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Absolute Beginners(3)

By:S.J. Hooks

“Stevie!” he practically sang. “What’s up?”

“I don’t know. You called me.”

“Oh, right. Why don’t you ever pick up?”

“I had a class. My phone was in my car.”

“You do realize you can bring it with you, right? It’s not like it’s a car phone, although I can understand why you’d think so.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You need a new phone. The one you have now is the size of a brick. Can it even text?”

“You know it can,” I said. “Why’d you call?”

“I want you to come out with me tonight.”

“It’s Tuesday.”


“So, don’t you have work tomorrow?”

“Yeah, what’s your point?”

I sighed. “Never mind. No, I can’t come out.”

“Why not, man? You don’t have classes in the morning.”

“I have papers to grade and an article to finish. Besides, I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home.”

“All your evenings are quiet ones at home,” Matt said, and I could practically hear him rolling his eyes.

“Well, that’s the way I like it.”

“I swear to God, I have no idea how the two of us are even related. You are the oldest thirty-three-year-old in the world.”

I chose not to point out the fact that Matt and I were only related through marriage.

“I’m serious,” he continued. “You’re single and have easy access to young hotties, but when’s the last time you got laid?”

Who can even remember at this point?

“I don’t have ‘easy access,’ as you call it. Dating a student is forbidden and you know it.”

“I’m not talking about dating,” Matt countered. “I’m just talking about getting someone’s hand on your dick other than your own. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

“I have to go,” I said. “I’m headed for the gym.”

“Great idea, I’ll see you there in ten minutes,” Matt replied, ending the call before I could protest.

Fantastic. Just what I need after the day I’ve had.

Chapter 2

When I reached the gym, Matt was already outside talking on his phone, laughing about something.

We were nothing alike. He was insanely outgoing and popular. He owned a sports bar with a buddy of his and apparently it was very successful. I didn’t care about sports in the slightest, and I had only been there for the grand opening a few years ago when my mother pretty much forced me to go. I spent the entire night feeling awkward and overdressed in my suit, and was thrilled to slip out early when a fight broke out.

Matt was a great guy, but I never really understood why he wanted me around when we were kids, and I guess I still didn’t. He had tons of friends and an active dating life, but for some reason he always seemed to have time for me.

“Hey, bro,” Matt called as I approached him.

Stepbro, to be completely accurate.

Several people called out to us in greeting as we headed for the changing room, and while Matt had a clever comment for each one, I had to force myself not to look down at the floor and to nod stiffly instead. I never received any attention when I came here on my own and I preferred it that way.

“What’s with you?” Matt asked as I slammed my gym bag down on the floor. “That vein in your forehead looks like it’s about ready to pop.”

“I don’t know. I think I might be coming down with something.”

“Yeah, it’s called blue balls,” he said with a snicker. “Is it that annoying girl who’s been playing you again?”

“What?” I asked, only half-listening as I started getting changed.

“You know, the one who dresses like crap and always talks back. The one you can’t seem to shut up about whenever I see you.”

I looked up. “Ms. Wilde?”

“Mmm…Ms. Wilde, I like that. What’s her first name?”

“I don’t know,” I said, feeling irritated. “Why the hell are we talking about one of my students?”

“Ooh, now you’re dropping H-bombs, too!” Matt laughed. I had no idea what he meant. Hydrogen bombs were hardly a laughing matter. “Because,” he said matter-of-factly, “the vein is unusually large today and that only ever happens when you’ve had her in your class.”

I ran the pads of my fingers across my forehead.

“Well, what did she do today?” he asked.

“Nothing! Will you just leave it alone?”

“Wow, it must have been bad. Or good, depending on how you look at it.”

I gave him what I hoped was a withering glare to get him to shut up. I didn’t want to think about that ridiculous girl when I didn’t have to.