Reading Online Novel

Absolute Beginners(71)

“Thank you,” I said with a sigh of relief. “The club is called Booty, do you know it?”

Matt’s mouth popped open.

“Booty?” he asked slowly. “Are you sure that’s the one they’re going to?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Um, that’s a gay club, dude.”


“A gay club? Really?”

Matt nodded and grinned a little.

“But…that doesn’t make any sense. Why would they go there? Unless, maybe one of her friends is gay?” I asked.

“Oh my God!” Matt exclaimed. “I bet it’s Megan. That’s why she hasn’t returned any of my emails.”

I rolled my eyes at him. Only Matt could be delusional enough to believe that sexual preference was the only reason why a woman wouldn’t be interested in him.

“She doesn’t really seem gay,” I said. “I mean, they did put on that show for all the guys at your bar. Unless they’re all bisexual, maybe?”

“Is Ms. Wilde?” he asked curiously.

“No, I don’t think so. Although…”

“Although what?” he asked, wide-eyed. “Did she tell you about something that she’s done? Maybe with another girl?”

“Could you at least try to hide your enthusiasm?” I asked dryly.

He’s practically drooling.

“Sorry. That’s just really hot, you know. Two beautiful girls together and all.”

“I guess.” I didn’t like to think of Julia with anyone other than me, regardless of gender. “No, I don’t think she has those inclinations, but she’s very…free-spirited, I guess you could say.”

Matt opened his mouth to speak and I could easily imagine all the scenarios running through his brain.

“Before you ask, no, I will not tell you anything.”

Especially not the part about her wanting me to tie her up. I’m a gentleman, after all. Well, except when I’m drinking, apparently.

Matt pouted and grumbled to himself, obviously disappointed that I wasn’t going to divulge.

“Maybe there’s another reason why they’re going to a gay club?” I suggested.

“Maybe,” he said. “We need assistance. Shawn has gay friends. Hang on a second.”

I watched as he went into the back and came out, dragging Shawn along. Shawn owned half the bar with Matt and was a really nice guy.

“Hey, Stephen,” he said as he pulled up a chair. “What’s going on? Matt said something about your girlfriend possibly being a lesbian?”

I gave my brother a glare, but he just laughed like an idiot and sat down as well.

“No, she’s not a lesbian,” I said. “But, um, she is going to a gay club on Friday. Booty?”

Shawn smiled and nodded. “That club is mostly for gay men, so I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“OK, but then why would she go there?” I asked with a frown.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Probably to avoid getting hit on all night,” he said. “It’s like a thing, you know? Beautiful women go to gay clubs all the time when they just want to dance and have a good time without being propositioned by horny drunk guys.”

Thank God. That means that she’s not looking for someone else, at least.

“Really?” Matt asked.

Shawn nodded.

“Um, Shawn. I hope you don’t mind me asking,” I said hesitantly. “But how do you know so much about this? Are you…?”

“I’m not gay,” he said casually. “I’m…versatile. It’s all about the person for me. It transcends gender.”

Matt stared at his friend, completely bug-eyed. This was obviously news to him. “I’ve only ever seen you with women!”

“That’s because we’re usually here,” Shawn explained. “Most guys who come here don’t really swing that way.”

“You’ve never said anything.”

“It never came up,” Shawn said with a shrug. “It doesn’t make a difference, does it?”

“No, of course not,” Matt said. “You’re not into me, though, right?”

Shawn threw his head back and roared. “No!” he gasped, wiping his eyes. “No, I’m not into you, Matt.”

“Well, it’s not that funny, is it?” Matt said, crossing his arms.

“No, I’m sorry, buddy,” Shawn said, giving him a pat on the back. “You’re a very attractive man, but you’re really not my type. I tend to go for guys more like Stephen, actually,” he added, smiling at me.

Oh no. Not happening, Shawn.

“I…um, thank you, I guess?” I said doubtfully, glancing around the room for the nearest exit.