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Virgin Bride(117)

By:B. B. Hamel

I could get out and sneak back in through the gap in the wall, but this is the fastest route. I’m fairly sure that Anton hasn’t spread the word about my death just yet, and so the guards at the gate probably won’t think twice about letting me back inside. It’s a small risk, but it’s one I have to take.

I pull up to the gate and honk. The front pulls open and Miguel steps out.

He cocks his head at me, a little surprised, and walks up to the window.

“Everything good?” he asks. “Where are the others?”

“Shit went bad,” I say. I can’t really pretend otherwise considering the bullet holes and the blood. “Gotta talk to Anton.”

Miguel narrows his eyes. He’s clearly skeptical, but I need to push forward.

“Now, you fucking asshole,” I yell at him. “This can’t wait.”

He nods and lets me through. I let out a sigh of relief as I pull around the corner and park the truck in line with the others.

I slip back into the main building, skirting around and going through the back entrance. There are guys around, but most don’t give me a second glance. I guess it’s not uncommon to see a bloody and angry looking gringo walking around this place, which says a lot about them.

I hurry through the halls, not stopping for anything, until I’m outside of Riley’s cell. Heart beating fast, I use my keys to open the door.

And I stare in at an empty room.

“Shit,” I whisper to myself.

They took her already. I slowly close the door and stumble back until I hit the wall behind me.

I don’t know where Riley is. I wrack my brain, trying to guess where they put her, but it could be anywhere. There are hundreds of cells in this fucking shithole, and she could be in any one of them.

But no, I have to think. I know the ones that are filled already. And I know Anton. He wouldn’t put her in just any cell. He’s going to want to take his anger out on her and make sure that she’s broken for the upcoming shipment.

That means he’s going to take a personal involvement with her. I might be wrong, but it’s a starting point at least. I head over toward Anton’s private area, near that large room he’s always hiding in.

Just then, I hear some shouting. I begin to walk faster, not sure what’s happening. It could be the operation going down or maybe it’s just the normal bullshit going on, but I can’t be sure.

As I turn the corner, two guards with their guns drawn come rushing toward me. They start shouting in Spanish, too fast for me to understand.

They might just be asking me for directions or greeting me, but I doubt it. Based on their expressions, they’re supremely unhappy with something I’ve done.

No time to waste. As the first guard comes near me and goes to lift his gun, I step in toward him lightning-fast and shove my elbow into his throat. I grab his gun and control it, bringing it toward the other guard just as it starts firing. The second guard is lit up with bullets and drops to the ground. I twist the gun and rip it from the first guard’s hands then bring it up and finish him off.

The guards slump to the ground, dead in seconds, and now I have no time to waste. I move forward, gun at the ready.

Just then, I hear more shouting and the unmistakable sound of automatic rifle fire. It’s coming from the direction of the front gate, which means that the operation is definitely going down.

They must have tracked me coming back into the compound and decided to move their timetable up. That worries me. It might mean they think I’m a traitor, which suggests that they’ll come after me as well as everyone else in here. I can’t be sure of that, and so I’ll have to be extra careful when they finally breach the inner compound. I don’t want to get caught up in some friendly fire situation.

I move through the hallways and fortunately don’t come up against any more guards. I’m guessing they’re mostly outside holding back the breach that’s happening at the wall.

I move through the halls slowly, trying not to get caught off balance. Finally, I move down the hallway where Anton’s quarters are located.

I don’t know which rooms are cells, and so I just start trying knobs. The first room is a janitorial closet. The next one is a bathroom. The next one looks like some kind of observational room, which is strange.

I pause and move further into that room. There’s a single chair sitting in front of what looks like a two-way mirror. The mirror isn’t large, though. It’s the shape of a normal window mirror, like something you’d see in a bathroom. I can’t see what’s on the other side until I walk right up to it.

Riley is sitting on her bed, looking afraid. I can see bruising on her face, but otherwise she looks okay. My heart leaps in my chest from joy, but it’s quickly replaced with anger.