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Absolute Beginners(74)

By:S.J. Hooks

“Oh,” I said, hoping that Shawn wouldn’t think any less of me now that he knew Julia was my student. “That’s awful.”

“She is single, right?” he asked pointedly.

“Um, yeah. She’s not married or anything like that.”

But I couldn’t get Julia’s relationship status on the Fa—on Facebook—out of my mind. I briefly considered asking my two knowledgeable companions what it might mean, but decided against it. That would reveal that I secretly looked at her profile page. Which I did, a lot.

And now I’m following her to a club. I’m officially a stalker. What’s next, night vision goggles?

“Um, so, how should I approach her tonight?” I asked, seeing how we really hadn’t resolved anything.

“Maybe it’s better if you just act like yourself. I mean, she did sleep with you before when you were all…awkward,” Shawn said.

My brother groaned. “I still think that casual is the best way to go. You look great tonight and I bet she’ll be all over you the second she sees you. Play hard to get.”

“But I’m easy,” I said immediately. Both of them laughed.

“Say that loudly at the club and you’ll definitely get in,” Shawn chuckled. “They’ll put out the welcome mat.”

I rolled my eyes when I realized what I had actually said.

“Ha-ha. I just don’t think I can pretend like that,” I admitted. “And I still don’t understand how it helps me if she thinks that I don’t want her. I’m sorry, Matt, but that just doesn’t make any sense to me.”

“I know what I’m talking about,” he insisted. “Who gets laid more, me or you?”

“You do,” I grumbled.

“Yeah, but when was the last time you had a girlfriend?” Shawn asked Matt. “Stephen isn’t just out to get laid. He’s on a mission of love and I think it’s romantic. He’s fighting to win back the woman he loves.”

I stared at Shawn in the rearview mirror and saw that he was smiling dreamily.

“Dude, you need a girlfriend,” Matt said to Shawn. “Or a boyfriend. How the hell do you decide, anyway?”

“I told you,” Shawn said. “It’s about the person. If I meet someone interesting and attractive I don’t care whether it’s a guy or a girl. Hey, pull in at the parking lot.”

* * *

Walking the short distance to the club, I could feel my nerves getting the better of me.

This is probably my only chance to get her back. I can’t screw this up.

I stopped abruptly outside the entrance, overwhelmed by waves of nausea.

“Oh God,” I groaned, leaning forward with my hands on my knees. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

The guys stopped next to me and I felt one of them pat my back.

“Problem?” a deep husky voice asked.

I looked up and saw the bouncer staring intently at me.

“He just came out,” Shawn said excitedly. “It’s his first time at a club.” He clapped his hands, doing a pretty convincing impression of a very, very gay man.

“Ooh, a virgin!” The bouncer grinned. I had no choice but to nod and give the guy a watery smile.

“It’ll be fine, hon. Take a deep breath, and come on in,” he said. I couldn’t help but appreciate the sincerity in his eyes.

And just like that, we were past the first hurdle.

Shawn led us inside and my eyes darted around the room, seeking out the women who were there. Apparently, so did Matt’s.

“Look at all the hotties!” he boomed, just as a song ended.

Oh no. We’re busted!

“Woo!” A group of men sitting nearby lifted their glasses to us.

“Matt, for the love of all that’s holy, will you please control yourself,” Shawn whispered.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, although it didn’t stop him from ogling the women at the bar.

“Look, if you do get caught staring—and you probably will,” Shawn said pointedly, “just tell them that you think their outfit is fabulous or something like that.”

Matt nodded and continued his gawking. There was no way this was going to work.

Somehow, we made it to the bar without incident, although I did see more than a few men looking appreciatively at me. I suddenly felt very exposed and uncomfortable.

Is this how women feel at regular clubs? Like a piece of meat?

“What can I get for you, sugar?” the bartender asked me while looking me up and down.

Oh God, what should I order? A beer? No, that’s too heterosexual, isn’t it? Some kind of drink? I don’t know any drinks, really. Wine, maybe? Dammit! I should have done research before I came here.