Reading Online Novel

A Merry Little Christmas(30)

"Do you remember what happened to Matt and Nicole? They're not staying  here, I checked. At least, they're not registered under Matt's name or  Nicole's."

His words penetrated the last of the fog that surrounded her. "They went  on their honeymoon. They left," she squinted with the effort of recall,  "to catch this really early flight to some island someplace. They're  going to be gone for a week and then they'll be back in D.C."

"In Washington, D.C.? Is that where they live?" Donnie asked.

Angelique attempted to nod again, then put her hands on her temples when  that proved too painful. "Yes, they do. Matt is a professor at  Gallaudet University, you know that famous college for the deaf and  hearing-impaired. Nicole has a studio in Georgetown where she makes  jewelry. Really beautiful jewelry," she said. Thinking about her friends  made her smile in spite of everything. "They've been my best friends  since high school. We were always together, the three of us. Whenever  I'd get into trouble in Atlanta, I'd take off for D.C. until the heat  was off." She laughed softly. "I don't know what I'd have done without  them."

Donnie was drinking coffee while she made this recitation and he tried  to listen to her every word but for some reason he kept focusing on how  cute she looked in the too-big robe with the towel wrapped around her  head. She really was a beauty, sitting in the sunlight without a speck  of makeup to disguise her natural prettiness. He should have been more  upset about the situation, but was surprisingly relaxed and calm.

"Why are you so calm about this? You don't seem the least bit upset,"  she accused him. "You're acting like this is just nothing, like it's all  a big joke."

What Angelique didn't know was that this was the real Donnie; he was  always a cool head in a crisis. One of the reasons he'd been so  successful in business was because he was clearheaded, logical and  unflappable. His relationship with Angelique may have been out of his  control, but when chaos reared its head he was definitely the man to  have on your side. Acknowledging her concerns with a nod he set his cup  down and reached for her hand across the table.

"I'm sorry, Angel, I don't want you to think that I think this is a joke  or something. I guess you don't know me well enough to know how I roll,  but this is just the way I handle things," he said with a squeeze of  her hand. "But trust me, baby, I'm not trying to treat this like it's  nothing. Here's the thing, Angel: we can get this annulled with no  problem. We can do it here or we can wait until we get back to Detroit.  Nothing to it, we just say never mind, we were just kidding and it's  like it never happened. We just go on with our lives and no one will  have anything to say about it."

Instead of taking away her concerns, Donnie's words seemed to multiply  them. She suddenly couldn't look him in the eye and excused herself.  When Donnie came into the bedroom to find her, she was sitting in the  middle of the bed looking lost. Alarmed by what he saw, Donnie joined  her on the bed, sitting on the side.                       


"Angel, what is it? You should look relieved, baby; we can make this all go away," he said soothingly.

Angelique didn't answer at first, but then she looked at him with an  expression so bleak it wrenched his heart. "I don't know if I can make  you understand. If my family knew about this, they'd flip out, all of  them. This is like the worst thing I've ever done and for me that's  saying something. Nobody in my family has ever screwed up as much as I  have and this is just the topper. I got drunk in Las Vegas and got  married in some sleazy joint to somebody who can't stand me. That's just  disgusting, Adonis, it really is," she said sadly. She was sitting yoga  style and suddenly leaned forward and put her elbows on her knees and  her face in her hands.

Donnie watched her obvious misery for a moment before swinging his legs  up onto the bed and pulling her into his arms. "Don't do that, Angel.  It's not like you were in that sleazy joint by yourself, you know; I was  there, too. And I was at least as drunk as you were, so I'm no paragon  of virtue, either," he said comfortingly.

"Oh, don't be nice to me," Angelique said. "That just makes it worse  because you're not like me. You're good, like that perfect family of  yours and those perfect brothers of mine. Nobody's going to think any  less of you because of this, but they're going to be on me like white on  rice. And I can't blame them, honestly I can't. Crazy stuff follows me  around, it always has."

By way of answer, he pulled her onto his lap and held her closer.  "Angel, nobody's going to find out about this," he told her fiercely.  "And if they do, they'd better mind their own business if they know  what's good for them. We're adults, we're not children. This is between  you and me and nobody else, okay?"

Angelique was so enjoying the novelty of being comforted that she didn't  say a word, she just leaned farther into his shoulder and sighed, a  soft sound so poignantly sad it wrenched his heart.

"Now what is it, baby? Why do you sound so sad?"

"Because. Because nobody in my family or your family has ever made a  mockery of marriage like this; it took me to really screw it up.  Marriage is supposed to be sacred and forever and important, it's not  supposed to be something that happens because you're too drunk to know  what you're doing. I never really thought I'd get married, but now if I  do I'll always know that it's not really my first marriage. I don't care  what annulment means, this is still my first time getting married and  look at what a mess it is. This is so typical of me," she said with a  slight hiccup. "You don't even like me." She buried her head in his  shoulder, making the turban fall off and her still-damp hair fall  forward in disarray.

"That's not true, Angel," Donnie said softly. "Now that you're not  biting my head off every two minutes, I like you just fine. And you like  me, too. Admit it."

She laughed softly as he cuddled her and demanded that she confess her  true feelings. "You think I'm cute and you want me, Angel, you know you  do. Say it! Say you're crazy about me!" he said comically.

By now she was giggling at his foolishness and almost forgotten the fix  they were in. She sat up straighter and looked him in the eye. Putting  one hand on his shoulder and the other on his face, she smiled. "I like  you a little bit, I think. You've been very sweet to me and I really  appreciate it," she said nicely.

Donnie didn't pay her words any attention; he just kissed her, lightly  and sweetly. Then the passion that was always just under the surface  began its inexorable rise to the top. He increased the pressure on her  lips and they parted to his seeking mouth, the warm sweetness of her  tongue driving him into a minor frenzy of desire. The warmth of her body  lit a flame in his and he forgot everything except the feel of her  lithe body in his arms. Unconfined by clothing other than the terry  robe, he could feel her lissome frame and it wasn't enough, it wasn't  nearly enough. His big hand started sliding up her bare leg, pushing the  fabric aside. A soft sound from her increased the desire; he was  burning for her, a hot thirst that only she could quench.

A sudden knock on the door caused Angelique to come back to herself and  she leaped off his lap with a look of horror on her face. She backed  away from him and dashed into the bathroom without a word leaving him to  deal with the knocking. She leaned against the closed door of the  bathroom, her heart pounding like a piston. What had she almost done?  She'd almost succumbed to the unexpected that's what. Finally, she had  enough strength to leave the solidity of the door and sit on the vanity  bench by the marble counter. She took deep breaths to slow her heartbeat  and eventually it worked. Adonis Cochran had been holding her, kissing  her, seducing her wearing only a robe with nothing else on, and she'd  loved every second of it. If she were to be honest, she knew that if the  knock hadn't sounded at the door, she'd be in that big bed wrapped up  in Adonis and not another thing. Her heartbeat had returned to normal  and the heat that had consumed her had finally ebbed but she wasn't  ready to face Donnie. Maybe I'll just stay in here the rest of my life;  he '11 never notice, she thought glumly.                       


Donnie tapped on the bathroom door, calling her name as he did so.  "Angel, baby, come on out of there. Our clothes are here and we can get  dressed and leave. I didn't mean for it to go that far," he said  sincerely. "I wasn't trying to put the moves on you, but you're so  beautiful, I..." He stopped speaking and smiled because Angelique opened  the bathroom door a crack and was looking at him with a carefully  neutral expression. "Come on out. I won't bite you and we do need to  talk, Angel."