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Anonymous Encounters(23)

By:Cassandra Dee

So I ground out another curse, suddenly rising to full height, towering  in the dark bar. There was only one solution. I had to see her, I had to  correct what I could, I had to make her take me back, even if she hated  my guts. Oh fuck, I fucked up and the thought that Rachel might want  nothing from me, that I was dust beneath her feet was absolutely  deserved. The girl had every right to reject my advances. But I had to  try. There was so much at stake that I had to give it a go, even if it  was futile. Because it was my heart, my mind, and my life at stake  …  and  the beautiful brunette held it all in her tiny hands.



Life has been utterly painful. One moment, Donovan and I were in love.  Or at least I thought we were in love. The big man and I were always in  bed, his muscular hands stroking my curves, kissing my private parts,  making me come again and again. So when I decided to pop by the pool for  a quick dip, it seemed like no big deal, a welcome break to our  non-stop sex fest.

"Bye now," I smiled from the door. I was in nothing but the tiniest  bikini, one that barely covered my boobs and saucy twat. In fact, as my  tips stiffened, it was like the material shrunk, the hardness thrusting  out obscenely, begging for a lick.

Donovan growled, eyes glued to my chest, how the bottom and side curves hung out, pendulous and creamy.

"You better not look at another man," he ground out threateningly, cock  jutting out. The big man was lounging on the bed after a hot session,  hammer still wet with my fluids and I laughed throatily, winking again.  How could he think I'd even be interested in looking at another male?  But I like to tease and shot him a coy smile.

"Come with me then?" I cooed, waggling my fingers. "Come play in the water?"

And like a Jezebel, I leaned over and trailed a finger along my g-string  before pulling it to the side, showing off my steaming pussy.

"Get yourself wet?" I moaned breathily. "Get yourself wet in my holes at the pool?"

Donovan's penis literally jerked then, spewing a bit onto the covers,  but the big man remained resolutely where he was, although it couldn't  have been easy. The strain in his chest was evident, the look of desire  in those dark blue eyes. But he's a man with amazing self-control, and  fixed me with a burning gaze.         



"Naw baby, I'm gonna do some work while you're gone, I haven't done shit  since you arrived. But enjoy, baby girl, Daddy's gonna pound that butt  when you get back. Oh yeah, your little anus is gonna ride my joystick  until it's sore," he added lasciviously. "And then Daddy's gonna lick it  up."

Oh god, but the dirty words made my pussy juice, sweet spot already  going soft and wet with anticipation. I love it when my man talks nasty,  I love how the big man is so relentless about fucking me, owning my  insides every which way. So a quick inhale and flirtatious giggle, I  waggled my fingers again.

"I want it Daddy," I murmured as the door slid shut. "Save that butt ride for me."

Donovan's answering growl was the only thing I heard in return, muffled but virile all the same, promising the world.

And I didn't think anything more of it. Skipping off to the pool, life  was great. I was in love and wanted nothing more but a life together, a  future spreading before us, glorious and colorful. Because I've been  living with Donovan at the club, we're together 24/7, dining al fresco,  chatting animatedly, and of course, making love non-stop, our couplings  hot and wild. So I figured a small dip in the pool would be some  much-needed time apart, a breather after the relentless togetherness.

But when I got back to the suite, it was dark inside. Hmm, that was  weird. Maybe Daddy was in the other room, or maybe he was at the Club's  gym working out. But when I flicked on the lights, the enormity of the  situation hit like a ton of bricks.

Because Donovan was no longer here. Ghosted, vanished, absolutely gone,  no trace of the big man, every memento disappeared. I gaped, looking  around, but the suite held no clues, silent and still. The bed was made,  everything spic and span, almost threatening because it was so  immaculate. What the hell? My head hurt, a thrum banging insistently  behind my eyes.

Slowly, I picked up the phone by the side of the bed.

"Hello?" I swallowed thickly. "This is Donovan Jones's room, and I'm Rachel? Do you know where he is?"

A voice came on-line immediately.

"Ms. Smith," it replied courteously. "Thank you for calling.  Unfortunately, Mr. Jones was called away on emergency business and has  asked that you be escorted from the Club."

My mind whirled, confused and hazy. What emergency business? And even if  Donovan had business, why had all his stuff disappeared?

"I'm sorry," I said slowly. "But he made no mention of a business trip to me. Can you tell me more?"

The voice on the other end paused before answering, smooth and effortless.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you," it replied in a courteous monotone. "But  Mr. Jones asked you to be escorted from the Club immediately."

What? How could this be happening? Just an hour ago, I'd been riding his  dick, pussy juices dripping down that thick shaft as the alpha groaned  beneath me, chest and abs tight. How could he spurt into my cunt,  seeding me like a geyser, and then just disappear? What the hell was  going on?

"I'm sorry," I said again firmly. "But I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where Donovan is."

The voice was silent a moment before replying.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but that information is not known," it said in a  monotone. "And I'm sorry, but Mr. Jones gave specific instructions that  you depart the Club immediately. Your things have already been packed  and a car is waiting upstairs. Please gather your personal effects, and a  handler will be there shortly to escort you to the surface."

At that moment, the door hissed open and a short, slight man dressed all in black, bowed.

"Madame," he intoned in a voice just as bland, just as professional as the phone operator. "Please come with me."

With numb fingers, the receiver dropped out of my hands. Because the  handler was here now, I didn't even have five minutes to collect my  thoughts, to get a hold of what was going on. Instead, I was being  tossed out like a stinking piece of trash, services no longer needed.

But what could I do? What choice did I have? I'd literally been  abandoned with no warning, ghosted in the worst way. How could Donovan  do this to me? I'd spent the last two weeks with the man, loving him  again and again, and this is the best I deserved?         



Swallowing painfully, I bowed my head, acknowledging defeat. The  billionaire didn't want me anymore, and it was his right to ask me to  leave. I just didn't think it would be like this, shameful and unwanted.  But seeing no other options, with the handler waiting impatiently at  the door, I swung my small bag onto my shoulder and with slow steps,  left the suite.

The journey was silently unremarkable as we made our way through a  series of winding passages, elevators that whisked us upwards,  escalators that ascended for miles at a time. But I was numb to it all,  absolutely expressionless, eyes seeing nothing as my feet moved forward  in a trance. Because this was it. Donovan had dumped me unceremoniously,  waiting until I was at the pool to vacate in a hurry. I was nothing but  an anonymous pussy to fuck, another tiny asshole to own, a notch on his  bedpost. Two notches, for taking my v-card and a-card, a double-header  if there ever was one. Oh god! And once he was done, once I was no  longer an innocent virgin, the big man lost interest and I was tossed  onto the trash heap. Realizing this made the lump in my throat grow  bigger, eyes seeing nothing as I got into the black town car, numb with  shock.

But after driving for an hour, I realized that we weren't headed to my  apartment. God, I'd barely noticed the passing landscape, instead my  mind filled with demonic screams even if on the outside, I was  completely silent. Straightening on the seat, I snapped at the driver.

"Where are we going? What's going on?"

Holy shit, was I being abducted? Was I being sold to another  Billionaires Club, passed around rich men like a commodity to be used,  another voluptuous female to fuck and be done with? Oh god, oh god, my  soul curdled at the thought. Was that even possible? The depravity was  mind-boggling.

But the kindly driver merely shook his head, glancing at me in the rear-view mirror.

"We're going to your apartment, Miss," he said cheerily. "Where else?"

I jerked my head in a no.

"This isn't the way," I said tightly. "I live on the other side of town, this is the wrong direction."

The elderly man shook his head.

"No, not according to the instructions I have," he said. "And GPS can't  be wrong," he added, indicating the console at his right hand. "These  machines are incredible, they work using a satellite in the sky," he  said, brow creasing for a moment as he stared downwards. "Nope, it's  right!" he confirmed cheerily, looking at me again. "Ah, here we are!"