Reading Online Novel

Absolute Beginners(30)

I opened my mouth to begin my practiced speech when she grabbed hold of my jacket collar and pulled me inside her apartment, slamming the door behind me.

That wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

“I’m so glad that you’re here!” she said, ushering me toward her bathroom while I wondered what was going on.

“There’s a huge, and I mean fucking humongous spider in there and I need you to kill it!”

“Err, OK?” I said, scratching my neck.

“I mean it, Stephen!” she said, looking deadly serious. “You go Kill Bill on its ass, all right?”

“Bill who?”

“Fucking hell,” she said, flashing me one of her lopsided grins. “How old are you, anyway?”

I didn’t have time to give her an answer before she spoke again.

“OK, go all Rambo on it. You do know who Rambo is, right?” she teased.

I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, of course. I read the novel,” I said. “I’ll kill it good and proper, I swear.”

Inside the small bathroom I saw the offending arachnid, which really wasn’t as big as she had led me to believe, and squashed it with a piece of toilet paper before flushing it. Bugs didn’t scare me. Being alone with this strange girl right on the other side of the door, however, was terrifying.

“All gone,” I said as I walked back out.

“You sure it’s dead?” she asked, peeking into the bathroom. “It won’t jump up on my ass the second I sit down?”

“Positive. I crushed it. It was very brutal, I promise,” I said, smiling.

She stared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile before,” she said. “You should do it more often.”

“OK,” I said dumbly.

Her eyes traveled over me and a slow smile formed on her lips. I suddenly noticed how little clothing she was wearing: another silk robe, this one white. Her hair appeared to be slightly damp and there wasn’t a trace of makeup on her face. She looked sweet and natural, yet her eyes shone with mischief. She was so attractive like this, without the horrible clothes, hair, and makeup. I had to leave now.

Without warning, she stepped forward, stood up on her toes, and wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her soft little body against mine.

Oh, no. Touching is definitely off limits!

But God, she felt good. I placed my hands on her hips and literally couldn’t push her away. Instead, I pulled her closer.

“My hero.” She grinned. “How can I reward you for your bravery?”

This is not the way this was supposed to go.

I swallowed when she lifted her face to mine.

“Maybe with a kiss?” she whispered against my lips.

My head bopped up and down as though I was a puppet and she was the puppeteer, pulling my strings. I closed my eyes, preparing for the feel of her soft mouth against mine, when suddenly I felt her hands undoing my belt instead. My eyes flew open and I saw her kneeling in front of me, opening my pants with eager, experienced hands.

“W-wait,” I stammered. “What are you doing?”

“I didn’t specify where I wanted to kiss you,” she answered, smiling flirtatiously.

Tell her to stop, tell her to stop.

“Oh! Oh my God,” I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut when her warm lips slid over me.

She pushed my pants to the floor and ran her hands up and down my thighs. My hands moved of their own accord and I buried them in her hair, tugging it gently. The sound and feel of her moaning made me open my eyes to look her. My breath hitched when I saw that she had seemingly been watching me the entire time. I met her eyes for a second before I dropped my gaze to her pretty mouth. The sight of her lips wrapped around my length caused me to groan loudly and I felt myself hardening further. It was so beautifully erotic. Even with my lack of experience, I knew that it was a common male fantasy to have a woman like this, and I found myself no different from the rest of my gender. I did have those kinds of inclinations, no matter how much I’d tried to convince myself otherwise. I wanted this. It was too good to deny my sex-starved body, and I threw myself into the sensations, captivated by the image of her kneeling in front of me, practically worshipping me. Her hands ran up my legs and gently kneaded my buttocks. She moaned again and then I felt her push my hips forward, which made me slide deeper into her mouth.

Does she want me to move? It’s just like my dream!

I thrust forward gently and looked into her eyes. She hummed and caressed me with her wicked, talented tongue. My hands gripped her hair a little tighter as I began moving in and out of her mouth, faster and faster. This wouldn’t take long at all.