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A Merry Little Christmas(35)

By:Melanie Schuster

Adam gave a short laugh that held no amusement. "So you got drunk, woke  up married and you're planning on just getting a quiet divorce at some  point in the future? This was your big plan? Man, I ought to bust you in  your head! You should have been taking care of Angel and this is how  you treat her? No wonder she's wasting away. This kind of pressure is  too much for anybody and any fool can see she's special. She's creative  and sensitive, you moron, and you've got her in a terrible position.  She's lying to her friends and family, lying to the whole world and just  waiting for the axe to drop. What's wrong with you, Adonis? Did we drop  you on your head when you were little or something and I just don't  remember it?"

Before Warren could start on him, Donnie held up a weary hand. His  brothers only called him Adonis when they were truly angry about  something. "Adam, you're not saying anything I haven't said to myself.  But if it gives you any pleasure at all, you need to know that I don't  want to divorce her. I want this to be a real marriage. I don't see how  I'm going to let her go," he said quietly. "I've fallen in love."

Now it was Warren's turn to laugh, but it was a loud, hearty one full of  real joy. "Well, it's about time you woke up, Cochran. So when do you  plan to let your wife in on this?"

Donnie was saved from replying by the ringing of his cell phone. He  pulled it out and saw Angelique's name on his caller ID. He smiled and  answered in his best voice. "Hi, Angel. Where are you?"                       


"This is A.J. and we're in the emergency room. Angel had an accident."

Chapter Fourteen

Donnie stood motionless beside Angelique's bed. Her doctor had assured  him it was just a concussion, and that she would be fine, but his heart  hadn't stopped pounding since he got the phone call from A.J. It was a  freak accident, that's all it was; she'd been hit in the head by a  deflected hockey puck and knocked unconscious, then rushed to the  hospital and subjected to every test known to man, but she would  recover. She didn't look fine to him, she looked little and pale and  helpless. He felt helpless, watching her sleep. If anything had happened  to her... he went cold, absolutely cold at the thought. A nurse came in  to take her vital signs and when she picked up Angelique's slender  wrist to take her pulse, Angelique stirred. Her eyelids fluttered and  blinked open and she looked at him dazedly. Then her eyes widened and  she stared at him for a long moment; she glanced at the nurse and looked  around the room, her eyes coming back to rest on Donnie as she looked  questioningly at him. Relief rushed through him like a warm flood as he  saw her gaze becoming more alert.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, Angel. You gave us quite a scare," he said. "A  hockey puck went out of control and bounced off a pillar and then it  bonked you in the head. You've been out for a few hours, but it seems to  be a concussion, nothing more serious. You'll be able to go home  tomorrow; you just need to get some rest tonight. A little pain reliever  and you'll be fine," he assured her.

Angelique lay perfectly still during his words. She looked at the nurse,  who was still performing her tasks. Then she looked back at Donnie and  spoke again. "Are you my doctor?"

The nurse's eyes got big and she answered before Donnie could say a word. "Doctor? Honey, this is your husband.1"

Angelique sat up straight in the bed wincing a little a she did so. She  had a pretty rugged headache, after all. But she smiled at the tall,  very handsome man. "You're my husband? That's nice. What's your name?"

In a short while, the doctor was assuring Donnie that Angelique would be  fine, that her temporary loss of memory wasn't unheard of and was far  from permanent. "It's called retrograde amnesia and it can happen after a  trauma to the head like the one your wife suffered tonight. It usually  goes away in a few hours. We'll keep her here overnight and you can take  her home in the morning."

"I don't want to stay here. I want to go home," Angelique said firmly.  She was sitting up now and Donnie was sitting in a chair by the side of  the bed. She had taken his hand earlier and showed no signs of letting  go. She looked at him with her eyes full of entreaty and repeated her  words. "I want to go home with you, right now." Turning to the doctor,  she asked why she couldn't leave. "My husband can take care of me. Can't  I leave now, please?"

Dr. Feinstein scratched his chin and looked at the determination on her  face. "Well, it would be better if she was here so we could monitor her  regularly," he began. Angelique's stony expression told anyone who knew  her that this was only the calm before the storm. This was the point at  which it was always better to compromise than risk a scene, and Donnie  recognized the signs.

"Look, Dr. Feinstein, my brother is a physician and my best friend is  also. My brother has privileges here, maybe you know him: Andrew  Cochran."

The doctor's concern fell away from his face. "Of course, I know him. I  think it should be fine. As long as you check her regularly and you're  in contact with your brother, there shouldn't be a problem. I'm going to  give you a list of symptoms and if she starts exhibiting any of them,  bring her right back in. Actually, the sooner she's back in familiar  surroundings, the sooner her memory will come back. I'll have the nurse  bring in the information," he told them. After a little more  conversation, he left Donnie and Angelique alone in the room.

She smiled at Donnie, a ravishing smile full of trust "Well, I think I  need to get dressed," she said, looking down at her dowdy hospital gown.  She finally let go of his hand and pushed back the thin sheet and  blanket to reveal long, shapely legs, bare up to the hips where the gown  had twisted. "Are you going to help me?"

Donnie swallowed hard as he realized the full import of the act. "Why  don't I get your clothes and the nurse and she can help you get dressed"  he said quickly. Fortunately for his sanity, Angelique agreed.                       


"Okay. Don't forget to come back for me," she said cheerfully.

After he got her situated with her clothing, he went out into the hall  to wait for her. He took a deep breath and leaned against the wall to  steady his nerves. Whatever else it was, life with Angelique was never  dull.


The doctor had warned Donnie that Angelique might be groggy and  disoriented for a few hours and suggested he put her to bed and check  her pupils every hour. Dr. Feinstein had obviously never dealt with  someone like Angelique. She was animated all the way home and more  interested in the falling snow than her temporary amnesia "That looks so  pretty! It looks like Christmas," she remarked at one point. Donnie  finally got her home and into bed, a feat much more complicated than  he'd expected. First she had to play with the dogs. She may not have  remembered them, but they were still her great champions and they  preened and danced around and played with her to their hearts' content.  She was absolutely delighted with Jordan and Pippen, and rather charmed  by the house, which she insisted on touring. Donnie had to demand that  she get into bed by threatening a quick return to the hospital. She  looked crestfallen, but agreed. Then she complicated matters by asking  why her clothes were in the guest room.

It hadn't occurred to Donnie that she would expect to sleep in the same  bed with him, but since she had no recollection of their unorthodox  marriage, she thought sharing a bed was perfectly normal. He stammered  out something about them redecorating and reorganizing the closets and  she seemed to accept it. It seemed a harmless fabrication until she went  into title "guest room" and came back with a sheer pink confection in  which to sleep. He suggested that she find something warmer, as the  Weather Channel was predicting a huge snowstorm for later that night.

"It's going to get really cold, Angel. You need to have on more than  that." And I definitely need for you to be covered up. They compromised  with her in one of his old T-shirts, which fit her like a nightshirt.  She climbed into bed and looked at him expectantly.

"Aren't you coming to bed?" she asked sweetly.

"In a little while. Remember I have to check on you every hour," he reminded her.

"Okay, well, I'll stay up with you, I'm not sleepy," she replied.

"But you need some sleep. Doesn't your head still hurt?"

She looked a little uncomfortable and admitted that yes, it did. "But I  can't go to sleep unless you're here with me," she said doggedly.