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Anonymous Encounters(73)

By:Cassandra Dee

"Stop!" she shrieked, "She's a slut!" she exclaimed, pointing at me, a  piece of paper clutched in her hand. Both Luke and I turned, me  trembling and him audibly growling at the interruption.

"What the fuck?" he roared. Sabrina was a woman he'd dated during our  two years apart. Although I'd been celibate, Luke evidently had taken up  with a string of women. He'd promised me that it was nothing but sex,  and I believed him. After all, he was a man with needs and I could  hardly deny his virility.

But Sabrina was hard to ignore. Gorgeous, five foot eleven, with emerald  green eyes and a lithe figure, she'd somehow developed the impression  that Luke was going to marry her. He'd assured me that this was  delusional on her part. They'd gone out a few times, but there had  certainly been no talk of marriage or even anything more serious than  the next date.

I trembled like a leaf before a firestorm. Sabrina strode up to the  platform with the piece of paper in her hand and presented it to the  justice.

"See here?" she said. "Alana Johnson is the daughter of Robert Woodson  and Lilly Johnson. She can't get married to Luke because they're  siblings," she declared.

The minister frowned. "Is this true?" he asked, scrutinizing the birth certificate.

I opened my mouth to answer, but my throat was dry and scratchy, unable to make out any words. Luke answered for us both.

"Yes," he said darkly. "Technically it's true  … " he trailed off, glaring at Sabrina.

"Sir," said the justice. "Then I can't marry you. In New York, persons  known to be related, whether through blood or marriage, cannot be  legally married. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to halt this  ceremony."

I felt dizzy. We'd come so close to legitimizing our union     , and yet  we'd lost everything  …  again. Luke and I were never going to be  together. I bowed my head, tears pooling in my eyes before spilling down  my cheeks. I knew that this was a lost cause, and gave up the fight  then and there in my heart.



"Wildflower, listen to me," I ground out. "It's not over yet. I'm a  powerful man. I can find some way to be together, there's got to be a  way. I just need to give my team some time to do more research."

"Luke, stop," she said softly. "It's over. We've lost. Now we know that  we can never be married, and there's no point in fighting it. I don't  want to live in sin, so we've got to be apart, don't you see? It's just  the way it has to be."         



I shook my head furiously, but had no reply. I was livid at the way  things had gone. I'd actually hustled Wildflower all the way to the  altar, only to be foiled by that bitch at the last minute. I rued the  day my mother had introduced me to Sabrina. Somehow, the cunt had gotten  her hands on a copy of Alana's birth certificate and totally blown our  chance at happiness. Now Wildflower and I could never be married in NYC.

How she'd gotten that birth certificate was still a mystery to me. I'd  questioned my entire staff because I'd figured there'd been a leak in my  inner circle. But I wasn't so sure anymore. My people had been loyal to  me for fifteen years, and it was difficult to believe that one of them  would sell me out, trashing my opportunity with the one and only woman  I'd ever loved. Someone or something more nefarious was involved, and I  was determined to find out what.

In the meantime, I loved Alana and was determined to have her, even if  our wedding ceremony had been thwarted today. I lowered my head and  demonstrated my love in the best way I knew how. I kissed her where her  pulse beat at her throat, the rhythm immediately skyrocketing as my  tongue tasted her lovely flesh. My wildflower was so sweet, so  responsive to me, even at the nadir of our relationship.

"Please," I murmured, "Just give me more time. I want to make it right.  That bitch  … " I spat. "That bitch," I continued, controlling myself,  "shouldn't make a difference. Don't give up so easily," I pleaded.

She stroked my hair softly, her fingers running through the thick  softness. I took advantage of the moment and captured her mouth for a  deep kiss. "Alana," I groaned. "Don't give up … "

"I know," she breathed into my mouth. "I know  … "



My heart pounded as he swept me into a hungry embrace. I let myself sink  into his arms, but also knew this would be our last time together. The  hurdles had proved too difficult, too heart-wrenching, and after the  dramatic entry of Sabrina at our wedding ceremony, I knew that it was  best to let Luke go. He belonged to a different echelon of society, with  different rules and expectations. The discovery of our illicit  relationship meant that my hopes for a quiet beginning were dashed.

I sighed into his mouth. Even if we could never be together, I wanted  our last time to be a gesture of love, something that I could take with  me forever. He was so overpowering, sensuous yet masculine, that I  wanted it to last forever in my memory.

Sensing my surrender, his arms tightened around me and he pressed his lips against mine, murmuring, "Wildflower, Wildflower."

My heart almost broke at the words. I had pined for Luke for so long,  and to come so close only to lose him once more made my heart swell and  tears pool in my eyes.

He thought that the tears were for today's aborted ceremony. They were,  but even more, they were tears for a future together which didn't exist.

"Hush baby, don't cry," he whispered in my ear as his hands stroked my  cheek. He kissed my hot lids, softly tracing the wet trail of tears.  When his mouth found mine, he was almost desperate, pushing his tongue  into my mouth deeply, forcefully, branding me his once again.

I responded without abandon because I would always be his. I gave myself  up to his embrace while returning it one hundred percent. I wrapped my  arms around his neck, pressing my breasts against his chest, and ground  my hips against his hardness, feeling him gasp, an immediate hardening  against my tummy. He began stripping me, roughly pulling at the zip of  my ill-fated wedding gown, tearing at the fabric.

"Goddammit," he growled. "Fuck this dress," he panted. "I'm going to get you something even nicer, even fancier for next time."

I nodded silently, not daring to answer for fear that my voice would  break. There wouldn't be a next time. I was going to take Georgie and  disappear. Where to, I didn't know yet, but there couldn't be another  next time. My heart couldn't bear it.

I returned his kiss ravenously, my hands fumbling at his waist band,  undoing the clasp of his tuxedo pants. I tore at his zip, eager to wrap  my hands around his hot shaft. Ahh! There it was. His cock was so hard  and hot it almost scalded my hand, the flesh rigid yet soft under his  velvety skin. I grasped him in my small hands and ran them up and down  his pole, causing him to grunt and buck his hips.         



"Ohh," he moaned in my ear. "More baby," he groaned.

I obliged, wanting to remember this last time together. I licked my palm  and grasped his shaft tightly, running the flat of my hand up and down  before trailing my fingers gently against his hardness, tickling his  flesh. I then reached below and squeezed his balls, feeling how full  they were, filled with his virility. He moaned into my mouth, his sacs  tensing and hardening in my hand as they got ready to shoot. Wanting to  prolong his arousal, I let go, instead tracing a fingertip lightly  against the seam of his ball sac, trying to memorize every crevice,  every curve of my man.

"Fuck," he groaned into my mouth. "I have to see you," he growled.

With a mighty rip, he tore my dress all the way down the front, baring  me to his gaze. I'd worn nothing but the barest strips of lingerie, the  ivory lace cupping my breasts and pussy lovingly. He paused momentarily,  hungrily staring at my body before lowering his head to sample my tits.

He suckled voraciously, running his tongue around my areola and nipping  softly at the puffy flesh, tracing the pink nub with his lips.  Cunningly, he ran his hand up to my breast and began squeezing  rhythmically, starting at the base before massaging upwards. Tiny  droplets of milk began beading at the tip, and he licked at the  creaminess ravenously. He'd only recently discovered that I was still  lactating, Georgie being slow to wean, and had delighted in tasting my  mother's milk.

He pulled hard, the sight of his dark head at my breast causing me to  tingle between my legs. Shamefully, I felt a deep wetness begin to run  there, and pressed my boobs against him, mewling for more.

"Baby, we'll get there," he soothed against my breast, rhythmically  stroking the flesh, coaxing milk from its source. He backed me up until I  sat at the edge of the bed and angled himself so that he was kneeling  between my legs. With a big fist, he tore my panties off, the lace  giving way without hesitation.