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A Fistfull of Charms(67)

By:Laurell K. Hamilton

The vampire saliva was wearing off fast. As he carried me, I could feel a heavy pain starting to take hold and unconsciousness gather. I was cold, and shivers shook me.
Jenks’s motion stopped, and he cradled me close as he stood over Ivy. His arms filled with a hard tension. “Leave,” Jenks said. “Get your things and go. I want you out of the church by the time we get back. If you stay, you’re going to kill her, just like everyone else stupid enough to love you.”
A sound broke from her, and he walked away, pace fast as he headed for the warm darkness of the motel room.
I couldn’t find the air to speak. Ivy’s heavy sobs came one after the other. I didn’t want her to leave. Oh, God. I had only wanted to show I trusted her. I only wanted to understand her—and myself. 
Jenks’s shadow fell over me, and I trembled. Tears spilled from me as I saw everything crash down to ruin. I could hear her crying, alone and lost. She was going to leave. She was going to leave because of what I had asked her to do. And as I listened to Ivy crying, alone and guilt-strewn on the pavement, something broke inside. I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. It was going to kill me.
“I asked her to bite me,” I whispered. “Jenks, don’t leave her there. She needs me. I asked her.” A sob rose in me, hurting as it broke free. “I only wanted to know. I didn’t think she’d lose control like that.”
Jenks jerked to a stop under the motel overhang. “Rachel?” he said, bewildered. There was the snap of dragonfly wings, and I wondered how he could carry me if he was a pixy.
I couldn’t see Ivy, but her sobs had stopped and I wondered if she had heard me. I choked on my harsh breath. Jenks’s shocked eyes were inches from mine. I had promised I wouldn’t leave, and I refused to let her run away in guilt. I needed them both. I needed Ivy.
“I had to know,” I whispered, and Jenks’s face went panicked. “Please,” I breathed, my vision starting to mercifully darken. “Please get her. Don’t leave her alone.” My eyes closed. “I hurt her so badly. Don’t let her be alone,” I said, but I didn’t know if it made it into words before I passed out.
I was moving, and it was confusing the hell out of me. I didn’t think I was unconscious, and I certainly didn’t know what was going on, but someone had their arms around me and I could smell the sharp scent of chlorophyll. Piecing together if I was outside with my eyes shut or inside with my eyes open was beyond me. I was cold, but I’d been cold for forever.
I did recognize the dropping sensation followed by a bed pressing into me. I tried to speak but failed. A wide hand cradled my head, and the pillow under it was pulled away. I sank deeper into the comforter as someone propped up my knees and tucked the pillow under it.
“Stay with me, Rache,” came a voice, accompanied by the smell of fudge, and I tried to remember how to open my eyes. Hands were on me, light and warm. “Don’t pass out. Let me get some water in you first, then you can rest.”
My head lolled, accompanied by a pulsing pain in my neck. The voice had been soft, but there was panic under it. The thought of water gave me a name to the feeling I couldn’t figure out. I’m thirsty. Yes, that’s what I’m feeling.
I felt sick, and my lids fluttered as I hung in a state too fatigued to move. I remembered this. I had done this before. “Where’s Keasley?” I whispered, hearing it come from me in a soft breath of air. No one heard me over the sound of running water.
“Jax, get a straw,” the intent voice said. “In the trash by the TV.”
There was the sound of cellophane crackling, and someone moved my legs to wedge another pillow under them. It was as if a veil dropped away, and suddenly everything had meaning. My eyes opened and reality realigned itself. I was in the motel room. I was on the bed with my feet propped higher than my head. I was cold. Jenks had carried me in, and that winged spot of sunshine hovering by the TV was Jax.
Oh God. I had asked Ivy to bite me.
Taking a deep breath, I tried to sit up.
Jenks abruptly had his hands on me, pressing my shoulder down. He’s got big hands, I thought, trying to focus. And warm.
“Not so fast,” he said. “Can you swallow?”
My eyes flicked to the plastic cup in his hand. I licked my lips. I wanted it, but my neck hurt. It hurt bad. “Where’s Ivy?” I slurred.
Jenks’s expression closed. I focused on his green eyes while the edges of my sight grayed. Nausea tightened my gut. Kisten said she had forgotten control while under Piscary’s ungentle touch, possibly killing people in the throes of blood passion. I’d thought she was better. Kisten said she was better. She looked better. Apparently by asking her to divorce her feelings of love from her hunger, I’d taken away what she had used to shackle it. In three minutes I threw her back into the pit of depravity she had struggled so long to escape. I had done it to her. Me.“I’m sorry,” I said, starting to cry, and he took both my hands in one of his to stop them from moving upward to my neck. “I only wanted to understand. I didn’t mean to tip her over the edge. Jenks, don’t be mad at her.”
His fingertips brushed the hair from my forehead, but he wouldn’t meet my gaze, not yet ready to believe. Though his smooth features looked too young for someone who had adult kids, the deep-set pain born in understanding said he had endured a lifetime of joy and sorrow.
“Let me get some water in you before you pass out,” he said, turning away. “Jax!” he snapped, sounding very unlike himself. “Where’s that straw? I don’t want her lifting her head.”
“Which one is hers, Dad?” the adolescent pixy said, his voice high in worry.
“It doesn’t matter. Just get one!”
The reflected light on the ceiling darkened, and from the open door came a hesitant, “She had the Sprite. And her cup is the one with all the buttons punched in.”
Jax rose three feet in a glittering column of sparkles.
How about that? Those plastic dents are of some use after all.
“Get the hell out of here,” Jenks said, seething. The warmth of his fingers slipped from me as he rose to stand above me.
Guilt hit hard, and I wanted to curl up and die. What had I done? I couldn’t fix this. All I’d wanted was to understand Ivy, and now I was lying in a motel room with holes in my neck and my two best friends fighting. My life was a pile of shit. “Jenks,” I whispered, “stop.”
“She wants me here,” Ivy came back with immediately. I could tell she was still in the threshold, and she sounded desperate. “It was an accident. I’ll never touch her again. I can help. I know what to do.”
“I bet you do,” he said snidely, putting his hands on his hips. Now that he was six-foot-four, it didn’t look as aggressive, somehow. “We don’t need you! Get out!”
I wished they would figure this out so someone would give me some water. Jax hovered above me, a red straw taller than he was in his grip. Feeling distant and unreal, I made my eyes wide so I could focus on him. “Dad?” the small pixy called, worried, but they weren’t listening.
“You little twit,” Ivy snapped. “It was an accident! Didn’t you hear her?”
“I heard her.” He left me, his feet silent on the carpet. “She’ll say anything you want now, won’t she? You bound her to you! Damn it, Ivy! You weak-willed, jealous sack of vampire spit. You said you could handle this! You promised me you wouldn’t bite her!”
His shouting was furious, and I went even colder. What if she had bound me to her? Would I be able to tell? 
I desperately wanted to turn my head, but Jax was standing on my nose, his bare feet warm, the scent of sugar and wax coming from the drop hanging on the end of the straw. I wanted it, then felt guilty for wanting water when my friends were going to kill each other.
“I’m not going to tell you again, Jenks. Get out of my way.”
There was an intake of breath, and Jax let out a yelp and darted to the ceiling. I heard a grunt followed by a rolling thump. Adrenaline surged, and I pushed myself up, then slumped against the headboard, neck protesting.
They were grappling on the floor, moving too fast for my blood-starved brain to follow. The small end table had been knocked over, and they were a confusing tangle of legs and arms.
“You’re a lying, manipulative, vamp-bitch whore!” Jenks shouted, twisting violently out of her grip. She leapt at him from a crouch, and the two crashed to the wall. Jenks moved blindingly fast, flowing out from under her, grabbing her arm and landing atop her back, pinning her to the carpet. My God, he was quick.
“Ow,” Ivy said to the wall, abruptly still with Jenks atop her, her arm held at an awkward angle. His other hand held a dagger to her kidneys. When had he gotten a dagger? “Damn it, Jenks,” she said, making a little wiggle. “Get off.”
“Tell me you’re going to leave and not come back,” he said, breath fast and blond hair in disarray, “or I’ll break your arm. And you’re going to stay away from Rachel. Got it? And if I see her trying to get to you because you bound her to you, I’ll find you and kill you twice. I’ll do it, Ivy. Don’t think I can’t!”
My mouth went dry and I started to shake. I was going into shock. My hand pressed to my neck was sticky. I wanted to tell them to stop, but it was all I could do to stay upright.