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A Sudden Engagement & the Sicilian's Surprise Wife(57)

By:Penny Jordan

Her mouth tightened and then relaxed. Slowly, she pulled herself back and looked around. “I just wanted some time to think.”

Stefan hooked their arms and tugged her away from the festivities.

When she didn’t budge, he turned around.

There was a wariness in her eyes that he didn’t like. Knew it was there because of him, because he had kept her at a distance the past couple of weeks.

“I want to stay back for a little while more.”

Fighting the first urge to let her be, because there was something in her tone, in the look in her eyes that prickled his skin, he clasped her face. “I told a guard I was looking for a woman with hair the color of fire, and eyes like emeralds and skin like the softest rose. Told him that she was the most poised, the most breathtaking woman dressed in a gold dress that floated with every step she took and that she looked like a queen.”

Shaking her head, Clio laughed. “Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Bianco.” She was laughing and yet it had a forced quality to it. “And it’s Nadia that’s the Sheikha among us. I’m the pauper, remember.”

“The guard reminded me of that, the part about Nadia at least. But said he could also understand why I would come to that erroneous conclusion. And then pointed me toward you.”

As they reached one of the tents that were erected away from the celebration, she dug her heels in.

“Come on, bella. I want to show you something.” He sounded eager, like a schoolboy, yet he couldn’t control it.

It had been so long since he had looked forward to anything so much, so long since he had wanted something in life beyond another business deal.

“I have already seen it, Bianco. And as much as I agree that it’s spectacular, I don’t think a tent amidst a crowd of festive and raucous Gazbiyans is the place or the time to get it on.”

Laughter poured out of him, shaking his chest, loosening every muscle. When she argued further, he lifted her and brought her into the tent.

When Stefan finally put her down, Clio looked around the soaring, tented structure with her eyes wide.

The interior walls were decorated with lush Persian rugs and priceless silks. Low-slung divans with a number of pillows in vibrant colors with golden tassels sat on three sides. On the fourth was a four-poster bed with a sheer veil resting around it.

An image of Stefan and her on the bed instantly flashed in front of her eyes, an insistent pull of desire between her legs. And yet something in her also recoiled at it.

She had laughed about it outside, but inside she was trembling with anger and a powerlessness that she loathed.

Only realizing how silent he was being, she turned around and found Stefan’s gaze on her. The molten desire instantly heated her skin.

When he pulled her into his arms, excitement flared, her body automatically craving more. When he buried his mouth in the crook at her neck, at the spot that drove her crazy, snuggled into her behind so tightly that his arousal pressed into her, branding her, she pushed back into his touch, needing more.

Yet, another warring emotion emerged, polluting the want. God, she had tried so hard to not ask anything of him. To hold herself aloof, to not define their relationship in any way.

Self-disgust roiled through her and she pushed away from his touch.

His head recoiled, hurt flashing in his gaze. “Clio, is something wrong?”

“No. Yes. I hate what you’re doing to me. I hate what I’m letting you do. I hate that I can’t say no when you touch me.”

His mouth tight, he rolled his shoulders. “You’re doing just fine now, bella.”

“I can’t become that shadow of myself again, Stefan. You either want this thing between us, or you don’t.”

“That’s all I have been thinking about these past weeks, Clio.”

A sheaf of papers materialized in his hand, and Clio’s heart sank to her gut.

It was a contract, she knew without looking at it. Another piece of paper that would define her exit from his life.

And just the thought of walking out of his life, the thought of not sharing that suite with him, the thought of not laughing with him and not loving him again sent her into a spiral of pain so acute that she shivered all over.

Oh, God, how she had fallen in love? Where was this unbearable avalanche of emotion coming from?

How was it even possible that she still possessed this much capacity to feel? What did it say about her that after everything she had been through with Jackson, she had so easily surrendered her heart to a man even more ruthless?

How was she to survive now?

She sank to one of the divans, her legs refusing to hold her up, a hollow emerging in her chest.

When Stefan joined her on the divan, she flinched. “Just spell it out for me, Stefan,” she managed somehow.

“Look at me, bella.”

“No.” She clutched her eyes closed, desperate to keep herself together. From the beginning, he had seen her at her lowest, her weakest. Now, she couldn’t bear to betray herself, couldn’t bear to have him look at her with pity.

Couldn’t bear for him to know how irrevocably lost her heart was.

When his fingers landed on her chin, she swatted him away. “Tell me where you want me to sign, Stefan.”

But he didn’t let her leave. Locking her arms, he knelt on the rug before her. “Look at me, Clio. It’s not what you think.”

Shock pinging across every inch of her, Clio looked down at him. His face was so gorgeous that it hurt to look at him. His gaze touched her with such naked, honest desire that her heart ached.

It hurt to look at him, to touch him, to feel his heart and to know that he would never be hers.

“What do you mean?”

“I want us to start fresh, bella. I want to try this marriage for real.”

Her heart thudded so fast that it was a wonder she didn’t have a heart attack. Throat aching, she forced the words to form. “What’s the catch? What are those documents?” she said, so terrified of the answer, and yet so hopeful that he would say there wasn’t one.

That all he needed was her acceptance.

That all they needed was time with each other.

Her hope would cripple her if not kill her.

And Stefan crushed it under his Italian loafer when he said, “You get five hundred million dollars when you sign it.”

“Five hundred million dollars? I don’t understand.”

“No matter what happens in the future, I want you to have security. I want you to—”

“So you don’t expect us to last, then?”

“Nothing in life has guarantees, bella.”

Nausea bubbling up her throat, Clio searched his face, wondering if he was joking. Praying that it was a nightmare she would wake up from. Hoping it was one of her migraines playing a trick on her.

Because this couldn’t be happening, could it? Another man wasn’t measuring her worth, equating her love with money, was he?

“I don’t get it, Stefan. You’re paying me so that you can buy the trust you apparently can’t show in me? Like all the celebrity couples who first draw prenups to protect their assets from each other?”

“You do not have any assets.”

“Exactly. So are you protecting yourself?”

He cursed so long and loud that Clio had goose bumps on her skin. “You’re completely misunderstanding this. I tore up the old contract. I hate how Jackson cheated you. I want you to never have to worry about…”

“Really? After a decade of knowing me, you think all I want is a free ride through life?”

“No. This is something I want you to have, something for my own peace of mind.”

Clio shook her head, understanding dawning. She shot up from the divan, furious energy burning through her, looking for an outlet, even as a deluge of pain broke her within.

It was so easy to think it was her fault, so easy to think he was doing this because she didn’t have any money, to think it was because he lacked trust in her motives, in her.

It wasn’t.

It wasn’t about her at all.

Stefan knew her better than any other person in the entire world. But the freeing thought only gave way to another gut-wrenching truth.

“Five hundred million dollars—is that my price tag, Bianco?” she said gasping for breath. “Because I’m sure if you have a chat with your buddy Jackson, he will tell you that I should come in a lot cheaper.”

The most unholy fury dawned in his gaze. He grabbed her arms in a viselike grip, a vein throbbing in his temple. “Don’t you dare talk as if Jackson and I are the same kind of man, bella. Don’t you dare cheapen yourself.”

“So the man does bleed,” Clio threw at him, agonizing fury coming to her rescue.

“Stop twisting my words.”

She grabbed the contract and threw it on the ground, tears falling over her cheeks. “God, you still don’t get it, do you, Stefan?

“This is the price for everything we share, Stefan. This is the price for our happiness, our life together that you’re talking about. You’re buying me, my affection, tainting every word I would say to you, attaching a price tag to even the sex we have.”

“Enough, Clio! You’re reading this all wrong.”

Shaking her head, she ran a hand over her cheeks. “The sad part is you don’t even realize it. You’re giving me money because that way anything I offer you, you already have a reason for it. Because you don’t have to accept anything I give you.”