Reading Online Novel

Virgin Bride(119)

Riley looks at me, fear on her face, and suddenly horror strikes through me. The fear isn’t of dying, but of letting Riley down. They’ll kill me and then they’ll take her, and if they escape with her, they’ll abuse her until she’s used up and finished.

I can’t let that happen. No matter what, I have to resist them. I have to fight back. In the end, I’m the only thing that’s standing between Riley and certain torture, abuse, and doom.

Anton’s laughter breaks through the silence again and I’m stuck, rooted in place, with no clue how to move.



I knew it was too good to be true. I knew I couldn’t have what I really wanted.

When Logan walked into the room, at first I thought I was dreaming. The dust spread up around him and I thought maybe I finally broke, maybe I’m finally dead. But no, it was him, the real him, and he kissed me. And he loves me.

It was the best moment of my life. Maybe that’s sad, but it’s the truth. Before that, I’d never been loved, not really, not truly. My father used me like everyone else in my life. I had friends, of course, and maybe they loved me, but not like Logan does. They wouldn’t sacrifice like Logan would.

It felt good, so good, to finally hear the words. At some level, I knew it from the beginning that I loved him, but I wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. It started to become clear, but he never actually spoke it, which somehow makes it more real. Hearing the words brings it all into reality.

But he didn’t say it, and then I thought he was dead. Seeing him again, feeling him again, and hearing those words, well, they brought me back.

I was ready to die. I was ready to destroy myself and move on to whatever’s next. Now though, my hope is returned and life continues.

At least for a minute or two.

Anton’s laugh tears through my chest like a knife. The guards slowly come toward me and Logan drops his gun and puts his hands up. I glare at him, not sure why he’s giving up, but I follow his lead. He knows what he’s doing, and I don’t think he’s going to give in so easily.

“I caught you, sneaky bitch.” Anton steps between the guards at the far end of the hall and claps his hands as machine guns go off nearby.

“Well done, Logan,” he says. “You sneaky bastard. You almost got away with it.”

Logan grins at him. “I still might.”

“Doesn’t look that way.”

“From the sound of it, I don’t think you’re going to last very long.”

“Oh, that’s true, for sure. But you’re not going to get through this, either.”

“So what, you’re going to kill us?” Logan laughs. “Hollow victory. You’ll be gunned down soon enough.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Can’t deny it.” Anton walks toward us, still grinning like a maniac. The guards behind him exchange glances, like they’re not so keen on what they’re hearing from their leader. “So maybe we’ll all die in a blaze of glory. But you won’t survive it, either.”

“What makes you keep going, Anton?” Logan asks. “If you surrender, I know my people will spare your life.”

“Your people.” Anton spits on the ground. “Who are you?”

“Navy SEAL. Badass. Lady slayer.” Logan grins and I can’t help but smile. “I’m the guy that’s going to kill you.”

I know what he’s doing. It’s pretty clear that he wants to keep Anton talking, which makes sense. The more Anton talks, the closer he gets to us and the longer we live. I’m guessing Logan hopes that his people can get to us in time.

More than that, it’s clear that Anton’s soldiers aren’t as keen on dying as he is. They’re already looking at each other like it’s time to drop their weapons, and I know Logan is going to exploit that.

“Very funny,” Anton says, smiling like an insane person. “So very funny. I can see why she likes you.” Anton’s gaze turns to me and I feel like I want to vomit. “So, Riley, how does it feel to still be mine?”

“I’m not yours,” I say.

Anton walks closer and Logan steps in front of him. Anton laughs and pull a gun from his waistband.

“Move,” he says. “Let me see my property.”

“Drop the gun, Anton,” Logan says loudly, loud enough for the other guards to hear it. “You don’t have to die today. It’s all over, anyway. Drop your gun and surrender. My people aren’t the cops, so they won’t throw you in jail. You’ll get to keep living.”

“I don’t give a shit about living,” Anton says, eye wild. I can tell he’s on the edge. “I just want to kill you now, you fucking bastard.”