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Bad Boy’s Baby(43)

By:Sosie Frost

Jack launched, but not before the sleaze edged him out and took another picture.

“Did you lose the baby, Leah?” The reporter shouted it so everyone could hear. “Where was Jack partying when the baby died?”

I clutched at my tummy, suddenly terrified the doctors made a horrible mistake or they refused to tell me some dark and awful secret. My eyes welled with tears and impossibility. I didn’t have time to respond.

Jack charged, his fist connecting with the asshole’s face. The sleaze was fortunate the punch landed while he was in the hospital. He was out cold before he struck the ground.

The camera man filmed it all.

Jack rushing to my side.

The nurses shouting.

The security guard calling for help.

And, worst of all, he filmed the police officer breaking up the chaos. Doctors rushed to the unconscious man, but I didn’t worry so much about the bastard who dared to trivialize my baby’s health. I focused on Jack.

So did the police officer.

The officer apologized as he pulled Jack away.

“I really wish you hadn’t hit him in front of me,” he said.

So did I. So did Jack. But my bad boy wasn’t afraid of a good fight.

Jack grinned. “That was one hell of a hit, huh?”

The officer nodded. “Your lawyer will love it.”

Oh, this wasn’t happening. Again. Jack faced me, shame darkening his gaze. He forced a bit of lightness into his voice.

“Hey, I know I talked a lot about changing. A lot. But…I gotta go get…”

I finished for him. “Get arrested.”



Jack took it like a man. “At least you know where to pick me up?”

I could have been angry. I should’ve cried. Instead, I was just so glad he attacked the asshole before I did or nothing would have remained of that slimy journalist.

I kissed his cheek. “Tell me you don’t want to marry me just so you’ll have someone to bail you out of jail?”

“At least you’ll know where the checkbook is,” he said. “This is the last time. I promise.”

Yeah, old habits died hard. I pulled my cell and prepared to make my usual list of calls. “I’m charging you for overtime on this one, Mr. Carson.”

“That’s why I love you.” Jack’s smile faded as the officer led him to the elevators. “You’re practical.”

“One of us needs to be.”

“I’ll get out of this. Promise.” He held my gaze. “I love you.”

I watched my future husband and father of my child get arrested for the second time in only a few months. My voice was soft.

“Love you too.”

Now how the hell was I going to spin this?

Chapter Twenty-Four – Leah

“I’m not doing it.”

I expected Jack’s resistance.

I straightened his tie and brushed the wrinkles from his suit coat. He clutched the speech I prepared in his hand. If he ripped it up, I had spares. A copy in my purse, another in his jacket, and I still had my tablet and phone with copies ready to pull up at a moment’s notice.

He was giving this press conference.

And he was going to read my speech.

Even if he hated it. If he wanted to stay in the league, this was the only way.

“Jack, not every man gets third, fourth, and fifth chances,” I warned. “You got lucky with the judge, but just because he dismissed the case with some silly anger management classes doesn’t mean your fans or the league will understand.”

He held up the speech. “And this is supposed to fix it?”

“Jack, that apology is the only thing that’ll save your career.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because I wrote it.” I pulled him close for a kiss. “Read what it says. Mean it, and we’ll see what happens when the league concludes their investigation.”

“But I don’t mean it!” His voice sharpened. “Accepting the four game suspension without question? Fully cooperating with whatever their decision they render? Eating the fine and donating the same amount to charity?”

I arched an eyebrow. “You’re donating to the hospital.”

“Yeah.” He shook his head. “But now everyone’s gonna know. I’ll let my name get shit on, but I don’t want them to say anything about my little brother—”

“They won’t. Believe me, Jack, this will show that you have a commitment beyond yourself.”

He held my hand, kissing the finger that now brandished a beautiful diamond ring. “I already have a commitment. I have you. I have Sam.”

“Charm’s not getting you out of this, bad boy.”

“What if I toss you back on the bench, promise to behave, and give you the licking of a lifetime?”

“In the middle of the locker room?”

“Always been a fantasy of mine.”

“And so it will remain.” I poked his chest. “Speech now. Licking later.”


“I still got that leash on you, Jack Carson. Tighter than ever.”

His smile only grew. I should have known better than to encourage him, but even in the darkest moments, he was always eager to flirt.

He kissed me and rubbed my tummy. I rested my hands over his. Jack hadn’t yet recovered from our scare, and he spent every waking minute tending to my needs—offering me food, blankets, any sort of fun second trimester naughtiness that tickled my fancy.

But his knee was healed, and training camp was coming to an end. No one knew who would start at quarterback. Jack only hoped he’d have a spot on the team when the season began.

I wasn’t about to let this latest scandal ruin his career. I wrote his speech to show heart, growth, and personal responsibility. It welcomed any of the league’s chosen consequences as fair and just.

But we knew it’d be brutal. They weren’t punishing Jack. He’d serve as a lesson to every other bad boy in the league, but if he could just be permitted to stay…

One of the Rivets’ spokespersons rapped on the door. He waved us forward, and I gave Jack as much of a hug as my baby bump would allow.

“Just be you out there,” I said.

“Irritated and sarcastic?”

I kissed him. “Be the man I love.”

He smirked. “I’m pretty good at that.”

“Don’t get cocky.”

“I’m good at that too.”

And that was what I was afraid of. I tucked the speech into his jacket and let him lead us to the pressroom. The media room was big enough to fit the usual batch of local reporters, but tonight it filled completely, overflowing into the hallways and fit with more cameras and photographers than crammed in during last season’s playoffs.

Jack offered the room a smile, even though I told him to appear as solemn as he could. Wasn’t going to happen. I crossed my fingers.

“Lots of cameras today.” Jack cleared his throat and approached an impromptu podium. “Don’t worry, I won’t break any of ‘em.”

Cripes. Now I crossed both fingers.

Jack unveiled the speech from his pocket. He looked it over and heaved a breath. Appropriately remorseful, but I saw something else.

That defiance.

He hated this so much. My heart ached for him, but it was the only way.

Jack wasn’t a man who’d beg for mercy. He earned the chances he got because he was the best quarterback in the damn league and everyone knew it.

Which meant he already made his decision.

I knew it before he did.

“Good evening.” Jack read from the statement. The cameras whirled and clicked. Flashes of light captured the hard angle of his jaw, his growing scowl. “I wish to take this opportunity to thank the members of the press and my fans for allowing me this moment to express my sincerest remorse for…” He paused. Exhaled. “For…”

I saw it happening. His mind changed.

At least he almost made it through the opening paragraph.

Jack’s demeanor shifted. He shook his head and ripped up the speech. The reporters murmured to themselves.

“No.” Jack started again. “I’m not sorry for what happened that night. Yeah, I got arrested. Again. And yeah, I got a massive speeding ticket and nearly lost my license. I regret the trouble it caused the team, league, and my family, but I can’t apologize for the reason it happened. In fact, I’d do it all again if I had to.”

No PR company could salvage this. I waited as Jack faced everyone who would skin him alive for daring to be honest when the media needed a scoop.

“That night, I’d thought I lost my unborn son.” His words darkened. “I thought the woman I loved was in danger. Yes, I sped to the hospital. Yes, we had an issue with a journalist. But I did everything I could to rush to her side. I’m not apologizing for doing what a father should do to protect his baby.”

The room shifted. More lights and flashes. Jack shrugged at me.

“There’s not much else for a man to do while we wait for the kid to be born. I, uh, painted the nursery. I got the late night ice cream. Did the foot rubs. But that’s nothing when you realize how helpless you are if there’s a problem.” His voice hardened, confident. “I can’t do much for him now, but I will always be there if he’s in trouble, no matter the damn consequences.”

I cradled my belly, meeting Jack’s gaze with a gentle smile.