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Virgin Bride(83)

By:B. B. Hamel

I want to hurt him. I want to save this poor fucking girl so badly, but I know this isn’t the time. It disgusts me, but I know it could be much worse for her. He could make her do absolutely anything, and she’d likely obey.

“Impressive,” I say.

“She does much more than bow and kiss feet,” Anton says, grinning. “I keep this one for myself. She sucks cock like a fucking queen. Really chokes on it. Isn’t that right, Cindy?”

“Yes, Anton,” she says, still not moving.

“You love sucking my cock, don’t you girl?”

“Yes, Anton,” she replies.

“Good. Go away now.” She instantly rises, stands, and walks back to her position against the wall.

I cover my disgust by taking a big sip of my coffee.

“Does your girl do that?” Anton asks me.

“She will,” I promise.

“Good. That’s what you’re here for.” He puts an arm over the back of his chair, clearly trying to look casual. “The thing is, there are some problems around here lately.”

“Problems?” I ask, trying not to sound too curious.

“One of the guards went missing. Washed up dead on the beach about a half hour ago. You know anything about that?”

I give him a look. “Of course not.”

“Sure,” he says, shrugging. “It was probably the local cartels. Bastards hate me because I refuse to pay them tribute.”

His explanation comes out too quickly, too rehearsed, and I can feel the danger in the air. I keep myself from looking around but I suspect most people are staring at us right now, and a lot of hands are on a lot of guns at this very moment. I can feel the tension in the air, and although the televisions are still playing loudly, the conversations have mostly died down to a low murmur.

“I’m just here for the girl,” I say. “I don’t know anything about your business with the cartels.”

“Of course not.” Anton sighs. “Just be careful, Logan. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

I nod. “I appreciate the concern.”

“One last thing.” He leans toward me. “The Russians want a new shipment in two weeks, and I want your girl to be a part of that. I want them to see your good work.”

“I understand,” I say. “She’ll be ready.”

“Good, good. Completely trained. I can’t send them some fucking problem. Understand?”

I nod and stand. “Understood.”

“Good. Stay a while, enjoy yourself. Have a girl if you want. Hell, get Cindy to show you what she can do.” Anton grins at me.

“Thanks. But I have some work to do.”

“Okay then. Go get to work. Two weeks!”

I turn and leave, dumping my plate into the trash. I hold onto my coffee and glance at Cindy on the way out.

Her eyes are flat and dead. She looks like she’s an empty vessel just staring at the ground and waiting for it all to go away.

I quickly walk away from that place. I can only imagine the sort of shit those men do in there, and I don’t want to be a part of it. Maybe it looks strange to them, but it doesn’t matter.

Anton wants me to have Riley trained in two weeks, but that’s plenty of time. I’m close now, I can feel it. She’ll be doing what I need her to do soon enough, and we won’t have to worry about that shipment.

Because before two weeks is up, I’ll burn this compound to the ground. I’ll save Cindy and every one of those girls. I’ll make sure Riley is safe and sound and can have a real life again.

But Anton is suspicious of me. I know he is, otherwise I don’t think he would have asked about the dead guard. He can’t prove that I killed that guy, but he can clearly see the connection between something strange happening and a stranger coming to their compound. Not to mention he doesn’t like the way I’m running my operation.

He’s probably looking for any excuse to get rid of me. I’ll have to be extra careful and make sure I’m putting on a good show with Riley. I can’t let Anton do something stupid before I have a chance to finalize our plans to take this place down.

I’ll just have to go see Riley again today.



The morning flew by after I got myself off. I had plenty to read, which just makes time go so much easier.

I can’t stop thinking about what I did. I’ve never been so overcome with desire before like that. I couldn’t even control my actions. I didn’t want to get myself off, but I did, and that’s the most confusing part. I both wanted it and didn’t want it, like everything with Logan.

In any other circumstance, I wouldn’t have these issues. If it were Logan that night at the club, I would have thrown myself at him. But instead we’re in this horrible situation, and I can’t let myself get destroyed by it.