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Absolute Beginners(52)

By:S.J. Hooks

“I suppose so,” I said doubtfully. “Um, would you like some more to eat?”

“No, thanks.” She smiled. “It was really good. You’re a great cook.”

“Thanks,” I said, smiling in return. “Was it worth the wait?”

“Definitely. I don’t think I want to wait for dessert, though.”

“Oh, sorry,” I started. “I didn’t—”

“That isn’t the kind of dessert I’m talking about, Stephen,” she said, playing with one of her braids.

Oh? She means…oh!

“Uh, what did you have in mind?” I asked.

She stood up slowly and walked over to me. “Something pretty simple. You, me, and your bed,” she said. “If you’re up for it, that is.”

“I am, but…I really didn’t ask you over because I wanted to…you know.”

“Fuck?” She grinned, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, that,” I said, feeling a grin of my own tugging at the corner of my mouth.

“I know,” she said simply, holding out her hand.

I took it gladly, following her into my bedroom.

* * *

I buried my face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent as my body grew heavy on top of hers. I loved this moment. We were still connected intimately, enjoying the immediate relaxation that followed our climaxes. I never wanted to leave this place.

“That was…” I was at a loss for words and, apparently, so was Julia. She simply hummed and buried her hands in my hair. I was tired but I wanted to kiss her. With great effort, I lifted my head and pressed my lips against hers.

“Mmm,” she half-moaned. “You taste like me.”

That woke me right up. “Sorry,” I mumbled, my face now scorching hot.

“No, I like it.”

She proved it by kissing me again, stroking her tongue against mine and moaning softly. God, that was sexy.

“Have you ever done that before?” she asked, guiding my head down to rest on her chest.

“No,” I whispered, nuzzling her breasts. “Was it all right?”

“So much better than all right,” she sighed, stroking my hair.

I smiled, placing a kiss on the center of her chest before laying my head down again. I’d been nervous, of course, when she had gently nudged my shoulders, wordlessly telling me to move down her body. But by now I knew her body well—what she liked, the sounds she made when she was close. With Julia’s gentle guidance, it hadn’t been difficult at all to make her shudder and call out my name using only my lips and tongue. Then, while she was still panting, I had moved up, sliding inside her, bringing her over the edge again before I let myself fall. It was so easy being with her like this, it felt instinctual now. I closed my eyes and tightened my arms around her, wanting nothing more than to sleep.

Far too soon, Julia started squirming and I knew that our time was up. She wasn’t a fan of intimacy extending beyond intercourse, but tonight I wished that she’d keep touching my hair and let me hold her. Reluctantly, I lifted my head and kissed her before rolling off her and closing my eyes again. At once, I felt her leave my bed and walk into the bathroom.

It was different this time. I don’t know why, but it was.

I lay there trying to figure out why it had felt different sleeping with her tonight. Maybe it was because we were at my place, or because we had done things in reverse order and eaten before having sex. The sex had been wonderful, as always, and I was certainly satisfied. But I’d never experienced this strange feeling afterward, of wanting to keep her in my arms for the rest of the night.

Julia came back in and I opened my eyes, scanning her from head to toe. She was still naked, her hair now loose and untamed the way I liked it. She was like a goddess of feminine beauty with gently rounded curves, a sensual mouth, and eyes I could get lost in.

“God, you’re magnificent,” I whispered. Her eyes widened slightly before her lips curved up in a beautiful smile.

“Thank you. You say the sweetest things,” she said softly. “Why some woman hasn’t made an honest man out of you is beyond me,” she added with her lopsided grin.

I watched as she started getting dressed again. It felt wrong for her to cover up her perfect body, and I wondered, yet again, what she was doing with someone like me.

“Why me, Julia?”

“Why you, what?” she asked, looking puzzled.

“Why did you choose me? I mean, you could have anyone.”

She sat on the bed. “I thought you were insanely hot the first time I saw you in class, but it wasn’t like I was planning anything. Meeting you that night outside the bar was just luck, and the fact that you turned out to be really great in bed and a decent guy was completely serendipitous. Why did you want to keep seeing me after the first night?” she asked. “You could have your pick of women.”