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Virgin Bride(159)

By:B. B. Hamel

I cocked my head, my eyes narrowing at the doorway. “Yes?” I called out. “Al? Do you need something?”

There was no immediate response. The hairs on the back of my neck began to tingle, and a bad feeling welled up into my gut.

“What’s wrong?” Bryce asked.

I didn’t have time to answer. A man appeared in the doorway, his gun out. I could only react, my military training taking over. I grabbed Bryce by the shoulders and shoved her down to the ground near the bed, and I toppled over on top of her.

The man’s gun went off once, twice. I felt pain flare up in my shoulder as we hit the ground, putting the bed between us and the attacker.

Bryce screamed.

“Stay down,” I said, shoving my hand underneath the mattress. The man was moving, but not fast enough.

I felt the cold steel of the gun I kept there. Ever since I’d joined the military, I slept with a gun, loaded and ready, underneath the mattress. It wasn’t exactly safe, but it made me feel better. I wasn’t a crazy person, but I did live with a healthy dose of paranoia. Anyone who lived in the public eye had to, and that went double for monarchs.

And I was sure fucking glad I did it, too. I pulled the gun and fired off some shots. The man turned and stumbled backward, firing wildly.

I took better aim and fired again. I caught him in the arm and then the chest. I fired three more times until he fell to the ground.

“Stay,” I said to Bryce, walking over to the man. I put another bullet in his head from a distance.

Seconds later, Al burst into the room.

“Your Highness!” he yelled. “What happened?”

“An assassin,” I hissed at him. “Al, how the fuck did he get in here?”

Al shook his head, shocked. “Nobody came in or out of the castle today without authorization.”

“Where were you?”

“Next door, Your Highness.”

I nodded, my jaw tight. I’d forgotten I had relieved him. “You did well getting here so fast, Al.”

“Your Highness, you’re bleeding.”

I checked my shoulder. He was right.

“Surface wound,” I said. “He clipped me. Take care of this.”

I tossed the gun aside and quickly went to Bryce. She was huddled on the ground next to the bed, her eyes wide.

“It’s okay,” I said to her. “It’s okay. I’m going to get you some clothes and then we’ll get out of here. Okay?”

“Who was that man?” she asked.

“An assassin,” I said. “This was probably the real plan. The attacks were just a distraction.”

“Trip,” she said softly, “you saved my life.”

I shrugged and got up as more security people started to come in.

“Everyone,” I barked, “get the fuck out. Secure the perimeter. Search the castle room by room. Any unauthorized people are to be taken to the dungeons. Lock the doors. Nobody in or out until I say so.”

The men reacted to my command instantly, relaying orders over the comm system. I got a pair of sweatpants and a shirt out of the closet for Bryce and handed them to her before getting dressed myself.

Once she was clothed, I helped her up. She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly against her.

“It’s going to be okay,” I said to her. “I promise, assassins are not a common thing these days.”

“Trip,” she said, “you killed him.”

“He’s not the first man I’ve killed,” I said softly.

I pulled her back and kissed her lips gently. “Come on. Let’s get into the other room, away from him.” I picked her up, swooping her off her feet, and carried her into the living room. I didn’t want her to have to step over him, or risk her stepping in his blood.

Once there, I put her down on the couch. I got her a blanket and began to make tea.

“Sir,” Al said, “the castle is locked down. We’re beginning the sweep now.”

“Update me every five minutes,” I said. “When the sweep is complete, update me every fifteen.”


“And get someone to clean up this fucking body.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Al disappeared back outside.

Once the herbal tea was finished, I carried it over to Bryce and placed it down in front of her. I sipped from my cup, frowning at her.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“I think so,” she said. “I mean, I’m not hurt. Just in shock.”

I nodded. “Of course. That sort of thing should never happen here.”

“It should never happen anywhere.”

“Of course, but my security failed. I was too cocky.”

“Trip, this isn’t your fault.”