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Babysitting a Billionaire #1 - Losing Control(25)

By:Nina Croft

"Control is a two-way thing, Kim."

Her eyes widened as though his words weren't what she expected. "Is it? I don't feel like I have much control over you."

"You wouldn't believe the amount of control you could exert over me if you wanted."

She pursed her lips and tugged on the end of her ponytail-he could almost hear her mind work. Then a sly expression entered her eyes, and she smiled. "Really?"



He had a moment of misgiving. She was planning something. But what?

"Don't you trust me, Jake?"

Against his better judgment, he gave a slow nod.

Her gaze flickered to the posts at the top of the bed and then back to him. "You ready to prove that?"

Why did he suspect that his plans for the evening were about to take a drastic turn?

"Are you willing to give me control, Jake?"

He wasn't sure he liked the idea. But if it helped her come to terms with what she felt for him, then he'd give it a go. "What did you have in mind?"

She came up on her elbows, pulled her foot free, and sat up. She hugged her knees to her chest and studied him, her head cocked to one side, enthusiasm burning in her eyes.

"Take off your shirt."

He frowned, but unfastened the buttons of his shirt and shrugged out of it. He crumpled it and tossed it on the chair by the bed. "Now what?"

She swallowed and licked her lips. "Lie down." She shifted out of the way and sat on the edge of the bed. "On your back. In the middle of the bed."

"You like giving orders, don't you?" But he lay down and stared up at the canopy overhead. He rolled his head to the side to watch Kim rise to her feet and move around to stand by his head. She untied the cord that held the curtains and tugged it free, then crawled onto the bed and knelt at his side.

He breathed in the scent of her excitement, sweet and musky; he bet she was drenched beneath that scrap of leather.

He was sure he was about to be treated to the most explosive sexual experience of his life. Still, he had to hold himself motionless as she took hold of his right hand and scraped her fingertip across his palm. Heat sizzled up his arm. She wrapped the cord around his wrist and pulled it tight, then gently maneuvered his arm over his head so she could loop the cord around the post.

"You know," he murmured. "This isn't exactly what I envisioned happening here."

"I know. You wanted to tie me up. Have your evil way with me." She yanked the knot tight, drawing his arm high over his head. "Instead, I'm going to have my evil way with you. And there's nothing you can do to stop me. You're at my mercy."

She scooted off the bed, came around the other side, and repeated the process with his left arm. As the cord tightened, he had to stifle his need to pull free. He closed his eyes and willed himself to settle.

When he opened them, she stared down at him as though she weren't quite sure what she should do next. He had a few ideas but decided to leave it to her imagination.

She slipped her T-shirt over her head and placed it on top of his shirt. Beneath it, she wore a black bra, and through it, he could clearly see her nipples, poking at the lace. He wanted to touch them, stroke them, kiss them, and he couldn't. Kim cupped her breast, rubbing her palm over the nipple. Her lashes drifted closed, only to snap open as he growled. 

A small smile curled the corner of her lips as she climbed onto the bed beside him. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips, too briefly, then sat back on her heels and examined him. With one finger, she trailed a line down his inner arm, stroking the hair in the hollow of his armpits. Her touch was slow and sure as though she'd set aside her doubts, at least for the time of his captivity. A fingernail scraped his nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure to his groin. She took in his reaction, her eyes darkening, then leaned over him and flicked the nub with her tongue.

His dick pulsed in his pants, which were, by now, way too constricting. He wished she'd get on to the important bits, but she appeared in no hurry.

She nipped him with her teeth hard enough to hurt. "You were looking a little comfortable there," she said.

"Believe me, comfortable is not what I'm feeling. If I don't get out of these pants soon, I'll probably split the seams."


She sounded as if she liked that idea. But she leaned back and turned her attention to the point where his dick strained at his zipper. She twirled a finger in the hair at his belly, tugging it, then stroked lower to lightly graze over his almost painfully erect penis.

She teased the tab on the zipper until he thought he would scream in frustration. A smile still played across her lips.

"You know I'll make you pay for this," he growled.

"I'll look forward to it," she purred back.

At long last, she got bored with teasing him. She unbuckled his belt and flicked open the button. He held his breath as she slowly lowered the zipper. The release was amazing. And he gave a moan.

She fluttered her fingers along his erection from his balls to the tip, then around the rim. But far too soon, she abandoned his cock to tug at his jeans. He raised his hips to allow her to pull them and his boxers down over his hips. She shifted so she could pull off his shoes and socks and then drag the jeans the rest of the way down.

His mind focused solely on getting relief for his aching dick.

"Wow, Jake, you're packing one seriously impressive piece of equipment there."

He almost laughed, except laughing was the last thing on his mind. "If you want some tips on what to do next, just say the word."

She smiled and licked her lips. "Oh, I imagine I can come up with something all by myself."

"Could I suggest you do it quickly?"


"You're torturing me here, Kim."

"And enjoying it."

But she relented, wrapping her fingers around him and squeezing gently. He closed his eyes to savor the sensation as she ran her fingers over the length of him, between his thighs to caress his balls, then back up to circle the rim.

His eyes shot open as her warm breath whispered over the tip. She bent her head over him, her long, multicolored hair tickling his belly and thighs, and every muscle in his body locked solid, waiting. Turning her face toward him, she held his gaze as she poked her tongue out and licked the eye. A shudder ran through him, and his hips lifted from the mattress. She backed away, and he only just held off begging. He'd never have thought the wait could be so intoxicating.

Then her warm, wet lips were around him. She held him in her mouth for long seconds, and he fought the urge to thrust into her. Then she withdrew and kissed down the shaft to his balls. She blew on him, then stroked him with her tongue.

He wanted to be in her mouth again. He'd dreamed of that so many times.



He tried to move his hands to guide her head, but the ropes held him tight, and he cursed softly.

Kim glanced up as he swore, then took him in her mouth again. She slid her lips down over him, but could only manage half his length. He struggled to keep still, but his hips thrust of their own accord, and she chuckled and drew back.

Wrapping one fist around the base, she worked him with her hand while she sucked on the head. He relaxed and gave himself up to the wonderful sensations. In some ways, being tied was liberating. He had no choice but to lie back and take it.

Though, if he wanted to get free, he was sure he could manage it. But maybe he didn't want to get free. Maybe he was happy to lie here with her mouth and her hands on his dick. Maybe he'd be happy to lie here forever as pleasure tugged at his balls and built in the base of his spine like a warm, heavy weight.

He was so close now …

She sat up.

For a second, he couldn't believe it. He opened his eyes and found her watching him. She slid off the bed and sauntered over to the bedside table. He gritted his teeth as she picked up the bottle of champagne, removed the foil, and expertly eased out the cork; the champagne frothed over the top, and she licked her hand. Then she raised it to her mouth and swallowed straight from the bottle. He groaned-that should be his dick, not a bottle between her lips.

"Hey, I'm thirsty," she said at his disapproving glance.

She took another gulp and then put the bottle down and picked up one of the foil packets.

So maybe she wasn't going to leave him to suffer.

Reaching behind her, she unfastened her skirt, then wriggled out of the leather. His gaze was drawn to the dark curls between her thighs and his mouth watered with the need to taste her. Perhaps if he asked her nicely …

She sauntered toward the bed, climbed on, and flung a leg over him so she straddled his thighs. His cock was almost painful. She raised the foil to her lips, tore it open with her teeth, and took out the condom. Then stared at it, a puzzled expression on her face.

"Just put the fucking thing on," he ground out.

"Patience," she chided.

She took him in her hand and rolled the condom down over him, then sat back on her heels again. That was so not where he wanted her to be sitting.

"Take your bra off."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Please," he added.

"You're a fast learner. And a good boy." She unfastened her bra, slid the straps over her arms, and peeled the material free. She had beautiful breasts, small but perfect; they stood out from her body, the nipples hard little points aimed right at him.

She inched up his body until she was poised, knees on either side of his hips. Wrapping her hand around him, she raised herself. He craned his neck so he could see as she positioned him at the entrance of her body. She used her other hand to part her outer lips, and he saw the glisten of moisture on the dark-red flesh of her inner lips. Then she slowly eased herself onto him.