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Virgin Bride(50)

By:B. B. Hamel

After Griffin goes to work, this feels a little more normal. I spend the day with Lacey like I always do, keeping her occupied and happy, though in the back of my mind I can’t help but wonder what’s happening with Griffin at his job.

My family has to know at this point. There’s no way they don’t. I’m sure James immediately went to my father and told him what was happening, and if he didn’t, I’m sure he knows all about it now. This sort of thing doesn’t stay secret for very long.

I haven’t gotten a phone call. I expected something from my father or my mother, but neither of them are getting in contact with me. I thought my father would be furious, absolutely crazed with anger, but instead I’m getting nothing but silence from him.

In some ways, that’s worse. Although he’s a very bad man and he deserves whatever he gets, he’s still my father, and I still have that weird instinctive desire to make him proud. I don’t want anything to do with him and yet I don’t want him to be disappointed in me. I know it’s crazy and stupid but it’s really how I feel.

I keep looking at my phone and wondering when they’ll call, but maybe they never will. I know I crossed a line by marrying Griffin like this, and I’m sure my father’s aware that I only married Griffin to spite him. I’m betting he thinks that I’m dead to him.

Maybe that’s for the best. I never want to go back there, and if he doesn’t want me to come back, I won’t ever be tempted to try and make amends with my family. Maybe it’s better that they just see me as some traitorous whore or whatever they think. When this is all over, I can live my life without them, and I won’t ever have to worry about them coming to bother me.

I take a deep breath and smile. It does feel a little liberating. I’m out of their shadow and no longer under their control. I’m married to the enemy and I’ve fully embraced my role as a traitor to my awful family. They’re going to go down and they’re going to deserve it, and I have to admit that I like that I’m a part of their demise.

I do worry that our plan isn’t working, though. Maybe this won’t get to my father at all and he just won’t care. He’ll keep on doing what he’s doing and he’ll resist the urge to get riled up and thrown off by this little stunt. He’s a smart man and I bet he can see this marriage for what it really is, but he’s not a level-headed guy. I can’t imagine he’s not seething right now.

I just want some word, some sign that this was worth it. Maybe that’s stupid and selfish, but I guess I want proof that my sacrifices are all worthwhile in the end. I don’t want to be the idiot who wastes her virginity and marries the first guy that asks her to, even if he doesn’t really like her. I want this plan to be real and to work, and I don’t want to look like an idiot.

I can’t keep these thoughts from swirling around my brain as I spend the day with Lacey. I take her out to the park before her nap just to give myself something to do. She goes down and sleeps easily enough, and I make some lunch while she’s out cold, breathing peacefully in her crib.

Just as I’m finished eating, my phone starts to buzz. I practically jump out of my chair so I can run over and answer it. My heart is beating fast and I realize that I expect it to be my father.

Instead, it’s Griffin.

“Hello,” I answer it.

“Hey,” he says. “How’s Lacey?”

“She’s good.” I pause for a second, frowning. “How’s everything there?”

“Word moves fast in an office,” he says, laughing. “Everyone knows about our marriage.”

“Really?” I have to admit, I’m surprised. I expected the key people to know about this, but not his whole office.

“Yeah, I guess James wasn’t discreet.”

“Probably a cover for him telling my father.”

Griffin pauses for a second. “You’re probably right,” he says, thoughtfully. “If everyone knows, it won’t be weird that your father knows as well.”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.” He sounds a little stressed, which surprises me. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him sound stressed before.

“What about?”

“Can we meet in person?”

“Of course,” I say. “Lacey is down for her nap right now.”

“When she’s up, come to my office.”

“What’s this about?” I can feel my nerves starting to tingle all through my skin.

“Nothing bad. Just… something interesting came up. Come visit soon.”