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Accordance (Significance #2)(49)


“You look like crap if it’s ok for me to say that.”
I laughed.
“I’m so glad you’re back to yourself.”
She shrugged and sat down next to me and stared straight across the room. I felt Kyle glancing my way several times, his interest and longing pouring to me through his mind, but I shut him out and focused on Peter.
Peter told them all what had happened and they gasped and uproared over it all. Uncle Max reiterated his earlier point about harming other clans. Even though they were after us first, the council forbade true harm to other clans and to take a life was grounds for denouncement of the entire clan.
That was when it truly hit me. I had taken a life. Caleb had taken a life for me too. Even though they weren’t truly human and they were trying to kill me- well, kill Caleb and take me to be tortured, it still felt odd and wrong. Everyone assured us that they would fight the council for us. They’d stand behind us and we did the right thing but as I clung to Caleb’s arm, I’d had it. I was just done with the Watson’s and all their mess and didn’t want to talk about it anymore. 
Everyone dispersed, some going home, some going upstairs. A few people bowed to me, kissing my fingers and then touching their foreheads with them but most respected my wishes and just tried to tame their looks of awe.
I stopped Peter to ask him about why I hadn’t gotten a vision for Caleb being shot or us being attacked. He said that you can’t see visions for yourself nor you’re significant. Great. I then told him about what Caleb did in the fight and his gaze shot to Caleb.
“I still don’t feel anything, Dad,” Caleb assured. “It was just right then, at that moment, now…nothing.”
Peter sighed.
“Well…I don’t know. This is just getting more complicated,” he said before heading to bed.
We went to stand in the kitchen with Lynne, Kyle, and Jen.
“Have you told your dad what happened yet?” Jen asked me.
“No,” I sighed. “He would just worry all night. I’ll tell him when we go see him tomorrow.”
“You’re going over tomorrow?” she said hopefully but cleared her throat and ducked her head.
“Yeah, I think we should all go see them before we leave for London,” I said and saw her grateful look at including her in coming with me.
“Well, what about me?” Lynne asked. “Where am I going to go when you all leave?”
“Don’t know. Hadn’t thought that out yet,” I said in frustration at the never ending problems coming our way. Caleb put a hand on my neck and squeezed in a massage. I leaned into him and didn’t know what I’d do without him. What are we going to do with her?
No clue. Maybe she can stay with your dad?
Maybe. I’m so tired of thinking right now. I just want to rest and not have to worry about everything for just a minute.
I know. By the way, thanks for saving my life…again. You were so incredible back there.
So we’re even I think. I smiled up at him. You were pretty good too. Your karate is almost as good as mine.
He laughed out loud and kissed my forehead.
“Oh, this is so going to your pretty little head,” he crooned.
I turned back to see Lynne watching us.
“Are you talking to each other in your minds?”
“Mmhmm, all significants can.”
“Wow. So, why do you keep getting visions for me and no one else?”
“I have no idea, Lynne. I’m as confused as you.”
“Hmmm. Ok, well, I guess I’m going to bed.”
“Goodnight,” Kyle said beside her and smiled. “I’m right next door to you if you need anything.”
“Ok, thanks,” she said softly and looked away from him, feeling flush for some reason that she didn’t understand. She started to walk away but stopped. “I don’t want to be a burden to you guys. You’ve been so good to me already. I can just find somewhere to crash. You don’t have to worry about me. You got me away from my dad, that’s enough for me.”
“No,” Kyle said vehemently. “We like having people here. Don’t worry about it.” She nodded and turned to leave again. “Lynne. Still be here when we get up the morning, please.”She turned and looked up at him. She was pretty short and seriously thin. She just looked so small and fragile next to him and he looked at her with an odd expression. One I recognized and I felt my heart spike at the realization.
She was staring at Kyle earlier across the room during the meeting and he wasn’t looking at me during the meeting either, he was looking at her! I had blocked him out to pay attention and just made assumptions! I felt Caleb turn my way in recognition of my thoughts right as Kyle reached out to touch her arm.
And then it happened.
Kyle and Lynne imprinted right there in the kitchen in front of us.
It was amazing. Their faces registered the shock of heat and lighting in their veins. Her face was in awe but somewhat frightened by it all. I imagined my face looked exactly the same when it had happened to me. His face was elated. I saw a couple of their future visions but they happened at the same time so it was so hard to concentrate.
I saw a piece of one where Kyle was twirling her under his arm, her red dress flowing around her ankles, in a big yard at night under the stars.
Then another short look at her putting something away in a tall cabinet. He came up behind her and lifted her so she could reach. When she turned around you could see her small belly bump and he rubbed it gently.
The last one I could make sense of was of the two of them standing in a big grand gold room in front of hundreds of people.
When she finally gasped, I knew it was over and looked around. Caleb’s grin was broad and he was gripping me to him with affection. Jen was trying to paste on a smile but was utterly devastated inside. She so wanted this for herself.
Kyle’s mouth was open and he looked the happiest I’d ever seen him in my long time knowing him. He closed the short distance between them and framed her face with his hands.
“It’s you,” he whispered and it made me smile at my own memory of this exact moment.
“It’s me,” she said through her happy tears and smiled.
Then he kissed her. I balked and looked at Caleb accusatorily.
You could have kissed me right then and instead you tortured me for days.
Kyle’s not a gentleman like I am. He said clearly enjoying the whole thing.
Caleb, I sighed and let him wrap me up in his healing arms. It’s actually happening. The imprints are coming back.
I know. And it’s all because of you.
And you.
He smiled as he kissed me but it didn’t last long. Kyle’s mom came in and gasped at the scene. 
“Kyle! What-” In her mind she saw it all over their faces and knew what had happened. “Oh my…Thank you, God!” She ran to him and embraced him tightly, dragging Lynne in with him but she was willing. “Max! Peter! Max!” she yelled and everyone who was left ran in to see what happened, their minds flashing with thoughts of attacks and ambushes.
What they saw brought Uncle Max to tears.
“Dad,” Kyle croaked and Uncle Max stumbled to him and bawled in a way that only a grown man could, big and loud. “Dad, it’s ok.”
“I know, son. For the first time in a long time, it’s all going to be ok.” He hugged Lynne to him and they all just huddled for a bit. I notice that Kyle never let Lynne’s hand fall from his.
Gran was still there and came up behind Caleb and me, putting an arm around each of us.
“Now ain’t that a sight.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Caleb whispered.
“I wonder did you both look that goofy when you imprinted,” she said with a teasing glint in her eye.
“I’m sure we did,” Caleb said good-naturedly, “probably goofier.”
“And how are you doing with everything that’s been going on?” she asked me as she tossled the ends of my hair.
“Alright, I guess,” I answered. “I’m pretty sick of the bowing, for sure.”
“Well you better get used to it, Miss Priss. You’re the Visionary and those old coots on the council won’t stand for breaking tradition. Come the day after tomorrow, you’re gonna have three hundred people bowing to you.”
“Ugh. Well, I’m going to try to change that. We have a lot of changes coming our way.”
“I heard. I also heard you found my Raymond’s book.”
Without another word from her I ran and got it out of my bag in the car. When I came back, we sat at the counter together with Caleb and looked at it. The brand new imprint celebration was still going on on the other side of the kitchen but we gave them some privacy.
“Oh, look at us!” she exclaimed at she saw the picture he had pasted in the cover. “How young and handsome was he?”
“You were pretty smoking too, Gran,” Caleb joked and she slapped his hand gently.
“Now don’t go throwing your lies at me!”
She ran her finger over Grandpa Ray’s face and then turned the page and started to read. When we got to the last page she got up without a word. When she came back she had a long feather pen in an ink well.
She called attention to everyone.
“I think we have a few additions to make. Caleb,” she turned to him, “I nominate you as Jacobson family historian and record keeper. All in favor, say aye.”
“Aye,” a chorus rang out.
“Wait,” Caleb said. “What does that mean?”