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Accordance (Significance #2)(45)


She saw us all watching.
“What?” she muffled around her bite defensively. “I’m hungry.”
We all just laughed, for a long time. It was funny that she seemed to be so ok with everything. She wasn’t freaked about a napkin floating to her. She was just weird.
“I’m still here,” she said a few minutes later. “So I guess your theory holds some water after all. You can change the visions.”
“I guess.”
“What theory?” Dad asked.
I explained to him everything that happened, except the part about Jen and Bish’s vision, and then said I was going to shower and get ready.
I bumped into Kyle on the way out.
“Hey, Sorry, I-” He stopped when he saw Lynne at the table. “Is that Ecstasy?” he asked with inflection.
“It’s actually Lynne now. And yes, that’s her. Quite a change, huh?”
“Yeah,” he said absently and looked at her for a moment longer. Then he looked back at me almost…guiltily. Like I would be mad that he was checking her out. “So, um.” He pulled me to the little nook by the stairs. “I’m sorry about being a jackass yesterday in the alley, about you kissing me. You see, I had to do something to make Caleb think that I don’t want you like I do. If I just sat there and wasn’t myself then he’d know something was up. I have to do it, Maggie. If he and I are ever going to be friends again…he can’t know that this wasn’t some crush. If he knew I loved you for real…he’d take you away from me.”
“Kyle,” I whispered. “You can’t talk like that, ok?”
“I know but I just needed you to understand. I wasn’t trying to start trouble between you and me. I was serious about what I said to you in the club. I want you any way I can get you.”
“Ok, Kyle. It’s fine.”
“Friends?” he asked and held his hand out to me.
I shook his hand and he grinned.
He waltzed into the kitchen and slung his arm over Rachel’s shoulders and kissed her cheek. She smiled at him and handed him a glass of juice. I couldn’t help but think that I missed the smart elect Kyle; the clown cut up guy who had been my friend for years.I wondered if things would ever be the same again.
~ Twenty Three ~
Within an hour we were all packing the cars and headed to the airport. Beck and Ralph didn’t come down for breakfast and just walked straight to the cars when we yelled it was time to go. I felt horrible about it all but I couldn’t talk to her. I’d just get emotional and it wouldn’t make her feel any better because I wouldn’t have any answers for her.
Caleb slung my bag into the back of the Jeep then patted the floor with his hand in back for Bella to jump up into. He shut the trunk and followed my line of sight.
“You’re right, just let her go,” he told me gently.
I nodded and we all got in, fitting between the three cars we had. Lynne and Kyle rode with us. She immediately started asking us about Tennessee and snow. She’s never seen snow before.
“Well, there won’t be snow for still a couple months,” Kyle told her.
“What’s it like to grow up like that?” she asked softly. “Normal families and holidays, snow outside your house that isn’t falling apart. Parents actually giving you gifts instead of taking your paycheck at Christmas.”
“I don’t know. I’ve never known any different. What happened to your mom?” he asked her.
“She left.”
“Mine too,” I told her.
“Really, why would your mom leave?”
“Same reason as yours probably.”
“I doubt that. Anyway, so, what’s the plan?”
“Well,” Caleb took over. “The last time we did this we just gave her some money and she took off but with you, I think it’ll be better to fly you out somewhere.”
“The last one,” Kyle asked Caleb and Caleb cursed in his mind.
“We had a problem before with another girl,” I explained. “We had to get her and her family out so we sent them away.”
“Who? Was it just like this? You had a vision?” Kyle asked.
“Kind of,” I said and even I heard the odd tone in voice. I wasn’t the worlds most fabulous liar.
“What does that mean? Who was it?”
He’ll just be even madder, if we don’t tell him now.
Caleb nodded and looked at Kyle in the rearview mirror.
“It was Amber. Sorry, bro.” 
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” He looked at me. “She didn’t stand me up did she?”
“No, I’m sorry. I thought it’d be better for you to just forget about her.”
“What happened?”
I told him the whole sordid story, beginning to end. He listened but his mind poured on the guilt. He felt like he’d dragged her into our mess. I assured him it wasn’t his fault and she was safe now. For some reason he was angry at Caleb. But I wondered if he was just playing his part, like he said before.
“You could have told me, dude. I’m not nine, I think I could have handled it.”
“Yeah, totally,” Lynne chimed in. “No offense, but crappy move. Who doesn’t tell someone their girlfriend skipped town?”
“Exactly!” Kyle said and pointed at Lynne to drive home his point.
I just giggled in my seat. How would we survive if we had to live with them both; two Kyle’s...Ugh…
After we returned the cars, we went and stood at the ticket counter. Caleb was encouraging Lynne to look at the flights and decide where to go. She wanted to go with us.
“Why can’t I just go to Tennessee? What’s the big deal?”
“We’re not out of the clear yet. We have lots of trouble coming our way and it wouldn’t be very smart to bring you right to it,” he told her.
In the end it was Kyle who convinced him.
“She knows Maggie’s secret. It would probably be a good idea to keep her close right? And plus, the four days Maggie saw into the vision up to the part where she dies hadn’t happened yet. We need to keep an eye on her until then.”
“Where is she going to stay?”
“With me,” Kyle announced, smiling smugly. “We have plenty of room at my house and Mom would love a project.”
A cute little project.
His gaze shot to mine after his thought and he looked as if he should be guilty or something again, just like earlier. I just grinned and shook my head at him.
“Thank you, Kyle,” she said and smiled at him. “If it’s ok with everyone else, I don’t want to wear out my welcome.”
“That’s a good idea I think,” I said. “Although, Peter isn’t going to be so easy to convince,” I told Caleb.
“I know. Oh well. Let’s get you a ticket,” he said to Lynne but Kyle stopped him.
“I got this.”
“But she’s our responsibility,” Caleb reasoned.
“Uh, hello, standing right here!” she complained. “Besides,” she grabbed Kyle’s jacket clad arm and started to the counter, “I think the single one is more interesting anyway.”
In her mind she was very intrigued with Kyle. And the thought of staying at his house was more than interesting. He looked down at her and grinned.
“Seriously,” Caleb said with animated hands. “That just happened? Kyle is spending his money on something other than Halo?”
I laughed at him.
“Come on. Let’s go break the news to the family.”
It didn’t go so well and once again we were left pulling rank. Well I was. I hated to use the Visionary card but it seemed to be the only reason anyone would listen to us.We sat in the chairs at the gate and as I laid my head back on the seat backs. I felt Caleb’s fingers running down the Visionary mark on my neck. My eye peeked at him.
“It won’t rub off you know,” I teased. “I’m still the Visionary.”
He chuckled.
“I thought you were asleep.”
“I wish. I am so tired from getting up all night.”
At that, he grabbed my hand to help fill me with his touch. I sighed and closed my eyes on his shoulder. As I sat I listened to the thoughts around me. Kyle and Lynne were sitting by each other and he was telling her about playing football. She told him she played volleyball in high school. They were both pretty engrossed in their conversation and I felt my lips quirk at the thought. Good old Kyle didn’t stay down for long.
Dad was talking to Rachel and Peter about something over a newspaper. Ralph was playing his DS and Beck was reading a magazine someone had left behind. She was still mad.
Jen and Bish were sitting across from each other and pretty much just staring miserably into each other’s eyes. How had no one else but us noticed the strain on their faces all day?
I lifted my head and looked at them. I didn’t think I’d ever seen a more pitiful pair. I wished there was something I could do. I tried to think of anything but that. I smiled when my mind flashed to the 25 Hour Skillet and Big John and Smarty. I chuckled and Caleb smiled as he saw the day Big John chased him with a meat cleaver in my mind.
“You’re enjoying that memory a little too much, I think.”
I laughed and then remembered the bracelet; the bracelet that the Watsons took from me. I rubbed my wrist at the loss. Caleb sighed beside me.
“What?” I asked.
He cocked his head to the side and smiled.