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Absolute Beginners(17)

By:S.J. Hooks

I decided not to dwell on it and increased the pressure a little to see how she would react. Her back arched and she let out a low moan, closing her eyes. I took it as a positive reaction.

“Put your fingers inside me, Stephen.”

I gulped.


That did it. She had made me feel good earlier and I truly wanted to reciprocate. Still feeling apprehensive, I did as she asked, gasping when I felt how warm she was, how tight. My head swam with thoughts of how good it would feel to bury myself in her, while I tried my best to bring her pleasure using my fingers. She moaned again, bringing her hands up to caress her breasts, completely unashamed. I stared at her, mouth agape. It was, without a doubt, the most erotic thing I had ever seen, and I felt my erection straining against my boxers. Touching her like this and witnessing how much she liked it was far more arousing than all of my other sexual experiences combined.

“Oh, I want you inside me,” she gasped.

Before I could think or do anything, she sat up and I removed my hands from her. She pushed me up against all her ridiculous pillows by the headboard and pulled off my boxers before opening a drawer in her nightstand and taking out a condom. I was thankful that she had one, since I didn’t, and I was much too petrified about STDs to ever consider having unprotected sex. She rolled the condom on me quickly, straddling me once more.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” she whispered in my ear, running her hands through my hair.

“God, yes,” I heard myself say.

Her lips met mine in a heated kiss and I felt her fingers wrap themselves around my length before she lowered herself onto me slowly. I broke the kiss and inhaled sharply when I felt her envelop me completely.

“Jesus Christ!” I moaned.

She kissed me again and started moving effortlessly. Cupping her breasts in my hands, I touched her the way she had shown me earlier and her enthusiastic whimper told me I was doing it right. I couldn’t fully believe that this was happening. It felt so good. So natural. I ran my hands up and down her back, buried my face in her neck, and crushed her against my chest.

“God, you feel…you feel so…it’s…” I couldn’t describe it accurately.

“I know,” she moaned, moving even faster.

She placed her hands on my thighs and leaned back on them. I was captivated by the sight of her when she started riding me again. I could see all of her and the light from the candles made her skin glow as she moved on top of me. I had never been with a woman in such a way. There was nothing awkward about this because the pleasure made me forget about being nervous. There was no fumbling because she had taken complete control of the situation.

“Touch me, Stephen.”

I ran my hands over her torso, pausing to caress her nipples before putting my left hand on her hip. My right hand snaked down her toned abdomen, but then I stopped.

“I’m—I’m not sure,” I panted, seeking her eyes with mine.

“It’s OK,” she assured me, slowing down considerably. “Watch.”

I did just that, in awe, as she used her right hand to touch herself, all the while moving on top of me. She ground herself down on me, incredible to behold—her eyes closed, her lips parted slightly, her long hair cascading down her shoulders, her beautiful breasts bouncing with every move she made. I reached up to caress them again, something that I felt comfortable doing now that I knew how she liked being touched. The moment I tugged on her nipples she threw her head back and moaned loudly. The sound made me swell inside her and I did everything I could to hold on a little longer.

“Stephen, oh, fuck!” she called out as her body started to tremble. I felt her tightening around me, followed by a loud cry from her.

“Oh, God. Are you…? Are you really?” I panted.

I couldn’t believe that I had ever thought my previous experiences had been satisfying for me. Julia was close to having an orgasm right in front of me, and knowing that I had finally gotten it right filled me with pride. I didn’t have time to bask in the glow of my newfound sense of accomplishment, though. Julia stopped moving, her head thrown back, mouth open in a silent cry. Acting on impulse, I grabbed her hips in a firm hold and took over.

“Ahhhh!” she practically wailed as I slammed her down on me.

My hips rose up again and again while I held her above me, chasing a peak so close I could taste it. I pushed her down on me and came harder than I ever had before. My toes curled, my body went rigid, and I let out a loud, garbled version of her name as pure rapture washed over me.

“Oh, fuck, that was amazing,” I heard her pant.

I opened my eyes slowly. Julia was slumped forward, still breathing heavily, her skin flushed and her eyes closed. I pulled her toward me and held her against my chest while my breathing calmed down. Her head rested on my shoulder while I brushed her hair away from my face, placing soft kisses on her neck, when I froze.