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A Merry Little Christmas(41)

By:Melanie Schuster

Just when she thought she couldn't stand any more sensation, he finally  relented and kissed his way back up to her waiting lips and repeated the  pulsating rhythm as their mouths sought more and more of each other.  When they finally stopped, she couldn't speak, she was so spent from the  release to which he'd brought her.

"Adonis... oh, Adonis, I've never done that before." She sighed.

"Did you like it?" he asked as he waited for the wild pounding of his heart to subside.

"I loved it. It was beautiful," she whispered.

"You're beautiful. And I've never done that before, either, so we're even," he said quietly.

She looked at him skeptically and he confessed. "There was never anybody  I wanted to get to know that well, if you know what I mean. I always  said that was for my wife on our wedding night. And that's you and this  is it, our wedding night."

Touched to her heart, Angelique pointed out that it was still daytime.  "Well, then, we'll just have to do this until it gets dark," he growled.  "Come here, baby, we have work to do."

This time she would not be denied; she forced him onto his back and  straddled his body with hers. He held her hips as she looked down at  him, her face a picture of innocent sexuality.

"Are you ready for this, Angel?" By way of answer she moved her body and  adjusted her hips so that the broad tip of his erection was positioned  against her opening.

"Yes, Adonis. Yes, yes, yes!" Her head went back and she slid down onto  his massive hardness, crying out loud as he filled her. He held her  firmly as they established a pace that brought them both the pleasure  they wanted to give each other. She leaned forward, clutching his broad  shoulders and felt herself lowered onto the bed as he turned her onto  her back. He didn't stop the pumping, rhythmic motion that was bringing  her back to the peak of frenzied ecstasy she had just ascended; she  matched his every move until they were both bathed in sweat and  screaming each other's name.

Hours later they were still wrapped in each other's arms. They had  gotten up a few times to feed the dogs and let them out, to get  something to eat and to shower together twice, but for the most part  they were content to make love over and over until the shadows  lengthened and the day began to fade into dusk. They also talked, making  plans for their future and continuing the process of getting to know  each other. They were feeding each other grapes in the middle of the big  bed when Angelique gave him a sideways glance.                       


"You know about it, don't you?" she asked. At his inquiring look, she  elaborated. "You know my big secret about being dyslexic, don't you? You  had to figure it out when I was trying to read to you yesterday."

Donnie looked at her for a long moment and the love he felt for her was  plainly written on his face. "I didn't know at first. I thought it was  because your concussion was worse than we realized. I called Paris to  get some answers," he admitted.

Angelique nodded "But you didn't treat me like I was deficient, you treated me like a woman. Your woman," she said softly.

"You are my woman, just like I belong to you now. I'm yours, my Angel." He leaned over and kissed her.

They were both naked in the middle of the bedclothes, which had been  rumpled so badly that Angelique insisted on changing them. Donnie had  teased her about her fetish for cleanliness and she had blithely ignored  him as they tucked in fresh crisp linens. She was admiring his body in  the firelight; the desire to explore it was building once again. But  before they got to that point, she had to finish telling him what was in  her heart

"When I woke up this morning and all the pieces fit back together, I was  scared. I was so afraid that you wouldn't want me, that you were just  humoring me and feeling sorry for the little special-ed child that I  even thought about not telling you that the amnesia was gone. I wanted  everything to just stay the way it was, but I also wanted it to last  forever. So I had to tell you the truth." She stopped to take a big  grape from his fingers, looking like a golden nymph as she did so.

"I had to believe that since you heard me stammering and stumbling over  those words and you didn't treat me any differently that maybe, just  maybe you could start to care for me. And you do." She smiled at him; a  radiant smile full of adoration that made him fell in love with her all  over again.

He took the bowl of grapes from between them and set them out of the  way. Grasping her hands, he guided her to lie down on his chest while he  covered both of them with the sheet. He kissed her forehead and her  lips, and held her to his heart while he talked "Angel, you are the most  fascinating, incredible woman it's ever been my privilege to know. You  have so many wonderful facets, I'm never going to know all there is to  know about you. You're everything any man could ever want and I plan to  spend every day of the rest of our lives making you happy, just so you  know."

She ran her hand over the hard muscles of his broad chest, enjoying the  smooth warmth. "I love you, Adonis. You're everything I always wanted  and never thought I'd have," she said drowsily.

She was almost asleep on his shoulder when she remembered what she  hadn't told him. "I remember our wedding, Adonis. I remember getting  married."

"That's wonderful, baby, tell me about it tomorrow." He yawned and in minutes they were both sound asleep.

Chapter Seventeen

Lisette couldn't stop smiling as she looked at Donnie and Angelique  across the table. She and Warren were dining with the newlyweds at a  posh restaurant in Greektown. And Donnie and Angelique were acting like  newlyweds, to her delight. They were warm and affectionate with each  other, holding hands and unable to keep their eyes off each other.

"My, my, my! What a difference a snowstorm makes," she teased. "Look at you two, you look like you invented love."

Donnie kissed Angelique's dimples and smiled. "Don't forget the hockey  puck," he reminded her. "I owe a special debt of gratitude to the Red  Wings and the Calgary Flames."

Angelique laughed and squeezed her husband's hand. Then her smile got  dreamy and she looked at Lisette. "And I think he did invent love. Being  married to him is the most wonderful thing in the world. Better than  chocolate." She sighed.

"My goodness," Lisette said, awed. "If I didn't have my Warren, I'd be  terribly jealous right now." She put her hand on Warren's arm and smiled  at him adoringly. He looked at her with his heart in his eyes and gave  her a brief kiss on the lips that spoke volumes.

The two women excused themselves from the table to visit the facilities  and their men rose as they left the table. Donnie watched every movement  of Angelique's body as she walked away and Warren had to give him grief  about it.

"Look at you, Cochran! A few months ago you were ready to marry someone  else and now you can't let her out of your sight. You're one lucky  son-of-a-gun, you know that, don't you?"

Donnie fervently agreed. "Yes, I do. I feel blessed in the extreme. I  have the pleasure of being with the most exciting, the most beautiful  woman in the world and she loves me. Love is a beautiful thing, Warren;  you tried to tell me and I wasn't hearing it. You were right and I was  totally wrong."                       


Warren got serious for a moment, asking Donnie if Angelique knew that  he'd proposed to someone else not two months before they got married.  Donnie also got serious.

"No, I haven't told her that. You know she's working with Aneesah to get  the exhibit set up at the museum, right?" At Warren's look of horror,  Donnie hastened to reassure him.

"Don't get excited, it's not bad at all. They get along great, they like  each other a great deal, in fact. Aneesah called me after the news got  out about the wedding and gave me a hard time." He laughed. "She talked  about me like a dog and reminded me that she'd warned me this would  happen. That love was something that sneaked up on you and took over  when you least expected it."

He smiled at the memory of their conversation. "But she also said she  would make sure that nobody knew that I had proposed to her. She said  that was between us and it would stay that way."

Warren grinned and raised his glass to Donnie. "Like I said, Cochran: a  lucky son-of-a-gun Where are those women? I still haven't figured out  what they do in there," he complained.

"I told you, they talk about us. So now it's your turn, Warren. I've led  the way, when are you going to make an honest woman of your Lisette?"