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Accordance (Significance #2)(27)


I’m done waiting.
Caleb’s hand snapped out to stop him, gripping him so tightly the big burly guy actually winced in his mind. It shocked me to see it as he bent down almost to his knees under Caleb’s pressure. How was Caleb doing that?
What the-
“You better think again,” Caleb said and I caught my breath at his control but obvious seriousness. “You’re not going anywhere with her. Answer her question; who’s waiting.”
“Someone you want to see,” the man groaned and tried to pull his arm away. “You’re breaking my arm, man.”
“You reach for her again and I will.”
Wow, somehow…Caleb did have some power. I’d have to tell Peter later. Maybe that will help him in the search to learn why Caleb didn’t get his ascension ability.
“Fine, both of you can come, I don’t care, just let go,” he pleaded in a harsh tone. Caleb pulled his arm away, it going back behind him and around me while keeping his eyes on the man, now rubbing his arm like a sullen child. “Outside.”
“Why would we? What’s it to us?”
“Believe me,” he said snidely and shook his arm out. “You want to come with me. She said to tell you that you’d find answers to your latest questions.”
Caleb looked back at me.
What do you think? Your call.
I think we should go with him. What could it hurt? He looked at me like I was nuts. What? You almost snapped that guy’s arm. I know you can take care of me if something happens.
He gave me a look that said he didn’t like this but was humoring me.
The first sign of trouble, we’re out of there. No arguing.
I nodded and he waved his hand for the guy to lead us. He took us all the way through the back of the club to the alley. Caleb and I both became suspicious but the guy stopped at a limousine. He turned to look at us and opened the door, beckoning us in.
“If you think I’m putting her in that car you’re crazy,” Caleb said.
“Now, Caleb,” a woman’s voice crooned and I stiffened. The voice seeming familiar but no thoughts were coming to me from inside the car. “Come on now, I won’t bite.”Caleb’s arm tensed under my hand and I could take the suspense no longer. I leaned to look inside and saw someone I not only never wanted to see but never expected.
~ Thirteen ~
Marcus’s sister who had cleaned me up when I was kidnapped and told me the story of the supposed beginning of all Aces - the guy down the well, which was the basis for Sikes’s putting me in the well to begin with. Here she was in the flesh and wanting to speak to us. I freaked because she’d see the mark on my neck and know what I was. I pulled the collar up on my neck and covered it with my curled fingers.
“What are you doing here?” Caleb said breathlessly, fighting for control, and pulled me behind him once more as Marla exited the limousine to stand in the open door. “Wow, you have some nerve,“ he spat out.
“I’m here to help you, believe it or not. I had to wait until you were away from the house, away from your parents, away from the others. I know my brother visited you in the echo.” She rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath. “Idiot. Well I’m here to...elaborate. Please, sit inside with me, for just a minute.”
“A limo,” I scoffed. “This is a little bit too much Godfather, even for a Watson.”
“I drove here straight from the airport,” she reasoned, like that explained it.
“How did you find us?” I asked. “Does your uncle know?”
“No, he doesn’t but how I found you doesn’t matter, the fact that I’m here isn’t important. Please,” she asked again and held her hand out for us to enter.
I climbed in and Caleb climbed in closely behind me. Marla sat back in her seat and shut the door but we didn’t go anywhere. The guy who came into the club to get us came and got in the other side to sit beside Marla. We sat in the still limo and stared at each other for a minute before anyone spoke. Finally Marla sighed and crossed her ankles, her hands in her lap.
Keep it covered, Maggie. She can’t find out that you’re the Visionary.
I know. I will.
I kept my hand curled on my neck, putting my chin on my hand to look casual.
“Ok, look, I know you have no reason to trust me. But think about it. When did you see me with them? I never agreed with your kidnapping. I only complied with them because I had to. I helped you. They wanted to just leave you in there and not let you bathe at all but I told them that was too cruel. So I went in against my uncle’s wishes.”
“Oh, that makes it alright?” Caleb roared. “They tortured her and because you weren’t the one to actually do it, that makes you innocent?” 
“No,” she cried. “But I didn’t have a choice.”
“Yes you did! You chose when you sat there and let them do that to her!”
The big guy scooted closer to her, as if to shield her if Caleb meant to hurt her.
“What was I supposed to do? They’re my family but they’re... evil.” She covered her mouth and my heart skipped for her.
Why couldn’t I hear her thoughts? Why was her mind shut to me when everyone else was a wide open book that I read whether I wanted to or not?
“Oh, stop the water works,” Caleb muttered and I chastised him silently.
Caleb. She’s here. Let’s hear her out.
He sighed harshly and unhappily, squeezing my hand.
“What do you want?” he asked her more softly.
“I want to help. I want to let you know what they’ve planned. Give you a head’s up. I at least owe you that.”
“Yeah, you owe her more than that.” Caleb looked around and between the two of them. “Ok, fine. What?”
“Sikes is furious. He wanted nothing more than to stop your ascension.” She pressed her lips together and looked between us. “You know I’m pretty jealous myself. It’s amazing, you two. I hope you appreciate what you have.”
“I absolutely appreciate it but get on with your point.”
She blew a long breath and smoothed her board straight raven hair.
“Sikes is convinced that you’re going to be the end of him. That...for whatever reason, you two have something between your abilities that’s too powerful. You’re a seer and Caleb’s a…” she paused and looked at him but he kept silent, “a what?”
“My ability is none of your business. So now what? What does he want to do to her now?”
“Well. You remember he took Maggie’s blood,” she started. “He’s...” she sighed. “He’s trying to find a way to use it. He’s been experimenting on humans.” I gasped but she kept going. “He messed with your blood and gave it to three humans, all females, to try to spark some kind of reaction out of their bodies. But so far, he hasn’t come up with anything. He...well, he disposed of them. Now, he’s moved on to giving your blood to Aces.”
“Wait. He’s trying to make people have abilities just spring up because they have my blood in them?” I asked incredulously and completely grossed out.
“You remember the story I told you. It’s not so far fetched.”
“So, what does this have to do with us?”
“Well...he ran out of your blood so...he’s looking for ways to get more. He’s talking about reward money to the first person who can bring you to him alive. A lot of money.”
“I thought all the Ace clans were rich? Why would they want or need the money that badly?”
“Not all clans are as prominent as the Jacobson’s.” She made a face at Caleb. “The Watson’s, for instance, have been heading downhill for years. It’s gotten so bad that a few clans had people break off and go on their own; rogues.”
“How come I’ve never heard of this?” Caleb butted in.
“Well, you’re not exactly who we lowly underprivileged Aces would tell our problems to, now are you?”
“What does that mean?” he said, scowling.
“It means that you and your family have always worked hard and built up your little empires, played it safe. You’ve always been well off and you don’t take risks; the Watson’s do. In fact, the Watson’s are all about risk.”
“I know,” Caleb said impatiently. “The Watson’s run the stock market, so what?”“We lost everything,” she whispered like it was shameful. “My uncles and father ruined us. They put everything our clan had into one stupid venture and it’s all gone. Just so they can be lazy and not actually work, we’re finished. And to top it off, we just learned our grandfather put up a second mortgage no one knew about on the land, the land where our compound sits. It’s in foreclosure.”
“How is he going to pay a reward if you have no money?” Caleb asked suspiciously.
“He doesn’t actually plan to pay it,” she said, guarded.
“Then how...never mind,” I said once I’d thought better of it.
“Ok, well.” Caleb wanted to feel sorry for her but couldn’t muster it. “What does that have to do with us, besides them coming for Maggie?”
Like hell.
“My uncle’s plan is to take Maggie again and ransom her to your family, after he’s taken lots of her blood, of course.”
“Ransom,” Caleb grit out angrily. “What?”