Reading Online Novel

Absolute Beginners(16)

“I don’t know. You can do whatever you want,” I said, feeling an argument coming on if I didn’t shut up soon.

“You bet your ass I can,” she said, grabbing my behind. “And right now I want you to fuck me, Stephen.”

Jesus, she really isn’t afraid of voicing her opinion.

She tightened her hold on me and I exhaled when I felt the warmth between her legs against my erection. Lifting her head, she kissed me, making all thoughts of self-doubt and nervousness disappear. I leaned down into the kiss and she relaxed her head onto the bed. Using one elbow to support my body weight, I ran my other hand through her long hair and down the side of her body. I repeated this a few times, trying to gather the courage to touch her breast, but apparently Julia was getting impatient with my hesitant approach. She pushed on my shoulders and rolled us over until she was straddling me like before and opened her robe unceremoniously. She slid it off and I once again stared at her naked upper body.

“You’ve got great tits,” I blurted out.

What did I just say?

I clamped my hand over my mouth as if that could somehow retract the statement. I felt horrible that I’d said something so vulgar. It was such a Matt-like remark and I hadn’t realized that my stepbrother had influenced me with his crass language. I looked at her, sure that she could see the panic in my eyes.

“Stephen, calm down,” she said with a small laugh. “You’re not the first person who’s told me that I have a nice rack.”

She took my hand away from my mouth and placed it on her breast.

“Touch me,” she said, pulling on my shoulders to coax me up into a sitting position.

She placed small kisses on my neck while I brought my other hand up and cupped both of her amazing breasts, fondling them gently. Then I turned my head to kiss her neck as she had done to me.

“Oh, that’s nice,” she sighed.

“You like this?” I asked, sucking a little on her soft skin.

“Mmhmm,” she hummed.

Hearing that she liked what I was doing emboldened me. I brushed my thumbs over her nipples and felt them harden underneath my touch. She moaned softly and ground herself down on my erection.

Oh, that feels good.

I moved my mouth up and nipped at her earlobe, and rubbed her nipples a little harder.

“Fuck, that’s good,” she whispered hotly in my ear. “Pinch them.”

I wouldn’t dream of denying her when she was actually enjoying my touch, so I did what she told me. She let out a breathy moan and rotated her hips again. Suddenly, she pulled on my neck and made me lower us down so I was on top again, kissing her.

“Mmm…lower,” she sighed.

I moved down to her chest and ghosted my lips over her soft skin. I wasn’t exactly sure how to do this, but she seemed to like what I had done so far. I kissed around one of her nipples and watched, fascinated, as it pebbled.

“Ugh, don’t tease me,” she whimpered.

I wasn’t aware that I possessed the ability to tease a woman sexually, and her statement made me swell with pride. She really liked what I was doing, and apparently wanted more. I put my mouth on her breast again, this time using my tongue to caress her. After a few moments I switched to her other nipple. I noticed that Julia’s hips were moving underneath me and I looked up at her face.

“You’re turning me on like crazy,” she said with a grin. “I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”

I stared at her in wonder. She was really enjoying this.

“Feel how wet you’ve made me,” she whispered.

Oh, God, the words that come out of that pretty mouth of hers.

I sat up between her parted legs and lowered my eyes to her tiny red underwear, then looked up at her face again.

“Take them off,” she said.

I hooked my trembling fingers under the lacy fabric and she lifted her lower body to help me as I pulled them down. I looked down at her and actually gasped. She was completely naked in front of me, legs parted, and I could see everything. My mouth went dry as I gawked at her while she lay there completely at ease, letting me look as long as I wanted. I had no idea what to do next. Well, I had some ideas, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to go about the whole thing. Should I lie down next to her and kiss her first, or simply touch her now in my sitting position?

“Touch me,” she said softly.

“H-how?” I asked, swallowing.

Please don’t laugh at me.

She took my right hand, guiding me. “Here.”

The tips of my fingers touched her warm, wet skin gently. She drew them upward, focusing on a single spot.

“That’s it, baby,” she said, letting go of my hand.

Did she just call me “baby”?