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Babysitting a Billionaire #2 - Out of Control(19)

By:Nina Croft

Dani thought about it. "Because, right now-this time isn't real. Soon I'll"-she crossed her fingers-"be going back to my unit and back to real life. This is different. Besides, it's over," she said with conviction, but again there was a flashback to his mouth on hers, his hands on her breasts, between her thighs.

"I can't wait to check him out at the wedding." Jess grinned. "The god who managed to wrestle away my best friend's virginity when I was convinced she'd take it to the grave."

"Fuck off."


Zach leaned against one of the huge stone pillars in what he supposed was the banquet hall and watched her from across the room. She was beautiful.

Small and perfect and totally unlike the Dani he had come to know. She was talking with the second bridesmaid, a stunning blonde who towered over her like an Amazon.

Kim joined the other two at that point. It was obvious they were close as they all laughed at something Kim said. Dani looked a little wistful. What was she thinking? Why did he care?

He turned slightly as Jake came up beside him and handed him a glass of scotch. "From the cellars," he said.

"I knew there must be a reason you bought this place."

He'd known Jake for a long time. They'd met ten years ago on a climbing expedition and been best friends since. It was hard to believe that he was actually married. He'd thought his friend was as shy of commitment as Zach, but apparently, he'd been waiting for Kim to realize she loved him.

Weird. And a little scary. He reckoned he'd lost his climbing buddy, but strangely, the idea didn't upset him too much. Maybe he was growing up, no longer needed the adrenaline buzz.

"Happy?" he asked.


"You'll be fine. I like her." He nodded across to where Kim still stood talking with Dani and the blonde.

"I thought you might. That's why I made sure you wouldn't meet." He considered Zach for a moment. "We've got a lead."

"On the dickheads who sent the threats."

"Yeah. Another email was sent to your agent-these guys really don't like you-and we managed to get a lock on the IP address."

"You know who it is?" Was his freedom in sight? Could he go back to L.A. and take up his life again? He glanced back at Dani. Was he ready?

"Not yet, but we're close. Jess is going to keep up the investigation while I'm away."


"The blonde talking to Kim. She's in charge for the duration, and she's good. She'll let you know if, or rather when, they find something. Then you have to decide what to do about it."

"I want the bastards nailed."

"We'll see what we can do." Jake grinned.

They stood in companionable silence, contemplating the three women.

"Dani looks good," Jake said after a few minutes. "Better than I've seen her in a long time."

Zach turned back to study her. She did look well compared to the pale shadow she'd been when she turned up in Spain weeks ago. Her skin was tanned to a soft gold, shown off by the strappy dress. The front was tight and fitted and did something amazing to her breasts, so they almost spilled out over the top. Heat washed through him. He tried not to stare, dragging his gaze up to her face instead. Her eyes sparkled with laughter, but then she glanced across to where he stood and the laughter faded. Their gazes locked. Zach raised his glass to her and she blinked and looked away.



"Actually, better than I've ever seen her," Jake said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Much. "You told me to keep my hands to myself-remember?"

"And when have you ever done what anyone told you?"

"So why did you tell me hands off?"

"She's a virgin. She's not in your league. But it's more than that. I've known Dani since she joined up, and there's something bad in her past. I don't know what. I doubt even Jess or Kim know, but there's something. I don't want her hurt."

"I don't hurt women. I like women."

"I know, but Dani's different."

Too right.

"But something's changed," Jake mused. "And why does she keep looking this way? Looking at you?" He turned to stare at Zach through narrowed eyes, then to Dani, and back to him. His jaw clenched. "Shit. You bastard."

Zach held up his hands in mock defense. "Hey, your warning came a little late."

"You saw her as a challenge."

"No I didn't, though she didn't have a very high opinion of me. And by the way, did you call me an asshole in my file? Because I'm beginning to wonder if that's how you see me. Actually, I like her. And I backed off as soon as you warned me." Sort of. A vision of Dani coming apart in his arms on the plane only hours earlier flashed through his mind. "But really, Jake, it's none of your goddamn business. Dani's a grown woman. She can make her own decisions."

Amusement flashed in Jake's eyes. Perhaps he might have been a little vehement.

"Well, maybe I was hasty," Jake said. "Anything that can make her look that good can't be all bad."

"Thanks," Zach muttered.

"Just look after her. She's a friend."

"That's something I wanted to talk to you about."

He raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"I want Dani off the protection detail."

"Why? Is she not doing her job? Or have you had enough of her already? Well, you clean up your own-"

"Shut up, Jake." He thought about what to say. He didn't want to get her into trouble, and Jake was her employer, after all. But he could still feel that prickle of fear he'd experienced walking through the airport with Dani behind him-protecting him. "I haven't had enough of her, I "

"You don't think she's doing her job? Conflict of interest? She's perhaps decided she'd rather have you dead?"

"Fuck off." 

Jake grinned. "You don't want her risking her life to keep you safe."

It wasn't a question.

"I can't fucking stand it. I nearly freaked out at the airport this morning."

Jake studied him as though he were some interesting specimen who wasn't behaving as expected. "If she was off the detail, she'd presumably come back to London. She'd probably be reassigned to another job. If she wants it."

"If she wants it," Zach repeated. "She could stay in Spain, take a vacation. She likes the villa." Or he could wait until this farce was all cleared up and then they could spend some time together. Maybe she'd come to stay with him in L.A. The thought surprised him-he'd never invited a woman to his home in L.A. before.

Jake shook his head. "You know, you're treading on dangerous ground here."

"I am?"

"She wouldn't take kindly to someone suggesting she couldn't do her job. She might even shoot you herself."

"So you won't do it?"

Jake lifted one casual shoulder. "Not for me to do. You'll have to take it up with Jess. She's in charge for the next couple of weeks."

"Bastard." He knew Jake could take her off the case if he wanted to. So why didn't he? He'd wanted Zach to keep away-this could be the perfect opportunity to ensure that happened. So why wasn't he jumping at the chance?

Across the room, Dani spoke a few words to the other two and headed off, presumably to the bathroom.

"Come on," Jake said. "I want my wife back, and I'll introduce you to Jess."

Zach gave him a sour look. "Aren't you afraid I'll try and seduce her?"

Jake laughed. "She'd eat you alive."

Kim turned around as they approached, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Jake. She moved into his arms and the two kissed.

"Aw, isn't that sweet," the blonde said.

They eventually pulled apart. "Zach, this is Jess, my second in command. Jess, this is Zach."

A smile curved the blonde's lips, and she studied him comprehensively, though he saw no feminine interest in her expression. "The asshole playboy," she murmured with a wicked smile.

"Are you sure you'll have any clients left after two weeks?" Zach said to Jake. "I think perhaps she could do with a little training in diplomacy and how to keep your clients happy."

"Actually, Dani likes your books, and she reckons you're not a playboy after all."

"Just an asshole?" he asked.

"Zach has a request," Jake said.

For a second, he hesitated. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. Then he remembered the fear. "I want Dani off my security detail."

Her gaze sharpened. "Why? You've slept with her and now you want her out of the way?"

Jesus. How the hell did she know that? Did everyone know? "No. I " He ran a hand through his hair, glanced up, and saw the amusement in Jake's eyes.

"Do you have a formal complaint to make?" Jess asked.


"Then no can do." She glanced behind him. "And here she comes. Perhaps you can take it up with Dani herself."

"Not at my wedding, you can't," Jake said. "No fighting allowed."

They all turned to watch as Dani approached.

"She looks miles better," Jess murmured. "She's not even limping after two hours in heels and she looks happy." She glanced back at Zach. "Whatever you've been doing-go right on. Just don't hurt her or you'll deal with me." She emphasized her last words with a poke in his chest. Why the hell did everyone think he was going to hurt her? Wasn't that what he was trying to avoid?