Reading Online Novel

Virgin Bride(69)

I don’t know how long we’re standing there, but suddenly the lights come on. They blind me for a second but soon I blink them away. We continue standing there, unmoving, for what feels like a very long time.

I want to scream. The waiting is the worst part of it. I need to know what they’re going to do, but standing there and waiting for it is driving me nuts. One of the girls starts crying, but I don’t look. She sobs to herself, and someone else tries to shush her, but she just keeps on crying. After a couple of minutes, the bald man comes in and takes the crying girl by the arm.

“Come,” he says.

“Where are you taking me?” she says through her sobs.

“Come,” he says again.

“No!” she screams. He bashes her in the face with his fist. I hear it hit her with a dull thud.

I don’t look. He drags her out of the room and she never comes back.

More time passes. I smell something horrible, like someone wet their pants, but I keep staring straight ahead. I want to sob, but I know what will happen if I do.

Finally, the door opens again. The bald man walks in and stops in front of me.

“Come,” he says.

I step toward him. He nods and I walk in front of him and out of the room. He doesn’t touch me this time.

“End of the hall,” he says, pointing.

I glance at him then back down the hall toward the door that he’s indicating. I take a deep breath then walk toward it.

My heart is pounding. The bald man doesn’t follow me. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me and I’m afraid, very afraid. This could be my last moment on earth. The uncertainty is driving me insane.

I reach the door. I take the handle and slowly pull it open, then I step inside and shut the door behind me.

The room is empty except for a chair with a bright light directly above it. I pause and step toward the light.

“Stop,” a voice says.

I nearly jump and scream, but I control myself. I stop moving completely.

I watch as a man steps from the shadows and into the light. He pauses next to the chair, and I get a good look at him.

He’s in his early thirties at most and incredibly handsome. He has scruff on his face with a square jaw and piercing blue eyes. There’s a small scar on his chin that only makes his otherwise perfect face that much more gorgeous. He’s wearing a white button-down shirt and perfectly fitting jeans. I can see tattoos on his wrists, and for a second I wonder if they cover his entire muscular body.

He steps toward me and I take a sharp breath. I’ve never seen a man like him before. He stops in front of me and reaches out. I don’t flinch as he takes my chin and lifts my eyes to meet his.

“Riley,” he says softly. “My name is Logan.”

“Hello,” I manage to say.

“Do you want to survive this?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Then you’re mine now.”

I blink at him, surprised. I don’t understand what he means by that.

“You’re mine now,” he repeats. “Do you understand?”

“No,” I say honestly.

“You will.” His smile is intense and makes my skin shiver. “You’ll find out very, very soon. And you’re going to like it.”

I take a sharp breath but I don’t look away. I can’t look away, even if I wanted to.



The girl standing in front of me isn’t at all what I expected.

She’s gorgeous, which I knew from the photos, but she doesn’t look afraid. In fact, she looks fierce and angry, like she’s about to attack me at any second.

I like that. I can feel my heart beating fast as my eyes rake over her barely clothed body. I know what I’m going to have to do to her, and there’s a part of me that’s excited for it. Maybe I’m sick, maybe I’m broken, but I want to take this girl and train her to get down on her knees every time I enter the room.

I can’t help myself. I’ve never bothered getting close to a woman before, not with my job. I travel too much, and I don’t need to settle down. I’m damn good at leaving them wanting more, begging for me, moaning for another taste. But I’ve never wanted to take a woman and keep her like I do in this moment.

It’s strange. The other half of me hates this situation and hates all of the men involved. If I could, I’d take the girl and get her out right now. I could do it, too. These guys are all weak and soft, and all we’d need to do is get out of this building. Once we’re in Mexico, getting her out is going to be difficult.

Saving her isn’t my main priority, though. As fucked up as that is, I can’t just take this girl and save her.

That’s not what her father wants.