Reading Online Novel


With these key questions answered, you’re in a perfect position to articulate your initial PAD Strategy. Remember: A PAD Strategy should be a SMART, above-the-shoulders statement of how you will achieve your PAD Goals. Let your PAD Team share and debate different ideas; then prioritize your PAD Goals and Strategies based on the value they will deliver to your company and your ability to support them with your existing budget and staff. Finally, review your prioritized PAD Goals and Strategies with each Marketing practice leader so they can begin to take ownership of the PAD Tactics that will help each goal become a reality.

1. See “ABC Introduces New Name—Alliance for Audited Media—to Reflect Leadership in New World of Media,” Alliance for Audited Media, November, 15, 2012,; Ben Robins, “Summary of Arbitron’s Total Audience Measurement,” NPR Digital Services, January 23, 2012,; “Nielsen and Twitter Establish Social TV Rating,” Nielsen, December 17, 2012,

2. Adam Sutton, “Email Marketing: 900% More Revenue-per-Email from’s Automated Strategy,” MarketingSherpa, November 27, 2012,

3. Jack Neff, “P&G to Slash $10 Billion in Costs over Five Years,” AdAge, February 23, 2012,

4. Scott Cendrowski, “Nike’s New Marketing Mojo,” Fortune, February 13, 2012,

5. Stefany Moore, “How $200,000 in Facebook Ads Becomes $10 million in E-commerce Sales,” Internet Retailer, March 6, 2013,

6. Angela Watercutter, “How Oreo Won the Marketing Super Bowl With a Timely Blackout Ad on Twitter, Underwire (blog), Wired, February 4, 2013,

7. Gregory Karp, “United’s Social Media Efforts Getting off the Ground,” Chicago Tribune, June 9, 2013,

8. Heather Clancy, “Why Bonobos lets its customer service ‘ninjas’ improvise solutions to complaints,” SmartPlanet, August 2, 2012,

9. Kristin Bent, “Cisco to Partners: Use Social Media—You Can Bet Your Competitors Are,” CRN, April 17, 2013,

10. Marcus Wohlsen, “Email Is Crushing Twitter, Facebook for Selling Stuff Online,” Wired, July 1, 2013,

Chapter 23

Build & Engage: Audiences on Demand

Hysteria is impossible without an audience.1

—Chuck Palahniuk

PAD Tactics are the “below the shoulders” efforts of how you’ll execute your PAD Strategies. These initiatives may include:

Audience acquisition initiatives

Audience engagement efforts

Budget reallocations

Cross-channel marketing

Data integration initiatives


Marketing automation

Marketing team alignment and staffing

Optimization of message content, design, or frequency

Paid, Owned, and Earned Media development

Software implementations

While I’d love to cover how all these different tactics serve PAD Strategies, the vagaries of book publishing only permit me to cover two within these pages. However, they’re the most important PAD Tactics of all: how you can build and engage proprietary audiences of your very own.

The all-important tasks of building and engaging proprietary audiences are inextricably linked—a clear reflection of our Hybrid Marketing Era. This is to say that while the best audience-building tactics boost engagement, many of the best engagement tactics will also help you acquire new SEEKERS, AMPLIFIERS, and JOINERS.

What follows are 27 PAD Tactics to build and engage proprietary audiences. For the majority, I have included references to resources that will help you better understand each tactic’s use and value. Consider this just the beginning of your journey into tactical Proprietary Audience Development. For additional PAD Tactics, in-depth analysis, and inspiration, I encourage you to explore our resources at