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Absolute Beginners(19)

By:S.J. Hooks

“Never mind,” I muttered, taking a bite of my sandwich—which, incidentally, was delicious.

She turned her attention to the TV and didn’t seem interested in talking with me anymore, which bothered me immensely. I may not have been the greatest conversationalist, but I wasn’t a completely lost cause. I hoped she didn’t see me as a mindless moron when it came to small talk.

Why do I even care? I’ll eat the sandwich and go home to where things make sense.

“This is very good,” I said, trying to get her attention for some unknown reason.

“Thanks,” she said with a quick smile. “Sandwiches and soup are just about all I can manage.”

After a few minutes, she yawned and stretched her arms above her head before getting off the bed. I watched as she carried her plate into the kitchen and then headed into the bathroom. After I finished my sandwich, I decided that it was a good time to get going, since she was obviously headed for bed. I put my plate in the kitchen sink and was surprised to see that it was somewhat tidy, compared to the rest of the place. When I came back out, she was flinging pillows off the bedspread and had turned out most of the lights. Only a few candles flickered across the walls, and I observed her quietly while she readied the bed by taking off the bedspread and turning down the covers. My jaw went slack when she opened her robe and let it drop to the floor. I may have made a sound because she turned around and approached me. Once again I couldn’t stop my eyes from taking in every inch of her naked body. She looked like temptation incarnate.

“Are you staying?” she asked when she stood in front of me, completely unashamed about her nakedness.

“No,” I screeched, before clearing my throat. “No, I—I have to get home.”

“All right,” she said, smiling. “This was fun. I’ll see you in class Friday.”

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, turned, and walked over to the bed. I watched as she crawled under the covers.

“Good night,” I said.

“Good night,” she said, yawning sleepily again. “Drive safe, Stephen.”

“Thanks, you too,” I answered, then I realized what I’d said.

Get out of here, moron!

She laughed a little and shifted in the bed, moving the covers and revealing her naked breasts again. For a fleeting second I wondered what it might be like to spend the night in her bed. She was warm and soft and smelled nice. I had to admit that it didn’t sound too terrible.

No, don’t even go there.

“Um, yeah. ’Bye then,” I said ineloquently as I walked over to the door.

I turned to look at her again and she waved at me from the bed. I lifted my hand awkwardly and returned the gesture before I finally stepped outside, closing the door behind me. It shut with a small click, effectively locking me out of her apartment, and I decided that was probably a good thing.

I drove home quickly, anxious to return to a normal place where things once again were organized and sensible, after having spent the night in a place where chaos and disorder ruled. I thought about Ms. Wilde again when I entered my apartment. I wondered what she would think of it: clean surfaces, matching furniture, and a hint of Lysol. She would probably hate it as much as I hated her place. I went to bed, slipping under the cool, crisp white sheets, dressed in my pajamas. As I lay there in my bedroom with its white walls and unadorned bed, my last thoughts before I drifted off to sleep were of a wild girl in a warm, glowing room, lying in a huge monstrosity of a bed, soft and naked under the covers. And in my dreams that night, she wasn’t alone.

Chapter 5

The following morning, I did something I had never done before: I overslept. Already running late, I rolled out of bed, groaning when I felt my muscles protest. I hadn’t stretched after my workout the day before and now I was paying for it. I stumbled into the bathroom, going through my daily routine. However, this morning I felt slightly off-kilter. My mind was sluggish, but I wasn’t tired. In fact, I’d slept great, after…

Oh, God. I slept with Ms. Wilde.

She’d brought me back to her place and practically seduced me. And I had liked it. She’d even managed to infiltrate my subconscious and I now vividly remembered the dream I’d had just before waking—a scene from last night: Ms. Wilde on her knees, pleasuring me orally. But unlike last night, I was the one in control. With her ponytail wrapped around my fingers, I thrust into her mouth while she looked up at me, the expression in her eyes both demure and lustful, practically begging me to dominate her.

Jesus Christ. What is wrong with me?

I started the shower, and shook my head as I stepped underneath the spray. I’d never had the desire to exert power over a woman before, but now I remembered the dream in detail: how, after the oral sex, I taken her roughly from behind while she screamed with pleasure. Clearly, this was a reaction to the sandwich I had eaten at her place. It wasn’t healthy to eat before bedtime and I’d heard that it could cause nightmares. I didn’t have the inclinations portrayed in the dream, and I was positive that Ms. Wilde didn’t either. She obviously liked controlling the situation in the bedroom and my dream version of her was the complete opposite of the woman I had slept with last night.