Engage with FANS/ATTENDEES via SMS on arena/stadium screens.
Inform DONORS and VOLUNTEERS of community needs.
Inform STUDENTS and PARENTS of cancellations and emergencies.
Provide in-game updates to FANS.
SMS also does very well when used in combination with other media like:
Direct mail (Paid Media)
Facebook pages (Owned Media)
In-store signage (Owned Media)
OOH advertising (Paid Media like billboards and placards)
Television commercials (Paid Media)
Examples of such combinations include:
Men’s Warehouse (@MensWarehouse) putting SMS calls to action on changing room signage to encourage SHOPPERS to save $5 off their purchase by texting in and becoming an SMS SUBSCRIBER
Pei Wei Asian Diners (@PeiWei) using in-store signage and social media promotion to get VISITORS and FANS to text-in to become email SUBSCRIBERS and receive a buy-one, get-one meal offer3
Redbox (@Redbox) promoting SMS opt-in on its physical kiosks as well as all of their digital channels to gain SMS SUBSCRIBERS who can be reached on the go4
The Wounded Warrior Project (@WWPInc) asking TV viewers to donate $10 during their Super Bowl XLVII commercial by texting into their short code
SMS works because nearly every consumer uses or has access to the channel and 98 percent of messages received are viewed by recipients—something email, Facebook, Twitter, and any other channel can’t say.5 The difference, of course, is that consumers are more guarded about the brands they’ll invite into SMS communications, and mobile carriers are notoriously punitive in dealing with any brand that sends unwanted messages to consumers. Accordingly, if you do want to integrate SMS into your Proprietary Audience Development efforts, be sure to work with a reputable partner and never, ever send unsolicited SMS messages to consumers. That’s the surest way to turn the SMS channel from an asset into a liability.
You Down with OTT?
As if marketers didn’t have enough acronyms to contend with, a new one has emerged with significant implications for the SMS channel. OTT stands for “Over the Top,” and refers to any service that bypasses mobile carrier networks (ATT, Sprint, Verizon, etc.) in favor of powering peer-to-peer interactions via an Internet connection. A prime example of an OTT service is Skype (@Skype). Instead of paying your mobile carrier to make a phone call, you can make a free video call via the Skype mobile app.
Today’s fastest growing OTT services, however, revolve around text and multimedia messaging services. Snapchat (@Snapchat), WhatsApp (@WhatsApp), and other OTT apps enable free, peer-to-peer messaging (save for their Internet subscription charges). As a result, OTT messaging services now carry more messaging volume than the mobile carriers SMS infrastructure.6
In light of this messaging shift, marketers who rely heavily on SMS would be wise to familiarize themselves with OTT apps to see how brand-to-consumer messaging evolves in the coming years.
FIRST TEXT MESSAGE: The first text message was sent December 3, 1992 from a PC to a mobile device over Vodaphone UK’s network. It said “Merry Christmas.”7
PROPRIETARY AUDIENCES: SUBSCRIBERS. Can also be used to gain email SUBSCRIBERS through text opt-in.
WHO OWNS THE DATA: Mobile carriers own all data. You own the SUBSCRIBER database.
USERS/MESSAGES (WORLD): Est. 3.5 billion users (2012) sending 19.5 billion messages every day (over 7 trillion messages per year).8
SKILLS REQUIRED: Copywriting, message setup, and execution.
GATEKEEPERS: Mobile carriers, SMS messaging providers.
STRENGTHS: Near universal availability of SMS on all cell phones worldwide.
Low relative cost due to simplicity of messaging requirements (text and link only, no design).
High open rates (95 percent or greater) due to nature of the channel (immediate, uncluttered, alerts upon message receipt, etc.).
Easy to set up via SMS providers as well as test messages and offers. Also easy to schedule messaging for future delivery.
Links can be used to drive SEEKERS to Owned Media.
Email address capture can be used to gain permission-based email SUBSCRIBERS.
Geofencing allows you to send location-triggered messaging to SUBSCRIBERS whose mobile device enters a predetermined area.
CHALLENGES: Consumers more cautious about connecting with companies via SMS (vs. email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
SMS spam complaints handled at mobile-carrier level, with onerous penalties for failure to get explicit permission to send or honor requests to stop messaging.
SMS inbox is text only for marketers—no design elements to differentiate messaging. Must make sure to identify your brand as the sender or risk inadvertent spam complaints.
a Mobile email opt-in via SMS is where a consumer texts their email address to a designated number. The integrated SMS/email provider then adds the email SUBSCRIBER while automatically texting and emailing back the opt-in confirmation.