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Absolute Beginners(18)

By:S.J. Hooks

What am I doing?

I was certain that post-coital snuggling was what usually happened in these types of situations. Gently, I pushed her back up into a sitting position again. She smiled before she lifted herself off and stretched out on the bed next to me.

“I need the bathroom,” I said, almost falling over my own feet while trying to make a quick escape.

After I had removed the condom and thrown it out, I leaned on the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. What was I doing? I wasn’t the sort of person who did something like this. Everything I had ever worked for could be gone in an instant if Jul—if Ms. Wilde blabbed about this to her friends. The sex was undoubtedly the best I had ever had, but it wasn’t worth risking my whole career.

I had to get out of here, now.

Taking a deep breath, I walked back into the bedroom. She was still lying on her side, completely naked, and I couldn’t stop my gaze from roaming over her. She really was very, very pretty without her odd makeup and hairstyle choices, and her body was heavenly with long, shapely legs; a firm, round backside; a toned stomach; slender arms; and, of course, those beautiful breasts.

Resting her head on her arm, she looked completely tranquil, whereas I had turned back into the nervous fool I’d been when we’d first walked in. I remembered that I was still naked and felt the urge to cover up immediately. I walked over to the bed and quickly put on my boxers, which made me feel a little less exposed. She shifted on the bed behind me and I looked at her over my shoulder. She sat up, kissing my lips softly. She was wearing a dazzling smile.

“You can stay over if you’d like,” she said when she pulled back, before jumping off the bed gracefully.

Oh no. That will only give her the wrong impression.

“Um, thanks, but I should probably get home.”

“OK,” she said in a light, casual tone, shrugging her shoulders.

I looked at her as she put her satin robe back on and padded into the kitchen. After I had put my clothes and my glasses back on, I sat back down on the bed, not really sure what to do. After a minute or two, she came back out holding a plate with a sandwich and some grapes, plus a soda. I stood up quickly.

“Oh, you’re still here,” she said, clearly surprised to see me. “Did you change your mind?”

She thought I would just leave without saying good-bye? Wait, is that what one does in this type of situation? But that seems so rude.

“I, um…”

God, I have no idea what to say next. What is it about this girl that turns me into a complete imbecile?

“Would you like a sandwich?” she asked, putting hers down on the nightstand. “I was just going to watch some TV before I crash. You’re welcome to join me.”

“OK, thank you.”

What? I’m staying?

She smiled and walked back into the kitchen. I watched her go, all the while trying to figure when my mouth had developed a mind of its own and started blurting out words at random. To the best of my knowledge it had never happened before, but it seemed to have become a regular occurrence in the past few hours. I sat back down on the bed, flabbergasted and nervous about spending time with Jul—

Ms. Wilde, damn it! Her name is Ms. Wilde, and she is your student!

I had just decided to tell her that I was leaving when she came back in, handing me a soda and a plate with a huge turkey sandwich. It didn’t feel right to leave without eating it since she’d gone through the trouble of making it, so I put the plate in my lap, which was fairly awkward.

“Don’t you have a dining table?” I asked, realizing immediately what an inane question it was since I could clearly see that she didn’t.

“Nope,” she said, while propping pillows up behind her back to sit comfortably against the headboard. “Can you hand me my plate and the remote?”

“Where do you eat your dinner?” I asked after I had gotten myself somewhat situated on the bed. I didn’t know why I was asking her, since I didn’t care what she did outside of the classroom.

“I don’t eat at home a lot,” she said, turning on the TV. “I’m usually at one of my girlfriends’ or out. I’m a pretty shitty cook so it’s probably a good thing.”

I gave my sandwich a dubious glance, but decided that it looked edible. She was already wolfing hers down like she hadn’t eaten in days, which was a pretty interesting thing to watch. She caught me staring at her.

“Sorry,” she said with a grin. “Fucking makes me really hungry.”


“Do you have to call it that?”

“What, fucking? What else would you call it?” she asked, taking another bite.

I didn’t know what to tell her. “Lovemaking” was definitely out of the question and “sex” just sounded so…well, it didn’t sound right. Impersonal, somehow. “Intercourse” was too clinical and then I was pretty much out of options.