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Babysitting a Billionaire #2 - Out of Control(14)

By:Nina Croft

"So, why did you come this afternoon?" he asked when they were alone.

"I wanted to tell you what I thought of your books."

Zach went still, a vaguely alarmed expression flashing across his face. "And?"

She hadn't considered that her opinion would matter, but it obviously did. Should she torment him a little? Make him sweat. "And "

"Get on with it, woman! Put me out of my misery."

"They were great, really great. I wanted to thank you. I loved them. I didn't know what I was missing."

"So I'm not a useless playboy after all?"

She gave an enigmatic smile and changed the subject. "I like your girlfriend."

"Lauren? I told you, she's my accountant."

"But she was your girlfriend?"

"Hmm, past tense. I assure you, I'm strictly monogamous."

He took her arm, led her to one of the sun loungers, and pushed her gently down, before seating himself on the lounger next to her.



"You know, I've been thinking about you since you ran away this afternoon."

"You have?" That didn't sound good. She would also have liked to argue about the running away part, but thought she was probably on shaky ground.

"It's the easy option, isn't it?" he asked.

"What's the easy option?"

"Going back to the army. You won't have to make any decisions, they'll tell you exactly what to do, they'll even tell you when and where to do it and what to wear and what to eat "

Dani was starting to get annoyed. "Why can't you accept that it's what I want? Why can't you leave it alone?"

"Because I want to understand you." He leaned toward her, resting his elbows on his thighs and examining her. "Anyway, then I thought that maybe, just maybe, it's not only that. Maybe you also like giving orders to men. Tell me, Danielle, is that why you want to stay in the army? So you can order people around?"

"Go jump in the pool," she ordered.

He chuckled, then gave her a wicked grin. "You want me to take my clothes off first?"

Dani sighed. It wasn't going to work. He refused to be offended. "Okay, I admit it. It's the easy option and I love the power. Now it's my turn-do you feel sorry for me?"

He jolted upright. "Why the hell would you think that?"

Dani gave a wave of her hand. "I'm merely trying to understand why you're doing this. What your motivations are." She smiled with saccharin sweetness. "I just want to understand you, Zachary."

Zach studied her, head cocked to one side. "What exactly is it you think I'm doing?"

"Being so nice. The presents. The dinner-my favorite foods. What do you hope to get out of it?"

"Maybe I want us to be friends."


She honestly didn't know what to say to that. She opened her mouth, still unsure how to answer, as Gary appeared out of the French doors.

"I thought it was too good to last," Zach muttered.

Gary glanced from her to Zach and back again, his brows drawing together. But really, there was a perfectly respectable distance between them-what was his problem?

"Have you asked her?" he said to Zach.

"Not yet."

"Asked me what?"

"I didn't realize you were going to Jake's wedding," Zach said.

"So? I've booked the time off. It's all organized."

"We can travel together."

She sat up straight and processed the words. "You're going?" 

"I'm best man."

"Really? Seems a bit of a misnomer. And you don't have a date? How sad."

Gary came and sat beside Zach. "We need two guards for the trip. Simon was coming, but it would be better if he stayed here. He can keep an eye on the place."

"Can't Jake send out someone else?" Dani asked.

"He could. But why bother when you're going anyway? We can pick up someone else at the other end, so you'll only be on duty for the journey to the airport. Jake is sending the company plane and a helicopter at the other end. Come on, Dani-that's got to be better than flying commercial."

Zach grinned. "And you get the pleasure of my company."

"What an incentive." But she couldn't deny the shiver of excitement at the thought of spending time in Zach's company. She hadn't been looking forward to the wedding. Kim was just about her best friend and she wanted to be there, but she never felt comfortable at such gatherings. Now she would have avoiding Zach to keep her mind off feeling out of place.

She studied Zach, trying to gage his thoughts. He leaned back on his hands, a lazy smile curving his lips. "I hate weddings. We can give each other moral support."

Hmm. "Whose idea was this?" she asked.

"Zach's," Gary said. "But it makes sense."

She was surprised Gary had agreed to the arrangement when he'd been adamant about keeping them apart.

"It's work," he said, as if reading her mind. "I trust you to be professional."

"You do? Wow. I feel all warm and fuzzy."

He grinned. "So?"

She peered at Zach again and another little shiver of excitement ran through her. Of course nothing was going to happen. After all, Zach just wanted to be friends.

"Okay," she said. "I'll go to the wedding with you."

Chapter Nine

Dani tried to ignore his presence behind her. It was impossible, and her shoulders twitched under the intensity of his stare.

"Relax," Gary said, casting her a sideways glance. "You're like a cat with fleas."

She felt a little like that-sort of irritated and itchy and jittery and  She rubbed her hands down her thighs, then clasped them on her lap.

She was almost sorry she'd agreed to this, however good a private plane sounded. Also, she'd gotten a mouthful from Kim when she'd told her that she wouldn't be arriving until the morning of the wedding. Kim had originally said the wedding was going to be tiny. Now it sounded huge. Dani had also taken a beating from Jess for not being present for the bachelorette party, which had taken place two nights ago and in the end had consisted of Kim and Jess. It sounded like they'd had a blast, though.

They were making the drive from the villa to Granada airport where they would pick up the private plane. It was four in the morning and wouldn't be light for a few hours yet. She was seated in the front of the car beside Gary, who was driving. The roads were quiet and they would see any other vehicles from miles away. She could relax until they hit the airport.

Zach sat alone in the back. Making her jumpy.

Closing her eyes, she tried to nap, but the roads were narrow and winding, and with her eyes closed, her stomach roiled. She should have eaten something before they set off, but it had been way too early.

"Can't you come and sit back here and talk to me?" Zach said.

"I'm on duty."

"Can't you be on duty in the back?"

"I'm not here to freaking entertain you." She turned around to glare at him. And wished she hadn't. Looking at him made her even jumpier-he was so gorgeous in his faded jeans and a black T-shirt that clung to his broad chest.



"How about I entertain you?" he suggested. "I'll tell you a story."

"The one I'm in?"

"No, not that one. I don't know how that ends yet." He leaned forward in his seat and rested his arms along the back of hers. "Come on, Dani. Maybe I'm scared. You could reassure me that no one's going to get me."

"No one's going to get you," she said.

"Maybe I don't believe you. Maybe-"

"Oh for fuck's sake, go talk to him," Gary said. "Or he'll whine the whole way." He pulled the car to a halt at the side of the road and drummed his fingertips on the wheel. "Well?"

"I thought you didn't want me near him. I thought he was like this huge danger to my innocence?"

"Ha-what innocence? And he's hardly likely to try and seduce you in the back of a car with me driving. Even he wouldn't be that crass."

"Hey, what about a little respect for the boss here?" Zach said, but she could hear the amusement in his voice.

Dani smiled. "Don't worry, it's not personal. Gary's always a miserable bastard first thing in the morning."

But he was also right. Zach would behave himself. Besides, he'd made it clear that he didn't want her anymore. He wanted to be her friend. Heaving a huge sigh, she clicked off her seat belt, climbed out, and scrambled into the back. In the dim light, she could just make out Zach's satisfied smile.

"I love a challenge," Zach whispered close to her ear, so his warm breath caressed her sensitive skin. A flicker of unease ran through her but she shook it off. He was teasing. He couldn't help it.

She settled in her seat and fastened her seat belt before turning to look at him. "Fasten your belt," she said and sat back and closed her eyes as Gary pulled back out onto the road. They had the roads to themselves; she hadn't seen another vehicle since they'd left, and she tried to let the movement of the car soothe her.

She jumped when Zach's fingers twined with hers. He was holding her hand. What the fuck? She tried to pull free, but his grip tightened. Maybe he was scared. She relaxed and didn't pull away.

"How do you know Kim?" he asked.

"Well, from working at the company-I've done some freelance work there on my leaves, so we got to know each other. But mainly through Jess."


"She's another of the operatives. She was in the army with Jake and left at the same time he did."