting close to a release.