Reading Online Novel

Babysitting a Billionaire #2 - Out of Control(21)

"I suppose we should get back."

"I suppose we should." He kissed her again then took her arm and led her out of the alcove. Luckily, no one saw their furtive retreat.

"How's your leg?" Zach asked as they wandered through the ballroom.

"It's good."

"You probably need to lie down though, right?"

She peeked up at his face. "Definitely."

"Well, it looks like the happy couple is leaving at last."

Dani peeked at her watch. It was nearly nine.

"Bedtime," Zach murmured. "Perhaps I should see you to your room."

"I'm sharing with Jess."

"Then perhaps I should see you to my room."


Another first. The thought occurred to her as she woke the next morning; she'd never woken next to another person in her life before. She lay on her side, with Zach spooned in behind her, and realized it was his hot kisses on her naked skin that had drawn her from sleep.

He pressed his mouth to the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder as his arm slid around her and he cupped one breast in his big hand. She glanced down; his skin was dark against her paleness. He rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb and the sensation was a curious blend of pleasure and pain. He'd made love to her over and over again during the long hours of the night. Giving her a crash course in pleasure, he'd told her. Now her skin was sensitive to his touch. When his hand slid down over her belly, tangling with the curls at the base, then lower to slip inside, she couldn't prevent a flinch.

"Sore?" he asked.

"A little."

"You want me to stop." He grazed the pad of his thumb over her engorged clit and she gasped.


"I'll be so gentle-you'll hardly know I'm there."

She snorted. She could feel him huge and hard, nudging her ass. She waited as he shifted slightly to put on the condom, then he was back behind her.

He lifted her thigh and pushed into her from behind, filling her, stretching her. His movements were languid as he thrust and withdrew. At the same time, he massaged her clit with slow circles so the desire built inside her. She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the feelings. The musky odor of sex and warm man surrounded her. She was aware of nothing but the thrust of his cock, the movement of his fingers between her thighs.

She felt as though she hovered on the edge of a chasm. One little nudge, and she would tumble. His clever fingers kept her balanced on the brink, taking her so close, and then pulling back.

He kissed the back of her neck. "You almost there?"


Thrusting into her hard, he pinched her clit between his fingers and she came in a rush of pleasure as he spilled himself inside her. He wrapped his arms around her tight and pulled her back against him.

She lay next to him, savoring the sense of closeness. But she had to move. Daylight was filtering through the heavy curtains. She'd arranged to go for a run with Jess and if she didn't show up, Jess was likely to come looking. And she needed a shower. Actually she needed a bath-a long, hot soak to ease away the soreness between her thighs. But that would have to wait.

She pulled free and sat up.

"Hey, where are you going?" he asked sleepily.



"For a run. With Jess."

He sat up, dragging a hand through his already tousled hair. He looked amazingly sexy tousled. But then he always looked sexy. She was betting she just looked a mess.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Wrong." She shoved down the sheet and made to get to her feet. She was naked and after the night they'd shared, she really shouldn't feel self-conscious. But she did.

Or maybe it was because of the night they'd shared.

Shaking off the feeling, she got to her feet, kept her steps slow as she crossed to the bathroom. Zach was still on the bed, watching her as though she were insane. She ran the shower, letting the water wash away the scent of sex and Zach. When she turned off the water and blinked open her eyes, she found him standing, leaning in the open doorway, totally naked.

"Come back to bed," he coaxed. "I promise to give you a total body workout."

"Can't," she muttered, glancing at her watch. She toweled dry, wrapped the towel around herself, and headed back to the bedroom. Zach stepped aside to allow her to pass and then followed her. "I can't afford to miss another day. I did nothing yesterday."

"Nothing?" He sounded almost scandalized, and she realized she might have been less than diplomatic.

"You know what I mean. I need to keep on top of this if I'm going to pass that physical."

"Is it really so important?"

She stopped her search for her panties and turned to face him. "You know it is." She didn't have anything to wear except her bridesmaid's dress, so she picked it up off the chair and pulled it on, not bothering to fasten the zipper. It would work for the journey from here to the room she was supposed to be sharing with Jess.

After dragging her sandals from under the bed, she slipped them on and headed for the door. When she looked back, he had a frown on his face; she reckoned he wasn't used to not getting his own way. It would do him good.

"Thanks for last night. It was fabulous. And this morning."

He nodded. "You'll come back later?"

She hadn't thought further than the night with him. Did she want more? Her mind flooded with the feel of him, the taste of him. He'd shown her pleasure she hadn't known existed. Of course she wanted more. But she also liked him and that was dangerous.

"Come on, Dani. I'm not asking for forever. We're good together. Why not make the most of it until we part ways?"

Which they inevitably would. They would eliminate the threat to Zach and he would go back to his normal life, or she would pass her physical and go back to hers. Either way-there was no future for them together. And that's how they both wanted it. In the meantime  

She gave an abrupt nod. "I'll be back." And she slipped out of the room.


"You bastard."

"What?" Zach glanced up from his laptop where he was working on edits to meet Dani's furious gaze from across the room.

"You asked Jess to take me off the job."

He hardened his lips, unsure which tack to take. Maybe let her get it out of her system.

"If you didn't want me around, you only had to say."

"Don't be an idiot."

She stalked into the room, coming to a halt a foot away from where he sat and stood, hands on her hips. This close he could smell the fresh sweat. Her red-gold curls stuck damply to her slender throat and forehead. She was dressed in black Lycra shorts that clung to her hips and thighs and a black sports bra that left her midriff bare. And all that bare flesh glowed with a light sheen of sweat. He had the urge to lick her flat belly, to taste the saltiness of her skin. Maybe it would take her mind off giving him the dressing-down she was obviously building herself up to.

"I'm not an idiot," she growled.

Okay, maybe not the right time for any licking. Perhaps he had just better let her get it over with.

"Of course you're not an idiot," he murmured soothingly.

"Don't try and fucking soothe me," she snarled. "I'm pissed."

"That came out wrong. But it must be obvious"-he nodded to the unmade bed-"that I want you around."

Her jaw clenched. "So I'm good enough to screw but not good enough to work for you."

He felt his own anger rise, heating his blood. With him still seated, he was staring straight at her chest. It was distracting and he closed his laptop and rose to his feet, then leaned his butt against the desk behind him and folded his arms across his chest.

Because otherwise, he might have grabbed hold of her and kissed her, and he was sure that wasn't what she wanted right now. Right now, he reckoned she was more likely to punch him in the nose than to kiss him.

"Admit it. You think I'm not good enough."

"That's not what this is about. I just-"

"You don't think a woman can protect you?"

"I never-"

"You don't think I'm strong enough? You don't think I could take you?" She took a step toward him and poked him in the chest. Hard.

He unfolded his arms and straightened away from the desk. She wanted a fight? Maybe he should give her one. "No. I don't think a woman can take a man. The size is too different." He cast his eyes down her tiny figure and drawled, "You're too small."

Her eyes narrowed to slits. Then she spun around and high-kicked him in the chest. He went to the floor with a crash and lay staring up at the ceiling.

Shit. That hurt, and not just his male pride.

It felt as though he'd been hit by a truck.

He turned his head as she came to stand beside him, then toed him in the chest with one sneaker-clad foot.

"So? Still think a woman can't take a man?"

"You took me by surprise, that's all. I wasn't actually expecting you to kick me. You won't manage it again." Actually, she might. She'd moved incredibly fast. But next time, he'd be ready.

He dragged himself to his feet and brushed himself down, watching her warily out of the corner of his eye. This time he saw the slight movement before she swung and he was ready. He feinted to the side, then grabbed her ankle as she kicked out, pulling her off balance.

He released her as she stumbled and she righted herself, then hit out with her right hand, catching him across the chest so he staggered back.