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A Merry Little Christmas(28)

By:Melanie Schuster

Donnie didn't have an answer for Warren as he left the house and got  into his cold car. While waiting for it to warm up, he asked himself the  same question. When did that happen?

Lisette joined Warren in the living room just in time to see Donnie  backing out of the wide driveway. She leaned into his side and breathed  in his wonderful masculine scent as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Lisette, you know I've fallen in love with you, don't you?" he said softly.

Without hesitation she turned in his arms so that she was facing him. "I  love you too, Warren. And because I love you so much, I have to tell  you something and I hope you'll still be in love with me afterward" she  said sadly.


Donnie was sequestered in his office, ostensibly looking over budget  projections for the next quarter, but in reality he was doing what he'd  been doing more and more of lately: he was thinking about Angelique.  Over the past few days, Donnie had an opportunity to ask himself a great  many more questions as he tried to make sense of his new feelings. Ever  since the day he'd seen her in Matt's arms and he'd gotten the lecture  from Warren, Donnie had been in turmoil. Part of the problem was that  Angelique was just so inaccessible since Matt had come to town. Even  though she was perfectly friendly to Donnie, she was also busy. They  managed to have dinner together once, but even that wasn't what he'd  hoped for since Paris and Matt also came along. They'd shared an  excellent meal at Xochimilco in the trendy Mexican Town section of  Detroit and then gone dancing together at Parabox, one of Angelique's  favorite dance clubs. It was New Latin Generation night and she had  danced all night with what seemed to be every man in the place. Donnie  frowned as he recalled that part of the evening.                       


He didn't know why he hadn't remembered how well she danced but she was  out there putting everyone else to shame with her moves. The only other  time he could remember Angelique dancing was at her brother Marcus's  wedding, and to be honest, he'd been pretty busy meeting the flock of  beautiful women who were in attendance. That night, though, Angelique  had amazed him. She'd been wearing black leather pants and a red  camisole with matching bolero-type cardigan in a bright red angora, and  her hair had been curlier than usual. She was a graceful, sexy figure on  the dance floor and she commanded every eye as she executed the  intricate steps. What's more, Matt danced with her several times and  they made an exquisite-looking couple, something else that irritated  Donnie.

Donnie took a couple of calls while he continued to peruse the figures  with the help of his laptop, but his mind kept going back to that night.  Paris had also deserted him to dance but she eventually came back to  the table and drank copious amounts of club soda with lime. She'd eyed  him curiously and then asked the question he was dreading.

"So why aren't you out there dancing, Donnie?"

He'd tried not to cringe and surprised himself by answering her honestly  instead of indulging in his usual nonanswer. "I hate to dance, Paris.  I've always felt kind of gawky, to tell you the truth. When your head is  as far from your feet as mine is, getting on a dance floor is just  asking for trouble," he'd told her.

Her eyes had crinkled with laughter and he'd shrugged. "Besides, I was  watching my brothers doing the Electric Slide or something one night and  it was just scary, if you ask me. They looked like big ol' giraffes  bobbing for water. From then on I decided to protect the public by  restricting myself to slow-dancing only." He watched Matt and Angelique  dance some more and asked Paris how Matt could dance so well if he  couldn't hear the music.

"Angelique says if the music is really loud, he can feel the vibrations.  And he wasn't born deaf, he lost his hearing gradually. I don't know if  that makes a difference or not."

Snapping out of his reverie, Donnie suddenly looked at his watch and  realized how late it was getting; on impulse he decided to take a walk  around the office to clear his head. After rising from his desk and  stretching, he took his suit coat from the closet and headed out. He  really did try to stick to his plan; he strolled around the executive  floor, chatting with a few key employees, and dropped in on the lower  floor that held the radio station, but continued his "walk" only until  he'd reached the elevator and gone down to the first floor. His  footsteps were deliberate and purposeful; he went right to Angelique's  studio. There was a computer-printed note on the door that puzzled him:  it read Closed for Wedding. He stared at the note for a moment and then  went to find Fanchon.

Fanchon Rencher was the highly efficient concierge of the building. She  knew everything that went on within its environs and was quite fond of  Angelique. If Angelique had taken the day off for a wedding, Fanchon  would know.

He showed her the note and she immediately started smiling. "Oh, Mr.  Cochran, you should have seen them," she said warmly. "Angelique was so  excited she looked like a little girl. She and that handsome man just  about ran out of here and all she had time to tell me was, ‘We're  eloping!' She said she'd be back next week."

Fanchon was startled by the look of utter fury on Donnie's face. "Is something wrong, Mr. Cochran?"

"Nothing to worry about, Fanchon, just something I have to check out for myself," he muttered as he turned away.


Angelique was in the middle of a happy dance when the pounding started  at the front door. She looked up in surprise and went to see who could  be making all that racket. Excusing herself from her guests, she went to  the foyer with curiosity all over her face. The face she saw at the  front door increased the curiosity.

"Adonis, why are you beating on my door like that? Have you finally gone  all the way crazy?" she asked as she held the door open.

Donnie didn't answer as he burst through the door and stood over her  like some kind of vengeful warlord. "What has all this been about,  Angel? Have you just been playing with me because you could? All the  time we've been talking on the phone, trying to get to know each other  better, waiting for that so-called friend to leave town so we can spend  some time, and you're eloping? What kind of game are you playing with  me?" His anger and hurt were plain in his words; his tone of voice was  several decibels louder than Angelique had ever heard.                       


"How did you hear about the wedding?" she asked innocently.

"Fanchon, that's how. I saw the note on your studio door and I asked her  about it and she said you told her you were eloping," he snarled. "How  do you think that made me feel?"

Confused, she looked up into his furious face. "I'm not eloping with  anybody. Who says I am? Matt is eloping, him and Nicole. Where'd you get  the idea that I was eloping with anybody?"

By now Donnie became aware that there were other people present. Matt  had entered the room and with him was a small, slender woman Donnie had  never seen before. She had an exotic, startling beauty with golden brown  skin and thick curly brown hair with golden highlights. She had green  eyes and a big port-wine birthmark that spread over her right cheek like  a starfish, marring her arresting features. Actually it should have but  she was so pretty, it seemed like an enhancement of her beauty. She  also seemed to have a good sense of humor as she was quite amused by the  scene before her.

"So this is the great man, hmm? You're right, Angel, he's quite a  beauty," she said mischievously. "Adonis is definitely the right name  for this one." She was turned toward Matt as she spoke so he could read  her lips. She also signed the words.

Donnie was taken aback as Angelique reached for his hand and led him  into the center of the living room. "Adonis, this is Nicole, my other  best friend. She and Matt are eloping. We're going to Las Vegas tonight  for the wedding. Now do you understand?"

"You said, ‘We're eloping,' " he said stubbornly. "You didn't say your friends were eloping."

"I did? Well, maybe I said it wrong, who knows. What I meant was that  we're all going to Vegas to get hitched!" she ended with a happy yelp.  She let go of Donnie's hand and continued the happy dance with Matt.  "We're gettin' married, we're gettin' married!"

Nicole hadn't lost her smile; she walked over to Donnie and linked her  arm through his. "And you're coming with us, too, Adonis. This is going  to be the best weekend of your entire life."