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Babysitting a Billionaire #3 - Taking Control(17)

By:Nina Croft

Why did her gaze drop straight to his groin?


Declan shoved his hands in his pockets, mainly to hide the fact that his dick was hard. Had been since she'd walked into the room in that red dress and once again rocked his world. He'd come alive as though a light switched on in his mind.

His gaze wandered down to where her scarlet-tipped toes peeped out from under the dress. In her four-inch heels, she was only a couple of inches shorter than he was. And she was quite the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He wanted to strip her out of that dress, though maybe she could keep the heels, and fuck her until he stopped thinking about the past. He didn't want her to be "nice." He wanted bad, filthy-dirty, no-holds-barred sex with her.

"Come on," she said, "time to mingle."

Looked like the sex was going to have to wait. It was going to be a long hard night. 

The dinner was arranged by an organization McCabe Industries donated a lot of money to, a high-profile charity that he actually believed in. But he hated these events. He cast a sideways glance at Jess. At least he had no worry about being bored with Jess in tow. He could just imagine her without the dress, those long legs wrapped around him …

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Declan."

He grinned. "Just getting into the part. You are supposed to be my girlfriend after all."

The dinner was as bad as expected. Over the last few years, he'd felt increasingly alienated at these affairs. Like he was somehow in the wrong body and wanted to tear at his skin, get beneath it, find someone he could feel comfortable with, not continually irritated, rubbed up the wrong way, or even worse, bored out of his mind. But with Jess at his side, he could take it.

She stuck close beside him during the predinner mingling, playing the part of his girlfriend with a smooth ease. Her hand rested on his arm or his shoulder, and she didn't move away when he wrapped one arm around her waist to pull her close. Each touch stoked the heat inside him, but he welcomed the slow buildup because he was going to have her tonight. In every way he could think of. And then a few more.

At the dinner, he was seated opposite her. He hardly noticed the food, and as the speeches started, he sat back, kept his attention on Jess, and allowed his mind to wander.

He'd done everything his family had required of him; the company was now eminently respectable and worth about ten times more than when he'd taken control at twenty-five.

But he didn't give a crap. Some sort of premature midlife crisis? His dad obviously thought all he needed was the love of a good woman. Or even a bad one. His dad was crazy. Declan's gaze drifted across the table to where Jess was seated. She was leaning in close to the man on her right, smiling at something he said, and a flash of rage stabbed him in the gut.

Across the table she must have sensed his focus because she glanced up and met his stare. For long minutes he held her gaze. She licked her lips with a pointed pink tongue, leaving her full mouth glistening, moist scarlet, and heat pooled in his belly.

Without giving himself time to think, he pushed back his chair and got to his feet, ignoring the looks his neighbors cast his way.

He strode around the table to where she sat, her gaze never leaving him. Leaning down close, he whispered in her ear. "Time for us to show each other just how nice we can be."

She raised an eyebrow, but didn't move. "Aren't you supposed to be giving a speech later?"

"I don't care. Come on. I'm bored. Let's go have some fun." He rested his hands on her shoulders and blew gently in her ear, felt a shiver run through her. "We're making a scene here."

"You're making a scene," she murmured. "Most unlike you."

"And it's only going to get worse. My dick is so hard I thought it was going to spontaneously combust, probably taking the table with it.

Amusement flashed in her eyes, and then she swiped her tongue across her lower lip again and he groaned. But she gave a small nod and finally she pushed herself to her feet.

Before she could change her mind, he took her arm and hustled her toward the door. "This is good, though," he said. "Obviously I can't keep my hands off you so that helps the cover story."

He needed to kiss her, suck her plump lower lip into his mouth, push his tongue inside her. Unfortunately as they exited the room, they picked up his babysitters and he groaned in frustration.

The car was waiting out in front. Jess had a quiet word with the guards; one peeled away and the other opened the back door for them. Declan waited for Jess to get in, then climbed in beside her. The guard got in beside the driver, and they pulled away.



Declan leaned forward and pushed the button that brought the tinted glass divider up between the front and the rear seats, and then he sat back and hauled Jess into his arms.

One hand slid behind her neck to drag her close and pull her head down for his kiss. He didn't hold back, his lips hard against hers, parting them, pushing inside her hot, wet mouth. Deep, drugging kisses, that were nowhere near enough.

Finally he ran out of oxygen, released her, and sat back, his breath coming hard and fast. How long did they have? He suspected not long enough to get her out of that dress and onto his cock.

While he was considering options, she pulled away slightly. He looked at her, ready to drag her back into his arms, but something in her eyes stopped him.

"I still owe you," she said and the look in her eyes made the last of the blood drain to his pulsing erection.

He went still, every muscle locked tight. "So you do." His voice sounded hoarse to his ears as she slipped from his lap to kneel on the floor. He spread his thighs, and she shuffled closer until she knelt between his legs.

Her lips parted slightly, and her tongue poked out between her teeth. She rested her palm on his thigh and he jumped; then she stroked upward, and he lost the ability to move. Finally, her fingers closed around the length of his shaft and she squeezed.

A groan escaped him and his head fell back against the leather of the seat. He watched through his lashes as she flicked open the button on his pants and slowly lowered the zipper. The relief was amazing and lasted about two seconds.

She tugged at his pants and he lifted his hips allowing her to pull them down, then she settled back. "Is this nice enough for you, Declan?"

But he'd lost the ability to speak.

Reaching behind her, she loosened her hair, so it fell about her shoulders. Her perfume, sweet and sharp, swirled in the air, filling his nostrils. Then she leaned closer and breathed over the head of his cock. It jerked.

Christ, he was going to lose it if she didn't take him soon. No, she wasn't being nice. Not nice at all.

Finally, she licked him, a long slow stroke from the base to the head. Her tongue swirled around and heat flooded him. Then she took him in the hot, wet cavern of her mouth, and it was the most amazing thing he had ever experienced. His hips rose from the seat, pushing himself into her mouth, unable to control the movement.

She pulled away, sat back on her heels, and pouted.

It was official. She was so not nice.

When he thought he might beg, she wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and squeezed, then lowered her lips to him once more, engulfing him in the moistness of her mouth.

She took him deep, alternating with hard sucks to the head while her fingers shifted lower and caressed his balls. He watched her every move, unable to drag his eyes from the most erotic thing he had ever seen. She'd always loved doing this to him. He'd forgotten. Or wiped it from his mind. But she'd gone down on him everywhere and anywhere. Giving him her total concentration as though his cock was the most important thing in her world. 

Sweat beaded on his forehead as the pleasure built inside him, tugging at his balls, tightening his spine. Until he could hold it back no longer. His back arched and he exploded into her mouth. She kept sucking and swallowing and pleasure washed over him in waves, until finally he was done. Wrapping his hands in her silky hair, he slowed her movement, finally holding her still.

She pulled away and peered up at him, lush red lips curved into a smile. "I told you I was nice."

Chapter Nine

As she sat back on her heels, Jess became aware of the movement of the vehicle. They must have halted at traffic lights, because now they were pulling away and picking up speed.

Declan sprawled in front of her, his clothes still in disarray, making no attempt to cover himself. "Baby, 'nice' doesn't come into it."

She licked her lips and he groaned. Again. She could still taste the saltiness of him; she'd forgotten how much she loved to take him like that. The sensation of all that masculine power under her command. Declan, usually so in control, losing it totally, coming apart for her.

A pulse beat insistently between her thighs, but she refused to give in to it. Anyway, there was no way sex in this dress in a moving car was possible, and she wasn't getting naked with two of her men up front, even if they couldn't see through the tinted glass. Knowing her luck, they'd get pulled over or a puncture or …

She rested her hands on his knees and pushed herself up and into the seat beside him, then hooked her long hair behind her ears. "Well, that was more fun than a stuffy charity dinner."

Declan shifted on the seat pulling up his pants. She sighed. She liked disheveled Declan much better than Billionaire-Perfect-CEO Declan. But it was just as well, maybe she needed the reminder that he was really no different from the other guys she'd been trying to date.