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Absolute Beginners(37)

By:S.J. Hooks

God, yes.

I started removing my clothes as she turned off the TV and put on some music instead. She lit a few candles and switched off the lights, leaving the room glowing softly like the last time I was here. And just like last time, I was nervous. I fumbled with the buttons of my shirt while I cursed my lack of confidence and experience. Thankfully, Julia came over and placed her calm hands on top of my trembling ones.

“Let me help you,” she whispered.

I nodded and drew a deep breath while she took my shirt off and opened my pants, letting them drop to the floor. I stepped out of them and she knelt and took off my socks, leaving me only in my boxers. She ran her hands over my body as she stood up again, and I shivered with both nervousness and excitement.

“On the bed,” she murmured, and I nearly fell over my feet in my eagerness to do as she said.

Situated on top of her bedspread, I heard myself gasping as she slipped off her robe, revealing that she was, in fact, completely naked underneath. I had missed her body. My hands twitched, knowing that I would get to touch her again. That she wanted me to. She crawled toward me, looking determined and beautiful. When she reached me, she didn’t straddle me as I expected, as she had last time. Instead, she stretched out next to me, resting her hands above her head, granting me complete access to her body. I sat up slowly, moving into a kneeling position.

“Is it…” My voice caught in my throat.


“Is it OK if I just l-look at you for a little while?

Her eyes softened and she smiled. “Sure.”

I sighed in relief when she granted my admittedly strange request, so sweetly with no questions asked. Most men in my position probably wouldn’t spend time merely looking, but I’d never been afforded an opportunity like this before, and I didn’t want to waste it. I drank her in with my eyes, wishing that I had perfect recall so I’d be able to remember this with complete clarity later on. I didn’t want to forget this vision: Julia’s soft-looking skin, the way her hips flared out, the curves of her breasts, her slender arms and delicate fingers. Her beautiful face. She lay still, watching me taking her in, a smile lingering on her lips. She didn’t seem to mind this at all. I noticed how her nipples constricted and her breathing became faster beneath my intense scrutiny and realized that it wasn’t just that she didn’t mind. She was enjoying it.

“Turn over.” I barely recognized the husky quality my voice had adopted.

A grin tugged at her lips before she did as I asked. I brushed her long hair to the side, admiring the gentle slope of her back, the firm roundness of her backside, the shape of her legs. She was stunning. It wasn’t just that I desired her sexually. Finally, I understood the poetry I had read, celebrating the female form. It was an eye-opening experience, seeing her like this. One I never thought I’d have with this girl, who was so different from the women I usually found attractive. But there was something unspoiled and real about her lack of shame when it came to being exposed like this, and I admired her for it. For being so brave. For being so unlike me.

“Beautiful,” I murmured, tracing the tip of my index finger along her spine until I reached her buttocks.

“Never took you for an ass man, Professor,” she giggled. “But by all means, grab a handful.”

I laughed, the spell broken. Rolling over, she reached for me, pulling me down on top of her.

“Will you please just fuck me already?” she asked candidly.

“I…I should touch you first,” I insisted. “Make you ready.” I didn’t have a lot of experience, but I knew the importance of making certain she was prepared for my…intrusion.

“Believe me, I’m ready,” she said, moving my hand down her body until I reached between her thighs.

“Oh…” I’d been right in my assessment—she certainly had enjoyed me looking at her. Even though she was ready for sex, I wanted to learn about her body, what she enjoyed, and hopefully bring her pleasure.

“Teach me?” I whispered, moving my fingers tentatively. “How to touch you?” I suppressed my nerves and continued. “I-I don’t really know what I’m doing,” I admitted.

I glanced up at her, seeing no judgment in her eyes. Her gaze had softened once more. “I’ll show you.”

I exhaled, feeling a surge of relief when she guided my fingers.

“You feel this?” she asked, moving my middle finger over a small prominence.

“Y-yes,” I whispered. “Is that your…um, you…you know?”

Just say it. It’s the correct anatomy term, for heaven’s sake!