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Anonymous Encounters(8)

By:Cassandra Dee

DONNY: Baby, if you're wet, then make this good for yourself. See that  big silver hose? Point it straight at your twat honey, flush yourself  out good. But have some fun too, aim it at your clit, let it pulse  against your insides, make yourself come.

There was no answer for quite a while.

LIPSTICK4EVAH: Oh god, Daddy, I did as you said.

DONNY: Was it good baby? Did baby have a good shower?

LIPSTICK4EVAH: It was amazing! I came again just thinking of your  fingers on me, and my pussy shuddered and twitched, imagining you  inside. Can you make it real Daddy? Please? I think I got everything  out, but I just want more in me. Is that wrong? Can we meet again?         



I groaned loudly, thick cock out and pulsing now. It stuck out between  my laptop and pelvis, ten inches straight and dripping from the tip,  slickly wet from all the pre-cum. And against my better instincts, I  caved. How could I not? The girl was a vixen, a virginal, sensuous  vixen, and I was only a man. An alpha yes, but one who adored women, and  I had to feel that twat again, I had to touch that pulsing cunt after  our initial encounter.

DONNY: Of course honey. You've done good tonight and Daddy's gonna reward you. How about tomorrow night?

LIPSTICK4EVAH: Okay, but late okay? I have to meet my parents for dinner.

I groaned again. Oh shit, she was so young, barely out of the nest. I  should have felt like a mofo for robbing the cradle, but all it did was  turn me on. All it did was make me want Rachel more, owning that  sensuous cunt.

DONNY: No worries little girl, whatever time is good for you.

LIPSTICK4EVAH: 10 okay then? Or is that too late?

Again, that innocence got to me. I'm a man of the night, a dude who  stays up doing nasty shit until the small hours of the morning. Ten was  nothing.

DONNY: Absolutely baby girl. You tell me where and I'll be there.

A pause. I hoped she thought of somewhere good, somewhere discreet and dark where I could fingerfuck her silly again.

LIPSTICK4EVAH: Same thing right? I mean, you're going to touch me, no names, no faces, no nothing?

I nodded curtly, eyes ravenous.

DONNY: Yes, baby. All the same rules apply.

A pause.

LIPSTICK4EVAH: Then can you meet near my parents' house? There's a park  called Twelve Oaks just a couple blocks away and it's really beautiful  at night. There are all sorts of nocturnal birds that sing, and there's a  bower of roses on the east walkway. Meet me there, okay? I'll see you  then.

I almost couldn't breathe. Bower of roses? Birds that sing? Who was this  girl? Who was this barely adult chickadee that entranced me, body so  hard from just her words and sheer innocence? Suddenly, I couldn't wait  for tomorrow night, I couldn't wait to burrow my fingers in that tight  wet cunt again, feeling her pussy spasm like an earthquake gone wild.

DONNY: Absolutely honey. And by the way, here's my cell just in case you need it. 457-357-9430.

This was absolutely against the rules. Absolutely, completely, against  the Terms of Service, not to mention my own personal code of conduct.  What happened to completely anonymity? But I could almost see the smile  on Rachel's face, the beam of happiness.

LIPSTICK4EVAH: Thank you! And here's mine: 457-292-9529. See you tomorrow! Xoxo.

And taking a deep breath, I closed the lid of my laptop. Holy shit, this  was way beyond what I'd bargained for. Not only was I meeting a girl  for the second time, but I'd just given her my cell like a dumb asshat.  I've fucked dozens of women, and all the "dates" were arranged through  anonymous chat sessions with no numbers necessary. So what the fuck was  happening? Why was every rule being broken?

But WTF, it didn't matter. I'd just taken Rachel through a nasty wet  douche, pointing the nozzle straight at her clit. I'd just fingerfucked  her in public, and sprayed all over her ass, branding her with my jizz.  And the only answer was more. I wanted to douse the brunette with my cum  again, erupting like a fire hose on that sweet back end. I wanted to  point my dick straight at those wet orifices and blast my cum into each  one, marking the female as mine. So what if this was the opposite of  anonymous? So what if I was literally leaving a DNA trail on her fleshy  behind, my hot fuck inside her body? I didn't give a shit anymore  because the girl is mine.



I know he cares about me. Sort of. Donny, or Donovan as he disclosed in  his chat, is a much older man. Well, if you count forty old, which isn't  really here or there.

Because the thing is that my alpha doesn't feel old at all. Maybe it's  the internet chat, but Donovan comes off as young, he has a really great  heart and he's generous, even though he tries to hide it. Our chat last  night only underlined that fact again.

DONNY: Baby, do you need gas money or anything?


DONNY: Because I don't want you spending a thing. Tell me if you need  money for transportation, food, anything to make our meetings easier.         



I giggled a little.

LIPSTICK4EVAH: But I told you, the park's close to my parents' house,  within walking distance. So no, I don't need any gas money, thank you.

There was a quick pause.

DONNY: Honey, I don't know if I should be the one telling you this, but  in general, you don't want to be giving your address out on-line. I  could be anyone. A sweet girl like you shouldn't be telling people where  you live or where your parents live.

LIPSTCK4EVAH: But you're not anyone! I already met you tonight and you touched me  …  you know. So you're not just anyone.

Another pause.

DONNY: I know baby girl, but still. I could be anyone. I could be some  random ex-con out to kidnap pretty girls, or I could be your high school  math teacher. You don't want to take chances, you're too beautiful.

That made me laugh, even though I know he didn't mean it that way.  Because honestly, ex-con was better than my high school math teacher.  Mr. Jinkle had been terrible, a new college grad with straw-like hair  and raging acne. Even though he knew geometry really well, still, he  could hardly hold the attention of the class, he was so meek and shy.

But the worst part was that Fred Jinkle had tried to come onto me. Yeah,  he'd made a pass at me after class one day, saying that he could help  "tutor" me in "the ways of women." I almost hurled and had to excuse  myself quickly, running out of the darkened classroom as fast as I could  manage, knocking over books and a trash can on the way. I could almost  feel that hot breath on my face again, stinky with bad teeth, and  shuddered. Yeah, an ex-con with a criminal record would be better than  dealing with Mr. Jinkle again.

Besides, Donovan wasn't either of those. I could feel it in my bones.  The alpha cared about me, offering me money so that I could get places,  paying for my ticket at the concert, and even now, he was telling me to  be careful even though it was against his best interests. What crazy  criminal does that? I guess it's possible that he was playing  psychological games, but something told me that it wasn't like that.  Donovan was a genuine human being, a real man, someone who made me  shiver.

So smiling once more, I typed my goodbye.

LIPSTICK4EVAH: Don't worry, I'm okay. Meet me at Twelve Oaks tomorrow night? Don't be late! Xoxo.

And snapping the lid to my laptop shut, I'd shivered uncontrollably, a  secret smile on my face. God, I was meeting up with the alpha male  again, and the thought was absolutely titillating. Because I desperately  wanted to feel his hands on me, stroking over my wet folds, that hard  length brushing against my butt. I wanted Donovan to touch me even more  this time, making it more real and more sensuous. What could he do? My  imagination went wild, fantasizing about the dark man kissing my sweet  spots, maybe giving me a delicious lick on my pussy while fingering it,  hole dripping wetly.

But now, staring out into the darkened park, suddenly it didn't seem  like such a great idea. Before at the concert, we'd been surrounded by  people. It hadn't been jam packed, but still, there had been plenty of  audience members around, all there to hear the band.

But now in the darkness of Twelve Oaks, a small shiver crept down my  spine. The trees were really tall and ominous, strange rustling noises  sounding out, and I cowered a little in the shadows. The roses were so  beautiful during day, a multitude of colors giving off heady fragrance,  but now all that was dulled. It was just a fence with a bunch of dark  shapes on it, impossible to make out, the cool night air blowing over my  face.

What were you thinking? my inner voice screamed. Rachel, you're such an  idiot! What girl comes out in the middle of the night to meet a complete  stranger? What girl dresses the way you do, practically asking for it,  begging to be mauled?

Because in a moment of impulsiveness, I'd put on a short skirt and crop  top. It was a far cry from my usual jeans and t-shirts, but I wanted to  feel sexy for once. I wanted to sex it up and get it on with my  anonymous lover. So as soon as I left my parents' house, I'd ducked  behind a tree and struggled into the tight clothes, slipping on six inch  heels, wobbling all the way to Twelve Oaks.