"I'm sorry, Lady." It had turned his stomach, too, the first time. Tanaros touched his sword-hilt. "But willing or unwilling, you will go."
At the threat, she opened her eyes to regard him. She was Ellylon, and the fineness of her features, the clear luminosity of her skin, were a silent reproach, a reminder that he aspired to that which was beyond him.
Tanaros clenched his teeth. "Go!"
Drawing her hood, the Lady Cerelinde entered the Weavers' Gulch.
* * *
« ^ »
Crawling on his belly, Carfax made his way to Hunric's side. Saw-toothed blades of sedge grass caught at him, sweat trickled into his eyes and midges buzzed in his ears. He fought the urge to swat at them.
"Hear that, sir?" The tracker laid his ear flat to the ground. "They'll be along presently. It's a small company, I'm thinking."
Carfax rubbed at the sweat on his brow with the heel of his hand, leaving a grimy streak. "As long as they can't see us."
"Not here." Hunric glanced at him. "Long as we stay quiet. It's tall grass, and we've a clear sight-line to the verge, there. Lay low and you'll see, Lieutenant."
Overhead, the sun was relentless. One forgot, in Darkhaven, how bright it could be—and how hot. It had made him squint at first and, despite many days on the road, he had not fully adjusted to it. A moist heat arose from the earth, smelling of roots. Carfax was aware of his own odor, too, rank as a badger, and Hunric no better. A good tracker, though, the best in the company. In Staccia, he could track a snow-fox through a blizzard. Pity there wasn't a blizzard here. The place could use one. Or a good hard frost, like Vilbar had said. It wouldn't be so bad, hoar-frost glistening on the sedge grass, every blade frozen…
Hoofbeats, and a single voice raised in tuneless song, the words unfamiliar. Plastered to the earth, Carfax squinted through the tall grass and caught himself before he whistled in amazement.
"What the sodding hell?" Hunric whispered.
Seven strangers, traveling in company, led by a bearded old man in scholars' robes, astride what was clearly the best horse in the lot. An Ellyl, who traveled on foot, stepping lightly, with that annoying air of his kind. A young man sweltering in the armor of a Vedasian knight, ill-fitting and much-mended. Another, older, dun-cloaked and watchful.
"Borderguard," Carfax muttered. "That one's from Curonan."
"Blaise Caveros?" Hunric's eyes widened. Everyone in Darkhaven knew that General Tanaros' distant kinsman was second-in-command among the Borderguard.
"Could be."
"Then that's—"
"Malthus' Company." Carfax studied the remaining three. One, to his surprise, was a woman; clad in leathers, a quiver and an unstrung bow at her back. An Archer of Arduan. And good, too. She would have to be. The carcasses of three ravens dangled from her saddle, tied by their feet, a sad bundle of black feathers. But the others… he frowned.
"Charred Folk," Hunric murmured. "Heard tell of those, Lieutenant."
Indeed they were, their skins a scorched shade of brown. It was one of the two who was singing tunelessly, riding astride a pack mule, clad only in a threadbare breechclout. From time to time he patted his brown, swelling gut, punctuating his song. Carfax, listening to the incomprehensible words, found himself thinking of water, flowing the hidden pathways of Urulat, coursing like blood in the veins, racing from the leaping snowmelt of a swollen Staccian river to sink torpid in the Delta, bearing life in all its forms…
"One's scarce more'n a boy," Hunric observed.
Last among them, a wide-eyed youth, wiry and dark as sin, perched uneasily atop a pony. Something hung about his throat; a flask of fired clay, strung on corded vine. He was the one the Borderguardsman shadowed, unobtrusively wary in his dun cloak.
Small hairs stirred at the back of Carfax's neck.
He felt a chill, like a wish granted.
"Hunric," he whispered, his mouth dry. "They're not following us, and they didn't come from the Traders' Road. Or if they did, it was only long enough to buy mounts. They came from the Unknown. This is the Prophecy at work. And whoever sent the ravens, whether it was the Dreamspinner or Lord Satoris, they failed."
Side by side in the sedge grass, they stared at one another.
"What do we do, Lieutenant?"
It was a gift, an unlooked-for blessing. Malthus' Company, crossing their path unaware. Three dead ravens, tied by their feet; it meant no one in Darkhaven knew anything of this. Carfax licked his dry lips. There were only seven of them, and two, surely, were no warriors. What about the Counselor? Malthus had fought at the Battle of Curonan, had nearly slain Lord Satoris himself. If the news of Dergail's fall had not caused the armies of Men to falter, he might even have prevailed.