Reading Online Novel

Virgin Bride(61)

“They are. But it’s over.”

“How?” I ask.

“The baby monitor. As soon as they came in, I set it to record. I think it caught everything.”

“Are you serious?”

“I think so. But either way, I suspect your father will sign tomorrow.”

“How can you be so sure?”

He grins even bigger at me. “I just have a feeling.”

I kiss him softly on the mouth and lose myself in his hug. He pulls me tight against him and I let myself relax as I hold him. I’m through with my family, through with the stress. I have Griffin and that’s going to be enough.



The next day, Rick Fisher signs the contract.

It’s the original contract, the very first version. It’s much more favorable to me, of course, but it’s still a damn good deal for Risk. Especially after all the shit he’s been putting me through. He deserves more, and I suspect he’s going to get it.

Because lucky for me, the baby monitor did record the whole conversation. After the papers are signed, I’m going to mail the recording to the cops and see what they think about Rick Fisher’s attempted kidnapping of his daughter.

He’s going to get his, and it looks like sooner rather than later.

After we sign, Rick and his people file out of the conference room one by one. Risk doesn’t so much as glance in my direction. He looks like a shadow of his former self as he heads toward the elevators.

I feel elated as I head back to my office. Erin is waiting for me in there, sitting at my desk.

I shut the door behind me. “Well, it’s official,” I say. “I now own the Consortium.”

“Congrats.” She stands and comes over to me.

“And you just made a lot of money.”

She hesitates. “Really?”

“Really. Since you own thirty percent of the company, you just made a couple million dollars.”

She blinks. “You’re joking?”

“I’m not.” I kiss her gently. “Congrats to you, Erin McGrath.”

She grins at me and we kiss, slow and deep. It feels like such a relief to finally be done with all of this. Of course, the question of our relationship is still up in the air now, but there’s something a little more pressing that I need to handle.

We break apart and I take her hand. “Come on,” I say. “I want you to see something.”

“What’s that?”

“I have one more thing to do today.” We head out of my office and down the hall.

James’s office is tucked at the opposite end of the building from me. We did that on purpose, so that we’re always close to as many people as possible. I knock on his door then push my way in before he says it’s okay to enter.

He’s sitting at his desk, staring at the keyboard. He barely looks up when we step into the room.

I shut the door behind me. I hate him and want to make sure he gets what’s coming to him, but I don’t want to embarrass him anymore than I have to. After all, we were friends at one point.

“Why’d you do it?” I ask him.

He looks up at me. “I wanted more.”

It’s a simple answer, and I believe it. “Well, you’re ending up with nothing.”

“Griffin. We’ve been friends for a long time.”

“You’re right,” I say. “And I thought that meant something, but clearly it doesn’t.” I step closer to him and lean down over his desk. “You’re fired, James. Pack up your shit.”

He stares at me and nods. “Very well.”

“I’m going to spread this story all over this city. I want everyone to know that you sold out your closest friend. I want to make sure you don’t get hired by anyone ever again.”

He sighs. “I guess I deserve that.”

“You deserve worse. You’re lucky I’m not suing your fucking ass. Now pack up your shit and leave.”

His eyes meet mine and for a second, I think he might say something. Instead, he looks back down at his keyboard.

I move away from his desk, back to Erin. She’s frowning as I open James’s office door.

“Are you okay?” she whispers.

“Fine,” I say. “I just want this scumbag gone.”

I shut the door behind us. James is alone in there, and I hope he stays alone for the rest of his life.

We head back to my office. Once we’re in there, I grab Erin and pull her against me, kissing her deep and slow.

“What now?” she asks me finally.

I shrug a little bit. “I guess that’s up to you.”

“What do you mean?” she asks.

“I mean, I’m in this. I don’t want you to leave, if you don’t want to.” I stare into her eyes, and there’s no hesitation inside of me. “I love you, Erin McGrath.”