Reading Online Novel

A Lick of Frost (Merry Gentry #6)(25)

“You truly did not agree to sit on the golden throne and forsake our court?”
“I did not.”
“I must believe you, niece of mine, but the Seelie Court is thick with knowledge that you will be the next queen of their court.”
Doyle reached across his body and touched me with his good arm at the same time that Rhys touched my shoulder. I touched Doyle’s thigh lightly and laid my hand on Rhys’s hand. “What they say, or think, I cannot control, but I did not agree to it.”
“Why not?” she asked.
“I have friends and allies among the Unseelie Court. To my knowledge I have no such thing at the Seelie Court.”
“You must have powerful allies there, Meredith. They are voting Taranis unfit to rule even as we speak. They will then vote you queen. They would not do that unless you had been approached by the nobles of that court. You must have been courted by them before now. There must have been many secret meetings that I did not know of, and that none of our guards reported to me.”
I was beginning to see where her anger was coming from, and I couldn’t entirely blame her. “One of the reasons I said no, and made clear that I must speak with you first, was exactly that, Aunt Andais. I have not been approached in any way by the nobles. Taranis was almost unnaturally persistent in his desire to have me at one of their Yule celebrations, but other than that I have not had dealings with the Seelie Court. I swear this to you. That is why the offer makes me suspicious as to what they truly want of me.”“I know Hugh. He is a political animal. He would not have offered it to you unless he had a reason to do so. You swear to me that he has never before approached you about this?”
“I swear,” I said.
“Darkness, tell me exactly what happened?”
“I fear, my queen, that I will be useless for this. To my deep shame, I was unconscious through most of it.”
“You don’t seem that injured.”
“Hafwen healed me at the hospital or I would still be there.”
“Abeloec,” she said.
Abe stirred behind us on the bed. He’d tried very hard to go unnoticed. “Yes, my queen.”
“Do you know why Taranis would target you?”
He sat up slowly, careful of his back, and ended by half kneeling almost on all fours behind us. “Once my power was necessary for the choosing of a queen, as Meabh’s power was to the choosing of a king. I think Taranis heard rumors that my power was returned to me, in part. I think he feared that I would help turn Meredith into a true queen of faerie. If we had known that any noble was dreaming of offering her the throne, then the accusations against me would have made some sense. He wanted me away from the princess.”
“Galen,” she said, “why did he target you?”
Galen looked flustered for a moment. He shook his head. “I don’t know.”
“Come, Galen Greenknight, greenman, why?”
I had a thought. “He knows the prophesy that Cel got from the human psychic,” I said.
“Yes, Meredith, because you and the greenman will bring life back to the courts. Taranis has made the same mistake my son did. He thinks that Galen is the greenman of the prophesy. Neither of them remember our history.”
“The greenman means the god, the consort,” I said.
Andais nodded. She turned those eyes to Rhys. “And you, why you? Have you figured it out yet?”
“He heard the rumor that I’m Cromm Cruach again. If I were truly back to my original strength then he would fear me.”
“Rumor has it that you can bring death to a goblin with a touch again. Is that rumor true?”
“I have done it once,” he said, “but whether it will work again, I do not know.”
“The rumor might be enough for Taranis,” she said. She seemed calmer. Which was good. She looked at Doyle. “I understand why he attacked you. If I were to try and kill the princess, I would kill you first, but he was wrong in not targeting our Killing Frost.” She turned those calm eyes to the big man standing so silent beside the bed. “To kill Meredith and survive would require both your deaths, wouldn’t it, Killing Frost?” 
Frost licked his lips. He was right to be nervous. This was not a conversation that we wanted to be having with our queen. “That is true, my queen,” he said.
“Did the Seelie Court make the same condition on you that I do? Do you need to be with child before you can sit their throne?”
“No, they offered the throne with no conditions except that the nobles of the Seelie Court vote Taranis out and me in.”
“What do you think of that, Meredith?”
“I am flattered, but not stupid. I am wondering if the nobles are playing some game of their own choosing, and the offer to me is simply to buy them time to consolidate their own bid for the throne. A vote to put me on the throne would slow the process of choosing a new king, or queen, for the Seelie Court to a crawl.”
Andais smiled. “Did Doyle reason it out for you?”
“No, my queen,” Doyle said. “The princess is well aware of the Seelie Court’s potential for treachery.”
“Is it true that Taranis almost beat you to death as a child?”
“Yes,” I said. In my head I added, as you tried to drown me. Out loud I kept my mouth shut.
Andais smiled as if she’d hit on the same memory and it was a happy one for her. “Meredith, Meredith, you must learn to control your entire face. Your eyes betray how much you hate me.”
I lowered my gaze, not sure what to say that wouldn’t be a lie.
She laughed, and it was both a lovely sound and a sound that made me shiver, as if it were my own body lying on her bed unable to protect itself from what would come next. I wanted to save Crystall from her, but I couldn’t figure out a way to do it. Me trying and failing would just make her hurt him worse. She’d think it meant he was special to me, and it would amuse her all the more to slice him up.
“Now that I know that you have not been meeting with Hugh and the Seelie nobles in secret, I agree that they mean you treachery. Perhaps you will be their stalking horse to lure out all the would-be assassins. Or perhaps it is what you say, that they simply throw your name into the ring to slow the process while someone else consolidates their own power. I think the latter the more likely, but the offer is so completely unexpected that I have not had time to think clearly on it.”
What she meant was that she’d been convinced that I’d betrayed her with the Seelie Court, so she’d been too angry to think clearly. I kept my reasoning to myself. I had my face enough under control that I could look back up at her. Or I hoped I did. How do you tell if your own face is neutral?
“The fact that Taranis knows of the prophesy that Cel got from the human prophet means that one of Cel’s trusted people is spying for the king of the Seelie Court.” She tapped her chin with one bloody fingernail. “But who?”
There was a sound from the mirror, almost the clanging of swords. I glanced at the clock. “We are expecting a call from Kurage, Goblin King,” I said.
“You have call waiting on your mirror,” she said.
I nodded.
“I’ve never heard of such a thing. Who did the spell?”
“I did,” Rhys said. His face was still softly amused, but there was a wariness around his eyes.
“You will have to bespell my mirror as well.”
“Gladly, my queen,” he said, voice pleasantly neutral.
The clang of swords sounded again. “Perhaps you should come back to court and do that today.”
“With apologies, Aunt Andais, Rhys is to bed me if we can get time between calls and emergencies.”
“Would it upset you to see his pale flesh bleeding on my bed like Crystall’s?”
There was no safe answer to that question. “I do not know what you want me to say, Aunt Andais.”“The truth would be nice.”
I sighed. Doyle squeezed my hand. Rhys tensed beside me. It was then that Galen lost it. “What does it matter? Taranis attacked us today. He went so crazy that his own nobles jumped him and dragged him away. He’s about to be voted out as king of the Seelie Court, and you want to spend time tormenting Merry about us!” He actually stepped close to the mirror and continued to yell at her. “Doyle almost died today. Merry could have died today, and then you’d never have a child of your blood on any throne. The Seelie nobles are up to something dangerous that involves our court, and you want to play these stupid, painful games. We need you to be our queen, not our tormentor. We need help here. Goddess save us, but we do.”
We might have jumped him to keep him quiet, but I think we were all too stunned to do anything. The silence was heavy, broken only by Galen’s too-fast breathing.
Andais stared at him as if he’d just appeared. It wasn’t a friendly look, but it wasn’t an unfriendly look either. “What help would you have of me, Greenknight?”
“Try to find out why Hugh offered the throne to Merry, really why.” voice. “That there are swans with gold chains, and that a Cu Sith stopped the king from beating a servant. The Seelie think Merry is to blame or gets credit for the return of the magic.”
“And does she?” Andais asked with that edge of cruelty beginning to creep back in.
“You know she does,” Galen said, and there was no anger, just a sort of righteousness, as if it was just truth.